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import math
import numpy as np
import decimal
import sys
import re
from decimal import Decimal
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
log10Two = decimal.Decimal(2).log10()
# com: Combination calculator (n choose m calculator)
def com(n, m):
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
Min = min(m, n - m)
result = decimal.Decimal(1)
for j in range(0, Min):
result = result * decimal.Decimal(n - j) / decimal.Decimal(Min - j)
return result
# Gauss: Calculator for the cost of Pooled Gauss
def Gauss(N, k, t):
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
log10Two = decimal.Decimal(2).log10()
# 2^pp = the probability of guessing successfully in one iteration
pp = com(N - k, t).log10() / log10Two - (com(N, t).log10() / log10Two)
# T = the cost of inverting a matrix via Strassen’s algorithm
if N - k > k:
T = pow(k, 2.8)
T = pow(N - k, 2.8)
return np.log2(T) - float(pp)
############## ISD against LPN over F_2, including SD_ISD and BJMM_ISD ###################
###### SD_ISD: Calculator for the cost of SD-ISD #####
# sub_SD_ISD: Calculator for the cost of SD-ISD given additional parameters p and l
def sub_SD_ISD(N, k, t, l, p):
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
log10Two = decimal.Decimal(2).log10()
# make p and l reasonable: both p and k+l are positive even number
l = int((k + l) / 2) * 2 - k + 2
p = int(p / 2) * 2
L0 = com(int((k + l) / 2), int(p / 2))
logL0 = L0.log10() / log10Two
logS = logL0 * 2 - l
# quickly break, since the cost should be larger than logL0 and logS
if logL0 > 230:
return 230
if logS > 230:
return 230
S = decimal.Decimal(2) ** logS
if N - k - l < 1:
return 23333
# T1: the cost of one iteration
Tgauss = decimal.Decimal((N - k - l) * N) / decimal.Decimal(np.log2(N - k - l))
T1 = Tgauss + 2 * L0 + 2 * S
T1 = T1 * decimal.Decimal(N)
# 2^pp = the probability of guessing successfully in one iteration
pp = com(N - k - l, t - p).log10() / log10Two - (com(N, t).log10() / log10Two)
pp = pp + l + logS
# quickly break, since the probability should be smaller than 1
if pp >= 0:
return 230
return float(T1.log10() / log10Two - pp)
# min_SD_ISD: Calculator for the cost of SD-ISD given additional parameters p based on ternary search
# Note: the result of sub_SD_ISD convex in l
def min_SD_ISD(N, k, t, p):
start = 1
end = int((N - k - 8))
Tstart = sub_SD_ISD(N, k, t, start, p)
Tend = sub_SD_ISD(N, k, t, end, p)
min = Tstart
while end - start > 30:
mid1 = int((end - start) / 3) + start
mid2 = end - int((end - start) / 3)
Tmid1 = sub_SD_ISD(N, k, t, mid1, p)
Tmid2 = sub_SD_ISD(N, k, t, mid2, p)
if Tmid1 > Tmid2:
start = mid1
min = Tmid2
end = mid2
min = Tmid1
if start < 10:
start = 0
start = start - 10
for l in range(start, end + 10, 1):
T = sub_SD_ISD(N, k, t, l, p)
if T <= min:
min = T
return min
# SD_ISD: Calculator for the cost of SD-ISD invoking min_SD_ISD
# Note that the result of sub_SD_ISD convex in p and l
def SD_ISD(N, k, t):
wholemin = sub_SD_ISD(N, k, t, 0, 0)
for p in range(int(t / 2)):
min = min_SD_ISD(N, k, t, p)
if min <= wholemin:
wholemin = min
if min > wholemin + 30:
return wholemin
###### BJMM_ISD: Calculator for the cost of BJMM_ISD #####
# sub_BJMM_ISD: Calculator for the cost of BJMM_ISD given additional parameters p2, l, e1, e2, r1 and r2
def sub_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2, l, e1, e2, r1, r2, localmin):
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
log10Two = decimal.Decimal(2).log10()
# make p2 and l reasonable: both p2 and k+l are positive even number
l = int((k + l) / 2) * 2 - k + 2
p2 = int(p2 / 2) * 2
p1 = 2 * (p2 - e2)
