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Last active January 3, 2018 15:17
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ES6 katas for Strings -
// 63: String - `includes()`
describe('`string.includes()` finds string within another string', function() {
describe('find a single character', function() {
it('in a three char string', function() {
const searchString = 'x';
assert.equal('xyz'.includes(searchString), true);
it('reports false if character was not found', function() {
const expected = false;
assert.equal('xyz'.includes('abc'), expected);
describe('find a string', function() {
it('that matches exactly', function() {
const findSome = findMe => 'xyz'.includes(findMe);
assert.equal(findSome('xyz'), true);
describe('search for an empty string, is always true', function() {
it('in an empty string', function() {
const emptyString = '';
assert.equal(''.includes(emptyString), true);
it('in `abc`', function() {
const actual = 'abc'.includes('');
assert.equal(actual, true);
describe('special/corner cases', function() {
it('search for `undefined` in a string fails', function() {
const findInAbc = (what) => 'abc'.includes(what);
assert.equal(findInAbc(void 0), false);
it('searches case-sensitive', function() {
const findInAbc = (what) => 'abc'.includes(what);
assert.equal(findInAbc('A'), false);
it('must NOT be a regular expression', function() {
const regExp = /^$/;
assert.throws(() => {''.includes(regExp)});
describe('coerces the searched "thing" into a string', function() {
it('e.g. from a number', function() {
const actual = '123'.includes(3);
assert.equal(actual, true);
it('e.g. from an array', function() {
const actual = '123'.includes([1]);
assert.equal(actual, true);
it('e.g. from an object, with a `toString()` method', function() {
const objWithToString = {toString() { return 1 }};
assert.equal('123'.includes(objWithToString), true);
describe('takes a position from where to start searching', function() {
it('does not find `a` after position 1 in `abc`', function() {
const position = 1;
assert.equal('abc'.includes('a', position), false);
it('even the position gets coerced', function() {
const findAtPosition = (pos) => 'xyz'.includes('z', pos);
assert.equal(findAtPosition('2'), true);
describe('invalid positions get converted to 0', function() {
it('e.g. `undefined`', function() {
const findAtPosition = (pos) => 'xyz'.includes('x', pos);
assert.equal(findAtPosition(void 0), true);
it('negative numbers', function() {
const findAtPosition = (pos) => 'xyz'.includes('x', pos);
assert.equal(findAtPosition(-2), true);
it('NaN', function() {
const findAtPosition = (pos) => 'xyz'.includes('x', pos);
assert.equal(findAtPosition(NaN), true);
// 71: String - `repeat()`
describe('`str.repeat(x)` appends `x` copies of `str` to each other and returns it', function() {
describe('pass the count to `str.repeat(count)`', function() {
it('for `1` the string stays the same', function() {
const what = 'one'.repeat(1);
assert.equal(what, 'one');
it('for `3` the string `x` becomes `xxx`', function() {
const actual = 'x'.repeat(3);
assert.equal(actual, 'xxx');
it('for `0` an empty string is returned', function() {
const dontRepeat = 0;
assert.equal('shrink'.repeat(dontRepeat), '');
it('the count is not an int, such as "3", it gets coerced to an int', function() {
const repeated = 'three'.repeat('3');
assert.equal(repeated, 'threethreethree');
describe('throws an error for', function() {
it('a count of <0', function() {
const belowZero = -1;
assert.throws(() => { ''.repeat(belowZero); }, RangeError);
it('a count of +Infinty', function() {
let infinity = +Infinity;
assert.throws(() => { ''.repeat(infinity); }, RangeError);
describe('accepts everything that can be coerced to a string', function() {
it('e.g. a boolean', function() {
let aBool = false;
assert.equal(, 2), 'falsefalse');
it('e.g. a number', function() {
let aNumber = 1;
assert.equal(, 2), '11');
describe('for my own (string) class', function() {
it('calls `toString()` to make it a string', function() {
