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Last active January 3, 2018 13:30
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ES6 katas for Maps -
// 44: Map - basics
describe('`Map` is a key/value map', function(){
it('`Map` is a new global constructor function', function() {
assert.equal(typeof Map, 'function');
it('provides `new Map().set()` to add key+value pair, `get()` to read it by key', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set('key', 'value');
const value = map.get('key');
assert.equal(value, 'value');
it('`has()` tells if map has the given key', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set('key', 'value');
const hasIt = map.has('key');
assert.equal(hasIt, true);
it('a map is iterable', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set('1', 'one');
map.set('2', 'two');
const mapAsArray = Array.from(map); // hint: kata #29
assert.deepEqual(mapAsArray, [['1', 'one'], ['2', 'two']]);
it('complex types can be keys', function() {
const obj = {x: 1};
const otherObj = {x: 1};
let map = new Map();
map.set(obj, '');
assert.equal(map.has(otherObj), false);
// 45: Map.prototype.get()
describe('`Map.prototype.get` returns the element from the map for a key', function(){
it('`get(key)` returns the value stored for this key', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set('key', 'value');
const value = map.get('key');
assert.equal(value, 'value');
it('multiple calls still return the same value', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set('value', 'value');
var value = map.get(map.get(map.get('value')));
assert.equal(value, 'value');
it('requires exactly the value as passed to `set()`', function() {
let map = new Map();
const obj = {};
map.set(obj, 'object is key');
assert.equal(map.get(obj), 'object is key');
it('leave out the key, and you get the value set for the key `undefined` (void 0)', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set(void 0, 'yo');
const value = map.get(undefined);
assert.equal(value, 'yo');
it('returns undefined for an unknown key', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set(void 0, 1);
const value = map.get('undef');
assert.equal(value, void 0);
// 46: Map.prototype.set()
describe('`Map.prototype.set` adds a new element with key and value to a Map', function(){
it('simplest use case is `set(key, value)` and `get(key)`', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set('key', 'value');
assert.equal(map.get('key'), 'value');
it('the key can be a complex type too', function() {
const noop = function() {};
let map = new Map();
map.set(noop, 'the real noop');
assert.equal(map.get(noop), 'the real noop');
it('calling `set()` again with the same key replaces the value', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set('key', 'value');
map.set('key', 'value1');
assert.equal(map.get('key'), 'value1');
it('`set()` returns the map object, it`s chainable', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set(1, 'one')
.set(2, 'two')
.set(3, 'three')
assert.deepEqual([], [1,2,3]);
assert.deepEqual([], ['one', 'two', 'three']);
// 62: Map - `has()`
describe('`map.has()` indicates whether an element with a key exists', function() {
it('finds nothing in an empty map', function() {
let map = new Map();
const hasKey = map.has(void 0);
assert.equal(hasKey, false);
it('finds an element by it`s key', function() {
let map = new Map([['key', 'VALUE']]);
const hasKey = map.has('key');
assert.equal(hasKey, true);
it('finds `undefined` as key too', function() {
let map = new Map([[void 0, 'not defined key']]);
const hasUndefinedAsKey = map.has(undefined);
assert.equal(hasUndefinedAsKey, true);
it('does not coerce keys', function() {
let map = new Map([['1', 'one']]);
const findsStringOne = true;
assert.equal(map.has('1'), findsStringOne);
it('after removal (using `map.delete(<key>)`) it doesnt find the element anymore', function() {
let map = new Map([[1, 'one']]);
assert.equal(map.has(1), false);
it('adding an item (using `map.set(key, value)`) later will make `has()` return true', function() {
let map = new Map();
map.set(void 0, 'undefined')
assert.equal(map.has(void 0), true);
// 53: Map - initialize
describe('initialize a `Map`', function(){
it('a `new Map()` is empty, has size=0', function() {
const mapSize = new Map().size;
assert.equal(mapSize, 0);
it('init Map with `[[]]` has a size=1', function() {
const mapSize = new Map([[]]).size;
// { undefined: undefined }
assert.equal(mapSize, 1);
it('init a Map with `[[1]]` is the same as `map.set(1, void 0)`', function() {
let map1 = new Map([[1]]);
let map2 = new Map().set(1, void 0);
assertMapsEqual(map1, map2);
it('init Map with multiple key+value pairs', function() {
const pair1 = [1, 'one'];
const pair2 = [2, 'two'];
const map = new Map([pair1, pair2]);
assertMapsEqual(map, new Map().set(...pair1).set(...pair2));
it('keys are unique, the last one is used', function() {
const pair1 = [1, 'one'];
const pair2 = [1, 'uno'];
const pair3 = [1, 'eins'];
const pair4 = [2, 'two'];
const map = new Map([pair1, pair2, pair3, pair4]);
assertMapsEqual(map, new Map().set(...pair3).set(...pair4));
it('init Map from an Object, is a bit of work', function() {
let map = new Map();
const obj = {x: 1, y: 2};
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
keys.forEach(key => map.set(key, obj[key]));
const expectedEntries = [['x', 1], ['y', 2]];
assertMapsEqual(map, expectedEntries);
function mapToArray(map) {
return Array.from(map);
function assertMapsEqual(map1, map2) {
assert.deepEqual(mapToArray(map1), mapToArray(map2));
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