p = 2 * (p1 - e1)
S3 = com(int((k + l) / 2), int(p2 / 2))
logS3 = S3.log10() / log10Two
logC3 = logS3 * 2 - r2
C3 = decimal.Decimal(2) ** logC3
S2 = C3
logC2 = 2 * logC3 - r1
C2 = decimal.Decimal(2) ** logC2
logmu2 = com(p2, e2).log10() / log10Two + (com(k + l - p2, p2 - e2).log10() / log10Two)
logmu2 = logmu2 - com(k + l, p2).log10() / log10Two
logS11 = logmu2 + logC2
logS12 = com(k + l, p1).log10() / log10Two - (r1 + r2)
logS1 = logS11
if logS11 > logS12:
logS1 = logS12
S1 = decimal.Decimal(2) ** logS1
logC1 = logS1 * 2 - l + r1 + r2
C1 = decimal.Decimal(2) ** logC1
logmu1 = com(p1, e1).log10() / log10Two + (com(k + l - p1, p1 - e1).log10() / log10Two)
logmu1 = logmu1 - com(k + l, p1).log10() / log10Two
logS01 = logmu1 + logC1
logS02 = com(k + l, p).log10() / log10Two - l
logS0 = logS01
if logS01 > logS02:
logS0 = logS02
# quickly break, since the cost should be larger than logS3, logC3 and logC2
if logS3 > localmin:
return 230
if logC3 > localmin:
return 230
if logC2 > localmin:
return 230
# T1: the cost of one iteration
Tgauss = decimal.Decimal((N - k - l) * N) / decimal.Decimal(np.log2(N - k - l))
T1 = Tgauss + 8 * S3 + 4 * C3 + 2 * C2 + 2 * C1
T1 = T1 * decimal.Decimal(N)
logT1 = T1.log10() / log10Two
# 2^pp = the probability of guessing successfully in one iteration
pp = com(N - k - l, t - p).log10() / log10Two + l + logS0
pp = pp - (com(N, t).log10() / log10Two)
# quickly break, since the probability should be smaller than 1
if pp >= 0:
return 223
return float(logT1 - pp)
# min_sub_BJMM_ISD: Calculator for the cost of BJMM_ISD given additional parameters p2, l
# Note that the the optimal parameter estimation relies on Hamdaoui and Sendrier "A non asymptotic analysis of information set decoding"
def min_sub_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2, l):
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
log10Two = decimal.Decimal(2).log10()
# We focus on the LPN problem whose bit security is smaller than 230
localmin = 230
for e2 in range(p2):
p1 = 2 * (p2 - e2)
start_e1 = max(0, p1 - int(t / 2))
if p1 < start_e1:
for e1 in range(start_e1, p1):
p = 2 * (p1 - e1)
term1 = com(int((k + l) / 2), int(p2 / 2)).log10() / log10Two
term2 = com(k + l, p1).log10() / log10Two
logmu2 = com(p2, e2).log10() / log10Two + (com(k + l - p2, p2 - e2).log10() / log10Two)
logmu2 = logmu2 - (com(k + l, p2).log10() / log10Two)
logmu2 = logmu2 + 4 * term1 - term2
optimal_r2 = int(logmu2)
if optimal_r2 < 0:
optimal_r2 = 0
if optimal_r2 >= l:
optimal_r2 = l - 1
term3 = com(p1, e1).log10() / log10Two + (com(k + l - p1, p1 - e1).log10() / log10Two)
term4 = term3 + (com(k + l, p1).log10() / log10Two) - (com(k + l, p).log10() / log10Two)
optimal_r1 = int(term4) - optimal_r2
if optimal_r1 < 0:
optimal_r1 = 0
if optimal_r2 + optimal_r1 >= l:
optimal_r1 = l - optimal_r2 - 1
minT = sub_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2, l, e1, e2, optimal_r1, optimal_r2, localmin)
if minT < localmin:
localmin = minT
return localmin
# min_BJMM_ISD: Calculator for the cost of BJMM_ISD given additional parameters p2 based on ternary search
# Note: the result of min_sub_BJMM_ISD convex in l
def min_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2):
start = 0
end = int((N - k - 2) / 8)
Tstart = min_sub_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2, start)
min = Tstart
while end - start > 10:
mid1 = int((end - start) / 3) + start
mid2 = end - int((end - start) / 3)
Tmid1 = min_sub_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2, mid1)
Tmid2 = min_sub_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2, mid2)
if Tmid1 > Tmid2:
start = mid1
min = Tmid2
end = mid2
