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Halil Özgür halilim

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halilim / iTerm2
Created January 4, 2024 11:43
Set iTerm2 subtitle to current git folder or working directory

Put this in shell init scripts (after iterm2_shell_integration):

function iterm2_print_user_vars() {
  iterm2_set_user_var pathShort "$(iterm2_custom_path_short)"

function iterm2_custom_path_short() {
  local dir
 dir=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null || pwd)
halilim / Homebrew OpenSSH with macOS
Created December 29, 2023 20:50
Homebrew OpenSSH with macOS keychain


  1. macOS (14.2.1) ssh (OpenSSH_9.4p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6) is vulnerable to Terrapin attack (as reported by the scanner).
  2. The regular OpenSSH (e.g. via Homebrew) doesn't support the UseKeychain option


  1. Automator > new Application > Run Shell Script: ~/bin/login-script, save as Login
  2. Create a new file ~/bin/login-script with contents:
halilim / Chrome_remove_auto_search_engines.js
Last active July 4, 2017 11:58
Remove automatically created search engines from Chrome.
var others = document.querySelectorAll("#other-search-engine-list .deletable-item:not([lead=lead])");
var toBeRemoved = [...others].filter(function(listItem) {
var keyword = listItem.querySelector(".keyword-column .static-text").innerText;
return keyword.includes(".") &&
listItem.querySelector(".url-column .static-text").innerText.toLowerCase().includes(
if (confirm(`Search engines: \
${document.querySelectorAll("#default-search-engine-list .deletable-item").length} default, \
halilim / daily_whois_halil_im.js
Last active May 24, 2017 18:57
Simple AWS Lambda script to notify by SNS if a domain is expiring within 3 days
// Simple AWS Lambda function to notify if the domain is expiring within 3 days.
// Tested on Node.js 6.10 runtime.
// * Create an SNS topic and an SNS subscription with the email you want to be notified
// * Create the function with a trigger of "CloudWatch Events - Schedule" with rate: 1 day
// * Provide the SNS topic ARN to the function as an environment variable
// * Create and attach a policy to the role of this function with sns:Publish on the SNS topic ARN
// (logs:CreateLogGroup, logs:CreateLogStream & logs:PutLogEvents on a logs ARN should already be there)
/* eslint-env node,es6 */
/* eslint no-console: "off" */
halilim /
Last active July 14, 2020 20:49
Text editor color theme test

(Open the files in your editor and try out different color schemes)

It should highlight Markdown headers

It should handle basic styling like inline code, italic text, bold text, but should not italicize_inline under_lined text.

  • A list item
  • Some inline code
  • Etc lorem ipsum
require 'set'
def find_uniq(ids)
# O(n) space
# uniqs =
# ids.each do |id|
# uniqs.delete(id) unless uniqs.add?(id)
# end
# uniqs.first
# O(1) space
halilim / trace_calls.rb
Created March 21, 2016 09:02
A refactoring of TraceCalls (Metaprogramming - Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0, 4th edition)
module TraceCalls
def self.included(base)
[base, base.singleton_class].each do |klass|
klass.instance_methods(false).each do |existing_method|
wrap(klass, existing_method)
def base.method_added(method)
TraceCalls.run_method_added(self, method, __method__)
halilim / inheritance_hierarchy.rb
Last active August 20, 2016 18:53
Demonstrating Ruby class/module method inheritance hierarcy
module Extendable # :nodoc:
def self.extended(base)
base.include InstanceMethods
module InstanceMethods # :nodoc:
def hello
puts 'hello from Extendable'
halilim /
Last active February 22, 2021 14:13
Move Heroku Postgres to Amazon AWS RDS
  1. Prepare your RDS instance and [authorize access to it][1] (basically make it public).

  2. Put your app in maintenance mode:

    heroku maintenance:on
  3. Save the latest SQL dump of the DB:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am halilim on github.
  • I am halil ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCTFoy6Tqz9aQRrOCeOjMkn9M_xyoPNpU3g5_mbYMCpTgo

To claim this, I am signing this object: