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Last active February 4, 2018 19:40
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Zipline Data Source which pulls from Memecache
""" MemcacheDataSource Class to pull data from memcache on demand for a simulation, minimizing data load time for a
simulation, and allowing Memcached stock data to be shared by multiple parallel simulations.
The MemCacheData class implements methods to act in compliance with the `zipline.algorithm.TradingAlgorithm.sources`
This means implementing the following methods (with line numbers per v0.9.0 linked above):
* `sids` (Line 562)
* iterator (or generator) methods (439) like:
- '__iter__'
- 'next'
This implies the need for each memcached object to behave like the "data source" provided by
A fine example by cowmoo of a custom Data Source was followed:
However, as cowmoo's example is a bit old, there are some changes needed. Namely, the `sids` must be mapped to `symbols` outside of
this datasource class and then passed in (see `__init__`). Also the `TradingEnvironment` object is now used instead of how cowmoo did it.
Using MemcacheDataSource requires the following memcached data:
* YYYYMMDDHHmm Timestamp key in format of `KEY_DATE_FORMAT` (YYYYMMDDHHmm) must have value
To minimize loading a list of symbols from disk or database, I also memcached:
* `symbols_idx` key must have value of a python list of all stock symbols in your "universe"
See bottom `if __name__...` code for an example of how to use this in an algo.
__author__ = 'hamx0r'
from zipline.sources.data_source import DataSource
from import trading
import pandas as pd
class MemcacheDataSource(DataSource):
"""This is a custom data source that generates random quotes with random
quote as an demonstration to how to create a custom data source
environment = trading.TradingEnvironment()
def __init__(self, symbols, sids, bars, start, end):
""" Constructor for the data source
symbols : array
Symbols to simulate the custom data source on
bars : string
'minute' or 'daily'
start : pd.Timestamp
start date of data source
end: pd.Timestamp
end date of data sourceS
self._raw_data = None
self.symbols = symbols
#self.sids = sids
self.sids = sids
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.bars = bars
def mapping(self):
return {
'dt': (lambda x: x, 'dt'),
'sid': (lambda x: x, 'sid'),
'price': (float, 'price'),
'volume': (int, 'volume'),
def instance_hash(self):
return "MemcacheDataSource"
def raw_data_gen(self):
""" The generator function that is used by zipline to iterate through the custom
data source, modify code here to connect to a database or parse through a file
# figure out the frequency of the data source
if self.bars == 'daily':
freq = pd.datetools.BDay()
elif self.bars == 'minute':
freq = pd.datetools.Minute()
raise ValueError('%s bars not understood.' % self.bars)
# figure out trading days in the given date range
days = self.environment.days_in_range(self.start, self.end)
if self.bars == 'daily':
index = days
if self.bars == 'minute':
index = pd.DatetimeIndex([], freq=freq)
for day in days:
day_index = self.environment.market_minutes_for_day(day) #generate the trading minutes in the given day
index = index.append(day_index)
# iterate through the available trading interval in this data source's date range
for minute in index:
prices = mc_client.get(minute.strftime(KEY_DATE_FORMAT))
for idx, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols):
price = prices[idx]
# yield the data event to zipline backtester thread
to_yield = {'dt': minute, # timestamp (e.g., 2013-12-10 00:00:00+00:00)
'sid': symbol, # symbol (e.g., AAPL)
'price': price,
'volume': 1e9 # Choose a large volume if you don't have data available
yield to_yield
def raw_data(self):
if not self._raw_data:
self._raw_data = self.raw_data_gen()
return self._raw_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
from zipline.algorithm import TradingAlgorithm
stocks = mc_client.get('stocks_idx')
start = datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, pytz.utc)
end = datetime(2016, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, pytz.utc)
sim_params = factory.create_simulation_parameters(start=start, end=end)
# set this backtest to have minute bars
sim_params.emission_rate = 'minute'
sim_params.data_frequency = 'minute'
sim_params.first_open = sim_params.period_start
sim_params.last_close = sim_params.period_end
sim_params.capital_base = 1e4 # set your starting cash here
# Here you'll refer to your custom algo class which must subclass `TradingAlgorithm`
algo = MyAlgo(sim_params)
sids = algo._write_and_map_id_index_to_sids(
stocks, start,
source = MemcacheDataSource(stocks, sids, 'minute', start, end)
results =
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