min = Tmid1
if start < 5:
start = 0
start = start - 5
for l in range(start, end + 5, 1):
T = min_sub_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2, l)
if T <= min:
min = T
return min
# SD_ISD: Calculator for the cost of SD-ISD invoking min_BJMM_ISD
# Note that the result of min_BJMM_ISD convex in p2
def BJMM_ISD(N, k, t):
wholemin = 230
min = wholemin
for p2 in range(0, int(t), 2):
min = min_BJMM_ISD(N, k, t, p2)
if min < wholemin:
wholemin = min
if min > wholemin + 8:
return wholemin
############## sub_SD_ISDq: Calculator for the cost of ISD_ISD against LPN over F_q ###################
# sub_SD_ISDq: Calculator for the cost of SD-ISD over F_q given additional parameters p and l
def sub_SD_ISDq(N, k, t, q, l, p):
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
log10Two = decimal.Decimal(2).log10()
# make p and l reasonable: both p and k+l are positive even number
l = int((k + l) / 2) * 2 - k + 2
p = int(p / 2) * 2
L0 = com(int((k + l) / 2), int(p / 2)) * decimal.Decimal(pow(q - 1, int(p / 2)))
logL0 = com(int((k + l) / 2), int(p / 2)).log10() / log10Two + decimal.Decimal(int(p / 2)) * (
decimal.Decimal(q - 1).log10() / log10Two)
logS = 2 * logL0 - decimal.Decimal(l) * (decimal.Decimal(q).log10() / log10Two)
S = decimal.Decimal(2) ** logS
# We focus on the LPN problem whose bit security is smaller than 230
# quickly break, since the cost should be larger than logL0 and logS
if logS > 230:
return 230
if logL0 > 230:
return 230
# T1: the cost of one iteration
Tgauss = decimal.Decimal((N - k - l) * N) / decimal.Decimal(np.log2(N - k - l))
T1 = Tgauss + 2 * L0 + 2 * S
T1 = T1 * decimal.Decimal(N)
logT1 = T1.log10() / log10Two
# 2^pp = the probability of guessing successfully in one iteration
pp = com(N - k - l, t - p).log10() / log10Two - (com(N, t).log10() / log10Two)
pp = pp + decimal.Decimal(l) * (decimal.Decimal(q).log10() / log10Two)
pp = pp - decimal.Decimal(p) * (decimal.Decimal(q - 1).log10() / log10Two)
pp = pp + logS
# quickly break, since the probability should be smaller than 1
if pp >= 0:
return 230
return float(logT1 - pp)
# min_SD_ISDq: Calculator for the cost of SD-ISDq given additional parameters p based on ternary search
# Note: the result of sub_SD_ISDq convex in l
def min_SD_ISDq(N, k, t, q, p):
start = 1
end = int((N - k - 8))
Tstart = sub_SD_ISDq(N, k, t, q, start, p)
min = Tstart
while end - start > 30:
mid1 = int((end - start) / 3) + start
mid2 = end - int((end - start) / 3)
Tmid1 = sub_SD_ISDq(N, k, t, q, mid1, p)
Tmid2 = sub_SD_ISDq(N, k, t, q, mid2, p)
if Tmid1 > Tmid2:
start = mid1
min = Tmid2
end = mid2
min = Tmid1
if start < 10:
start = 0
start = start - 10
for l in range(start, end + 10, 1):
T = sub_SD_ISDq(N, k, t, q, l, p)
if T <= min:
min = T
return min
# SD_ISD: Calculator for the cost of SD-ISD invoking min_SD_ISD
# Note that the result of sub_SD_ISD convex in p and l
def SD_ISD_q(N, k, t, q):
wholemin = sub_SD_ISDq(N, k, t, q, 0, 0)
for p in range(int(t / 2)):
min = min_SD_ISDq(N, k, t, q, p)
if min <= wholemin:
wholemin = min
if min > wholemin + 30:
T1 = Gauss(N, k, t)
if wholemin > T1:
wholemin = T1
return wholemin
############## ISD against LPN over Z_{2^\lambda}, including SD_ISD and BJMM_ISD ###################
def SD_ISD_lam(N, k, t, lam):
w = int(t * pow(2, lam - 1) / (pow(2, lam) - 1) + 1)
return SD_ISD(N, k, min(w, t))
def BJMM_ISD_lam(N, k, t, lam):
w = int(t * pow(2, lam - 1) / (pow(2, lam) - 1) + 1)
return BJMM_ISD(N, k, min(w, t))
##################### Statistical decoding attack ###########################
# The cost of statistical decoding attack over F_2
def SDfor2(N, k, t):
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