class MyString { toString() { return 'my string'; } }
const expectedString = 'my string';
assert.equal(String(new MyString()).repeat(1), expectedString);
it('`toString()` is only called once', function() {
let counter = 1;
class X {
toString() {
return counter++;
let repeated = String(new X()).repeat(2);
assert.equal(repeated, '11');
// 72: String - `startsWith()`
describe('`str.startsWith(searchString)` determines whether `str` begins with `searchString`.', function() {
const s = 'the string s';
describe('1st parameter, the string to search for', function() {
it('works with just a character', function() {
const actual = s.startsWith('t');
assert.equal(actual, true);
it('works with a string', function() {
const expected = true;
assert.equal(s.startsWith('the'), expected);
it('works with unicode characters', function() {
const nuclear = '☢ NO';
assert.equal(nuclear.startsWith('☢'), true);
it('a regular expression throws a TypeError', function() {
const aRegExp = /^$/;
assert.throws(() => {''.startsWith(aRegExp)}, TypeError);
describe('2nd parameter, the position where to start searching from', function() {
it('find "str" at position 4', function() {
const position = 4;
assert.equal(s.startsWith('str', position), true);
it('`undefined` is the same as 0', function() {
const _undefined_ = undefined;
assert.equal(s.startsWith('the', _undefined_), true);
it('the parameter gets coerced to an int', function() {
const position = '4';
assert.equal(s.startsWith('str', position), true);
it('a value larger than the string`s length, returns false', function() {
const expected = false;
assert.equal(s.startsWith(' ', s.length + 1), expected);
describe('transfer the functionality to other objects', function() {
const startsWith = (...args) =>;
it('e.g. a boolean', function() {
let aBool = true;
assert.equal(startsWith(!aBool, 'false'), true);
it('e.g. a number', function() {
let aNumber = 1900;
assert.equal(startsWith(aNumber + 84, '1984'), true);
it('also using the position works', function() {
const position = 1;
assert.equal(startsWith(1994, '99', position), true);
// 74: String - `endsWith()`
describe('`str.endsWith(searchString)` determines whether `str` ends with `searchString`.', function() {
const s = 'el fin';
describe('1st parameter, the string to search for', function() {
it('works with just a character', function() {
const doesEndWith = s.endsWith('n');
assert.equal(doesEndWith, true);
it('works with a string', function() {
const expected = true;
assert.equal(s.endsWith('fin'), expected);
it('works with unicode characters', function() {
const nuclear = 'NO ☢';
assert.equal(nuclear.endsWith('☢'), true);
it('a regular expression throws a TypeError', function() {
const aRegExp = /^$/;
assert.throws(() => {''.endsWith(aRegExp)}, TypeError);
describe('2nd parameter, searches within this string as if this string were only this long', function() {
it('find "el" at a substring of the length 2', function() {
const endPos = 2;
assert.equal(s.endsWith('el', endPos), true);
it('`undefined` uses the entire string', function() {
const _undefined_ = undefined;
assert.equal(s.endsWith('fin', _undefined_), true);
it('the parameter gets coerced to an int', function() {
const position = '5';
assert.equal(s.endsWith('fi', position), true);
describe('value less than 0', function() {
it('returns `true`, when searching for an empty string', function() {
const emptyString = '';
assert.equal('1'.endsWith(emptyString, -1), true);
it('return `false`, when searching for a non-empty string', function() {
const notEmpty = '1';
assert.equal('1'.endsWith(notEmpty, -1), false);
describe('transfer the functionality to other objects', function() {
const endsWith = (...args) =>;
it('e.g. a boolean', function() {
let aBool = true;
assert.equal(endsWith(!aBool, 'lse'), true);
it('e.g. a number', function() {
let aNumber = 84;
assert.equal(endsWith(aNumber + 1900, 84), true);
it('also using the position works', function() {
const position = '3';
assert.equal(endsWith(1994, '99', position), true);
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