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Last active October 30, 2016 10:10
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useful terminal commands
# find all php.ini files on machine from terminal.
mdfind php.ini | grep php.ini
# copy local file to remote machine via scp
scp -P 92 /path/filename.ext [email protected]:~/path
# delete non-empty directory
rm -rf <dirname>
# unzip zip file in current dir
unzip -d .
# add symlinks to php.ini to every subfolder of current dir
find -type d -exec ln -s $PWD/php.ini {}/php.ini \;
# | | | | |
# 1 2 3 4 5
# 1 walks a file hierarchy, option -d walks only dirs
# 2 at each step, execute following utility program
# 3 ln creates a linked file, option -s means create a symlink
# 4 $PWD holds the absolute pathname of the current working directory
# 5 to be understood...
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