log10Two = decimal.Decimal(2).log10()
pp = decimal.Decimal(N - t + 1) / decimal.Decimal(N - k - t)
pp = pp.log10() / log10Two
pp = pp * 2 * t
return np.log2(k + 1) + float(pp)
# The cost of statistical decoding attack over a larger field
def SDforq(N, k, t):
decimal.getcontext().prec = 170
log10Two = decimal.Decimal(2).log10()
pp = com(N, t).log10() / log10Two - (com(N - k - 1, t).log10() / log10Two)
return np.log2(k + 1) + float(2 * pp)
# The cost of statistical decoding 2.0 attack over F_2
def SD2for2(N, k, t):
s = math.floor(Gauss(N, k, t))
T = SDfor2(N, k - s, t)
return T
def SD2forq(N, k, t, q):
s = math.floor(Gauss(N, k, t) / math.log2(q))
T = SDforq(N, k - s, t)
return T
##################### The recent algebraic attack (AGB), in EC23 ###########################
# The cost of AGB over F_q
def subsubAGBforq(n, k, h, f, mu):
n = decimal.Decimal(n)
k = decimal.Decimal(k)
h = decimal.Decimal(h)
f = decimal.Decimal(f)
mu = decimal.Decimal(mu)
beta = decimal.Decimal(math.floor(n / h))
a1 = -(n - k - h)
a2 = (n - k - h) * (n - k - h - 1) / 2
a3 = -(n - k - h) * (n - k - h - 1) * (n - k - h - 2) / 6
a4 = (n - k - h) * (n - k - h - 1) * (n - k - h - 2) * (n - k - h - 3) / 24
b1 = (beta - mu - 1) * f
b2 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 2 * f * (f - 1) / 2
b3 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 3 * f * (f - 1) * (f - 2) / 6
b4 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 4 * f * (f - 1) * (f - 2) * (f - 3) / 24
c1 = (beta - 1) * (h - f)
c2 = (beta - 1) ** 2 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) / 2
c3 = (beta - 1) ** 3 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) * (h - f - 2) / 6
c4 = (beta - 1) ** 4 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) * (h - f - 2) * (h - f - 3) / 24
d2 = a1 * b1 + a1 * c1 + b1 * c1 + a2 + b2 + c2
d3 = c3 + b1 * c2 + b2 * c1 + b3 + a1 * (b1 * c1 + b2 + c2) + a2 * (b1 + c1) + a3
d4 = c4 + b1 * c3 + b2 * c2 + b3 * c1 + b4 + a1 * (b1 * c2 + b2 * c1 + b3 + c3) + a2 * (b2 + c2 + b1 * c1) + a3 * (
b1 + c1) + a4
if d2 < 1:
return 2
if d3 < 1:
return 3
if d4 < 1:
return 4
return 0
def subAGBforq(n, k, h, f, mu):
n = decimal.Decimal(n)
k = decimal.Decimal(k)
h = decimal.Decimal(h)
f = decimal.Decimal(f)
mu = decimal.Decimal(mu)
beta = decimal.Decimal(math.floor(n / h))
a1 = (beta - mu - 1) * f
a2 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 2 * f * (f - 1) / 2
a3 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 3 * f * (f - 1) * (f - 2) / 6
a4 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 4 * f * (f - 1) * (f - 2) * (f - 3) / 24
b1 = (beta - 1) * (h - f)
b2 = (beta - 1) ** 2 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) / 2
b3 = (beta - 1) ** 3 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) * (h - f - 2) / 6
b4 = (beta - 1) ** 4 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) * (h - f - 2) * (h - f - 3) / 24
c1 = (h - 1)
c2 = (h) * (h - 1) / 2
c3 = (h + 1) * (h) * (h - 1) / 6
c4 = (h + 2) * (h + 1) * (h) * (h - 1) / 24
d = subsubAGBforq(n, k, h, f, mu)
d2 = a1 + b1 + c1 + a1 * b1 + a1 * c1 + b1 * c1 + a2 + b2 + c2
if d == 2:
cost = d2
elif d == 3:
d3 = c3 + b1 * c2 + b2 * c1 + b3 + a1 * (b1 * c1 + b2 + c2) + a2 * (b1 + c1) + a3
cost = d2 + d3
elif d == 4:
d3 = c3 + b1 * c2 + b2 * c1 + b3 + a1 * (b1 * c1 + b2 + c2) + a2 * (b1 + c1) + a3
d4 = c4 + b1 * c3 + b2 * c2 + b3 * c1 + b4 + a1 * (b1 * c2 + b2 * c1 + b3 + c3) + a2 * (
b2 + c2 + b1 * c1) + a3 * (b1 + c1) + a4
cost = d2 + d3 + d4
return 1000000
return 2 * cost.log10() / log10Two + (3 * (k + 1 - f * mu)).log10() / log10Two - f * (
1 - mu / beta).log10() / log10Two
