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Last active June 30, 2022 15:45
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Holds the stub data (concerning the smcalflow application) to test the system.
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import timedelta
from opendf.defs import get_system_date
# not bothering with nicknames for now
DBPerson = namedtuple(
'DBPerson', ['fullName', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'id', 'phone_number', 'email_address',
'manager_id', 'friends'])
db_persons = [
DBPerson('John Doe', 'John', 'Doe', 1001, '41761231001', '[email protected]', 1006, []),
# friend of Adam (current user)
DBPerson('Jane Doe', 'Jane', 'Doe', 1002, '41761231002', '[email protected]', 1003, []),
DBPerson('Jon Smith', 'Jon', 'Smith', 1003, '41761231003', '[email protected]', 1004, []),
# friend of Adam (current user)
# DBPerson('John_Smith', 'John', 'Smith', 1003, '41761231004', '[email protected]', 1004, []), # friend of Adam (current user)
DBPerson('Jane Smith', 'Jane', 'Smith', 1004, '41761231004', '[email protected]', 1004, []),
DBPerson('Jerry Skinner', 'Jerry', 'Skinner', 1005, '41761231005', '[email protected]', 1004, []),
# friend of Adam (current user)
DBPerson('Dan Smith', 'Dan', 'Smith', 1006, '41761231006', '[email protected]', 1004, []),
DBPerson('Adam Smith', 'Adam', 'Smith', 1007, '41761231007', '[email protected]', 1004, [1001, 1003, 1004]),
# <<<< current user!
DBPerson('Janice Kang', 'Janice', 'Kang', 1008, '41761231007', '[email protected]', 1004, [1001, 1003, 1004]),
DBPerson('Cher Rob', 'Cher', 'Rob', 1009, '41761231007', '[email protected]', 1004, [1001, 1003, 1004]),
# when looking for a name - if friendship is considered, then "John" is ambiguous, but "Jane" means Jane Smith.
# for demos - we fill the dummy database with values relative to system's date, to avoid having to manually change the
# dates remember that the coming Friday may be before the coming Wednesday...
# all of these days are AFTER system's date
td = get_system_date()
dt = td + timedelta(days=1) # tomorrow
d0 = td + timedelta(days=[i for i in range(1, 8) if (td + timedelta(days=i)).isoweekday() == 2][0]) # next Tuesday
d1 = td + timedelta(days=[i for i in range(1, 8) if (td + timedelta(days=i)).isoweekday() == 3][0]) # next Wednesday
d2 = td + timedelta(days=[i for i in range(1, 8) if (td + timedelta(days=i)).isoweekday() == 4][0]) # next Thursday
d3 = td + timedelta(days=[i for i in range(1, 8) if (td + timedelta(days=i)).isoweekday() == 5][0]) # next Friday
d5 = td + timedelta(days=[i for i in range(1, 8) if (td + timedelta(days=i)).isoweekday() == 7][0]) # next Sunday
dTomorrow = '%d/%d/%d/' % (dt.year, dt.month, # the coming Tuesday
dTue = '%d/%d/%d/' % (d0.year, d0.month, # the coming Tuesday
dWed = '%d/%d/%d/' % (d1.year, d1.month, # the coming Wednesday
dThu = '%d/%d/%d/' % (d2.year, d2.month, # the coming Thursday
dFri = '%d/%d/%d/' % (d3.year, d3.month, # the coming Friday
dSun = '%d/%d/%d/' % (d5.year, d5.month, # the coming Sunday
# TODO: separate between events and calendar
# each user should have a personal calendar, which has events, and for each event has
# showAs status and accept/reject flag
# each event has invitees (and inviter?), but not the status/reply per user
# for multiple attendees - semicolon separated (NOT comma - this interferes with sexp parsing!!)
DBevent = namedtuple('DBevent', ['id', 'subject', 'start', 'end', 'location', 'attendees', 'accepted', 'showas'])
# This shows the entries in the schedule of a specific user (not included in the attendees)
db_events = [
DBevent(1, 'flight', dTue + '3/0', dTue + '3/30', 1, [1007],
['Accepted', 'Accepted', 'Declined'], ['Busy', 'Busy', 'Free']),
WeatherPlace = namedtuple("WeatherPlace",
['id', 'name', 'address', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'radius', 'always_free', 'is_virtual'])
ZURICH_COORDINATES = 47.374444, 8.541111
BERN_COORDINATES = 46.947633, 7.404997
TOKYO_COORDINATES = 35.701067, 139.755280
BARCELONA_COORDINATES = 41.411023, 2.163190
weather_places = [
WeatherPlace(0, 'online', "", None, None, None, True, True),
WeatherPlace(1, 'room1', "Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland", *ZURICH_COORDINATES, 20, True, False),
WeatherPlace(2, 'room2', "Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland", *BERN_COORDINATES, 20, True, False),
WeatherPlace(3, 'room3', "Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland", *ZURICH_COORDINATES, 20, True, False),
WeatherPlace(4, 'room4', "Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland", *BERN_COORDINATES, 20, True, False),
WeatherPlace(5, 'room5', "Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland", *ZURICH_COORDINATES, 20, True, False),
WeatherPlace(6, 'jeffs', "Bern, Bern, Switzerland", *BERN_COORDINATES, 20, True, False),
WeatherPlace(7, 'zurich', "Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland", *ZURICH_COORDINATES, 7500, True, False),
WeatherPlace(8, 'bern', "Bern, Bern, Switzerland", *BERN_COORDINATES, 8800, True, False),
WeatherPlace(9, 'tokyo', "Tokyo, Kanto, Japan", *TOKYO_COORDINATES, 17000, True, False),
WeatherPlace(10, 'barcelona', "Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain", *BARCELONA_COORDINATES, 5700, True, False),
WeatherPlace(11, 'letzipark', "", 47.386596, 8.499430, 80, False, False),
WeatherPlace(12, 'home', "Bahnhofstrasse 1, 8001 Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland", 47.367436, 8.539832, 30, False,
weather_types = ['cloud', 'clear', 'rain', 'snow', 'storm', 'wind', 'sleet']
('zurich', [(-2, 'snow'), (0, 'cloud'), (5, 'rain'), (7, 'storm'), (10, 'wind'), (10, 'clear'), (0, 'sleet')]),
('bern', [(-5, 'clear'), (-2, 'cloud'), (0, 'snow'), (4, 'rain'), (4, 'rain'), (5, 'cloud'), (0, 'clear')]),
('tokyo', [(-8, 'snow'), (-6, 'cloud'), (-6, 'snow'), (0, 'cloud'), (-2, 'clear'), (0, 'rain'), (2, 'rain')]),
[(13, 'rain'), (17, 'rain'), (18, 'clear'), (20, 'clear'), (18, 'cloud'), (17, 'rain'), (21, 'clear')]),
place_has_features = {
6: ["HappyHour"]
(1, 1): "NewYearsDay",
(5, 1): "TestDay", # test purpose
(25, 12): "Christmas",
(31, 12): "NewYearsEve"
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