def AGBforq(n, k, h):
n = decimal.Decimal(n)
k = decimal.Decimal(k)
finalcost = 999999
finalf = 99999
finalmu = 999999
for f in range(0, h):
for mu in range(0, math.floor(n / h)):
if f * mu < k + 1:
subcost = subAGBforq(n, k, h, f, mu)
if finalcost > subcost:
finalcost = subcost
finalf = f
finalmu = mu
return round(finalcost, 2)
# The cost of AGB over F_2
def subsubAGBfor2(n, k, h, f, mu):
n = decimal.Decimal(n)
k = decimal.Decimal(k)
h = decimal.Decimal(h)
f = decimal.Decimal(f)
mu = decimal.Decimal(mu)
beta = decimal.Decimal(math.floor(n / h))
a1 = (beta - mu - 1) * f
a2 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 2 * f * (f - 1) / 2
a3 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 3 * f * (f - 1) * (f - 2) / 6
a4 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 4 * f * (f - 1) * (f - 2) * (f - 3) / 24
b1 = (beta - 1) * (h - f)
b2 = (beta - 1) ** 2 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) / 2
b3 = (beta - 1) ** 3 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) * (h - f - 2) / 6
b4 = (beta - 1) ** 4 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) * (h - f - 2) * (h - f - 3) / 24
c1 = -(n - k - 1)
c2 = (n - k) * (n - k - 1) / 2
c3 = -(n - k + 1) * (n - k) * (n - k - 1) / 6
c4 = (n - k + 2) * (n - k + 1) * (n - k) * (n - k - 1) / 24
d2 = a1 + b1 + c1 + a1 * b1 + a1 * c1 + b1 * c1 + a2 + b2 + c2
d3 = c3 + b1 * c2 + b2 * c1 + b3 + a1 * (b1 * c1 + b2 + c2) + a2 * (b1 + c1) + a3
d4 = c4 + b1 * c3 + b2 * c2 + b3 * c1 + b4 + a1 * (b1 * c2 + b2 * c1 + b3 + c3) + a2 * (b2 + c2 + b1 * c1) + a3 * (
b1 + c1) + a4
if d2 < 1:
return 2
if d3 < 1:
return 3
if d4 < 1:
return 4
return 0
def subAGBfor2(n, k, h, f, mu):
n = decimal.Decimal(n)
k = decimal.Decimal(k)
h = decimal.Decimal(h)
f = decimal.Decimal(f)
mu = decimal.Decimal(mu)
beta = decimal.Decimal(math.floor(n / h))
a1 = (beta - mu - 1) * f
a2 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 2 * f * (f - 1) / 2
a3 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 3 * f * (f - 1) * (f - 2) / 6
a4 = (beta - mu - 1) ** 4 * f * (f - 1) * (f - 2) * (f - 3) / 24
b1 = (beta - 1) * (h - f)
b2 = (beta - 1) ** 2 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) / 2
b3 = (beta - 1) ** 3 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) * (h - f - 2) / 6
b4 = (beta - 1) ** 4 * (h - f) * (h - f - 1) * (h - f - 2) * (h - f - 3) / 24
d = subsubAGBfor2(n, k, h, f, mu)
d2 = a1 + b1 + a1 * b1 + a2 + b2
if d == 2:
cost = d2
elif d == 3:
d3 = b3 + a1 * b2 + a2 * b1 + a3
cost = d2 + d3
elif d == 4:
d3 = b3 + a1 * b2 + a2 * b1 + a3
d4 = b4 + a1 * b3 + a2 * b2 + a3 * b1 + a4
cost = d2 + d3 + d4
return 1000000
return 2 * cost.log10() / log10Two + (3 * (k + 1 - f * mu)).log10() / log10Two - f * (
1 - mu / beta).log10() / log10Two
def AGBfor2(n, k, h):
n = decimal.Decimal(n)
k = decimal.Decimal(k)
finalcost = 999999
finalf = 99999
finalmu = 999999
for f in range(0, h):
for mu in range(0, math.floor(n / h)):
if f * mu < k + 1:
subcost = subAGBfor2(n, k, h, f, mu)
if finalcost > subcost:
finalcost = subcost
finalf = f
finalmu = mu
return round(finalcost, 2)
##################### Bit security of LPN and dual LPN ###########################
# We propose a non-asymptotic cost of the information set decoding algorithm, Pooled Gauss attack, and statistical decoding attack
# against the LPN problem over finite fields F_q or a ring Z_{2^\lambda} with parameters
# LPN parameters: N (number of queries),
# k (length of secret),
# t (Hamming weight of noise),
# q (size of field) and
# lambda (bit size of ring)
# dual LPN parameters:n (corresponding to the number of COT/VOLE correlations),
# N (number of queries),
# t (Hamming weight of noise),
# q (size of field) and
# lambda (bit size of ring)
# noise parameters: exact or regular. Noise parameters can be either exact or regular. Default functions apply to exact noise, unless labeled as "regular".
def analysisfor2(N, k, t):
T1 = Gauss(N, k, t)
T2 = SDfor2(N, k, t)
T3 = SD2for2(N, k, t)
T4 = SD_ISD(N, k, t)
T5 = BJMM_ISD(N, k, t)
return min(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)
def analysisfor2regular(N, k, t):
T1 = AGBfor2(N, k, t)
N = N - t
k = k - t
T2 = analysisfor2(N, k, t)
return min(T1, T2)
def analysisfordual2(n, N, t):
k = N - n
return analysisfor2(N, k, t)
def analysisfordual2regular(n, N, t):
k = N - n
return analysisfor2regular(N, k, t)
def analysisforq(N, k, t, q):
T1 = SD_ISD_q(N, k, t, q)
T2 = SDforq(N, k, t)
T3 = Gauss(N, k, t)
T4 = SD2forq(N, k, t, q)
return min(T1, T2, T3, T4)
def analysisforqregular(N, k, t, q):
T1 = AGBforq(N, k, t)
T2 = analysisforq(N, k, t, q)
return min(T1, T2)
def analysisfordualq(n, N, t, q):
k = N - n
return analysisforq(N, k, t, q)
def analysisfordualqregular(n, N, t, q):
k = N - n
return analysisforqregular(N, k, t, q)
def analysisfor2lambda(N, k, t, lam):
t = min(t, int(t * pow(2, lam - 1) / (pow(2, lam) - 1) + 1))
return analysisfor2(N, k, t)
def analysisfor2lambdaregular(N, k, t, lam):
return analysisfor2lambda(N, k, t, lam)
def analysisfordual2lambda(n, N, t, lam):
k = N - n
return analysisfor2lambda(N, k, t, lam)
def analysisfordual2lambdaregular(n, N, t, lam):
k = N - n
return analysisfordual2lambda(n, N, t, lam)
def help():
"============================================input error ================================================")
print("input format of exact LPN: C:\\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 exact")
"or C:\\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 lambda=13 exact #(bit security of exact LPN with ring size 2^lambda)")
print("or C:\\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 q=13 exact #(bit security of exact LPN with field size q")
print("or C:\\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 exact #(bit security of dual exact LPN)")
"or C:\\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 lambda=13 exact #(bit security of dual exact LPN with ring size 2^lambda)")
print("or C:\\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 q=13 exact #(bit security of dual exact LPN with field size q")
print(" ============================================================================================")
print("input format of regular LPN: C:\\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 regular")
"or C:\\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 lambda=13 regular #(bit security of regular LPN with ring size 2^lambda)")
print("or C:\\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 q=13 regular #(bit security of regular LPN with field size q")
print("or C:\\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 regular #(bit security of dual regular LPN)")
"or C:\\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 lambda=13 regular #(bit security of dual regular LPN with ring size 2^lambda)")
print("or C:\\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 q=13 regular #(bit security of dual regular LPN with field size q")
##################### main() function ###########################
def main():
# print(len(sys.argv))
if len(sys.argv) < 4 or len(sys.argv) > 6:
elif 'n' in sys.argv[1] and 'N' in sys.argv[2] and 't' in sys.argv[3]:
n = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[1]).pop())
N = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[2]).pop())
t = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[3]).pop())
if len(sys.argv) == 5 and 'x' in sys.argv[-1]:
print("bit security of dual exact LPN (n=" + str(n) + ", N=" + str(N) + ", t=" + str(t) + "):")
print(analysisfordual2(n, N, t))
elif len(sys.argv) == 5 and 'r' in sys.argv[-1]:
print("bit security of dual regular LPN (n=" + str(n) + ", N=" + str(N) + ", t=" + str(t) + "):")
print(analysisfordual2regular(n, N, t))
elif 'q' in sys.argv[-2] and 'x' in sys.argv[-1]:
q = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[-2]).pop())
print("bit security of dual exact LPN (n=" + str(n) + ", N=" + str(N) + ", t=" + str(t) + ", q=" + str(
q) + "):")
print(analysisfordualq(n, N, t, q))
elif 'q' in sys.argv[-2] and 'r' in sys.argv[-1]:
q = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[-2]).pop())
"bit security of regular LPN (n=" + str(n) + ", N=" + str(N) + ", t=" + str(t) + ", q=" + str(q) + "):")
print(analysisfordualqregular(n, N, t, q))
elif 'lambda' in sys.argv[-2] and 'x' in sys.argv[-1]:
lam = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[-2]).pop())
print("bit security of dual exact LPN (n=" + str(n) + ", N=" + str(N) + ", t=" + str(t) + ", lambda=" + str(
lam) + "):")
print(analysisfordual2lambda(n, N, t, lam))
elif 'lambda' in sys.argv[-2] and 'r' in sys.argv[-1]:
lam = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[-2]).pop())
"bit security of dual regular LPN (n=" + str(n) + ", N=" + str(N) + ", t=" + str(t) + ", lambda=" + str(
lam) + "):")
print(analysisfordual2lambdaregular(n, N, t, lam))
elif 'N' in sys.argv[1] and 'k' in sys.argv[2] and 't' in sys.argv[3]:
N = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[1]).pop())
k = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[2]).pop())
t = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[3]).pop())
if len(sys.argv) == 5 and 'x' in sys.argv[-1]:
print("bit security of exact LPN (N=" + str(N) + ", k=" + str(k) + ", t=" + str(t) + "):")
print(analysisfor2(N, k, t))
elif len(sys.argv) == 5 and 'r' in sys.argv[-1]:
print("bit security of regular LPN (N=" + str(N) + ", k=" + str(k) + ", t=" + str(t) + "):")
print(analysisfor2regular(N, k, t))
elif 'q' in sys.argv[-2] and 'x' in sys.argv[-1]:
q = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[-2]).pop())
print("bit security of exact LPN (N=" + str(N) + ", k=" + str(k) + ", t=" + str(t) + ", q=" + str(
q) + "):")
print(analysisforq(N, k, t, q))
elif 'q' in sys.argv[-2] and 'r' in sys.argv[-1]:
q = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[-2]).pop())
print("bit security of regular LPN (N=" + str(N) + ", k=" + str(k) + ", t=" + str(t) + ", q=" + str(
q) + "):")
print(analysisforqregular(N, k, t, q))
elif 'lambda' in sys.argv[-2] and 'x' in sys.argv[-1]:
lam = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[-2]).pop())
print("bit security of exact LPN (N=" + str(N) + ", k=" + str(k) + ", t=" + str(t) + ", lambda=" + str(
lam) + "):")
print(analysisfor2lambda(N, k, t, lam))
elif 'lambda' in sys.argv[-2] and 'r' in sys.argv[-1]:
lam = int(re.findall(r"\d+", sys.argv[-2]).pop())
print("bit security of regular LPN (N=" + str(N) + ", k=" + str(k) + ", t=" + str(t) + ", lambda=" + str(
lam) + "):")
print(analysisfor2lambdaregular(N, k, t, lam))
# Executed code
if __name__ == '__main__':
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You can run our tool on Windows using the command line interface. Our script runs with Python 3 and the numpy library. The input format for our tool comprises 12 types, with 6 types tailored for exact LPN and the remaining 6 types for regular LPN. Assuming ``'' (our tool) is in the "C:" directory.

The order of command line parameters (n, N, k, t, lambda, q, exact/regular) is fixed, and we will explain their meanings. n: output length of dual LPN
N: number of samples
k: dimension of LPN
t: Hamming weight of a noise vector
lambda: bit-length of ring Z_{2^lambda}
q: the size of finite field F, i.e., |F|=q
exact: for exact LPN
regular: for regular LPN

======================================================================================================================== There are three input formats for the primal LPN problem under an exact noise distribution:

The input format for estimating the bit security of exact LPN over binary field is ``C:\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 exact''

The input format for estimating the bit security of exact LPN over an integer ring of size 2^lambda is ``C:\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 lambda=13 exact''

The input format for estimating the bit security of exact LPN over a finite field of size |F|=q is ``C:\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 q=13 exact'' .
======================================================================================================================== There are three input formats for the dual LPN problem under an exact noise distribution:

The input format for estimating the bit security of exact dual LPN over binary field is ``C:\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 exact''

The input format for estimating the bit security of exact dual LPN over an integer ring of size 2^lambda is ``C:\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 lambda=13 exact''

The input format for estimating the bit security of exact dual LPN over a finite field of size |F|=q is ``C:\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 q=13 exact''

======================================================================================================================== There are three input formats for the primal LPN problem under a regular noise distribution:

The input format for estimating the bit security of regular LPN over binary field is ``C:\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 regular''

The input format for estimating the bit security of regular LPN over an integer ring of size 2^lambda is ``C:\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 lambda=12 regular''

The input format for estimating the bit security of regular LPN over a finite field of size |F|=q is ``C:\ N=1024 k=652 t=57 q=13 regular''

======================================================================================================================== There are three input formats for the dual LPN problem under a regular noise distribution:

The input format for estimating the bit security of regular dual LPN over binary field is ``C:\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 regular''

The input format for estimating the bit security of regular dual LPN over an integer ring of size 2^lambda is ``C:\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 lambda=12 regular''

The input format for estimating the bit security of regular dual LPN over a finite field of size q is ``C:\ n=1024 N=4096 t=88 q=12 regular''

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