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Last active October 19, 2020 02:31
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Java DFA sensitive words filter Java实现的敏感词过滤(支持停顿词/重复词/全半角/字符串替换,改进
public class BCConvert {
* ASCII表中可见字符从!开始,偏移位值为33(Decimal)
static final char DBC_CHAR_START = 33; // 半角!
* ASCII表中可见字符到~结束,偏移位值为126(Decimal)
static final char DBC_CHAR_END = 126; // 半角~
* 全角对应于ASCII表的可见字符从!开始,偏移值为65281
static final char SBC_CHAR_START = 65281; // 全角!
* 全角对应于ASCII表的可见字符到~结束,偏移值为65374
static final char SBC_CHAR_END = 65374; // 全角~
* ASCII表中除空格外的可见字符与对应的全角字符的相对偏移
static final int CONVERT_STEP = 65248; // 全角半角转换间隔
* 全角空格的值,它没有遵从与ASCII的相对偏移,必须单独处理
static final char SBC_SPACE = 12288; // 全角空格 12288
* 半角空格的值,在ASCII中为32(Decimal)
static final char DBC_SPACE = ' '; // 半角空格
* <PRE>
* 半角字符->全角字符转换
* 只处理空格,!到˜之间的字符,忽略其他
* </PRE>
public static String bj2qj(String src) {
if (src == null) {
return src;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(src.length());
char[] ca = src.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
if (ca[i] == DBC_SPACE) { // 如果是半角空格,直接用全角空格替代
} else if ((ca[i] >= DBC_CHAR_START) && (ca[i] <= DBC_CHAR_END)) { // 字符是!到~之间的可见字符
buf.append((char) (ca[i] + CONVERT_STEP));
} else { // 不对空格以及ascii表中其他可见字符之外的字符做任何处理
return buf.toString();
* 半角转换全角
* @param src
* @return
public static int bj2qj(char src) {
int r = src;
if (src == DBC_SPACE) { // 如果是半角空格,直接用全角空格替代
src = SBC_SPACE;
} else if ((src >= DBC_CHAR_START) && (src <= DBC_CHAR_END)) { // 字符是!到~之间的可见字符
r = src + CONVERT_STEP;
return r;
* <PRE>
* 全角字符->半角字符转换
* 只处理全角的空格,全角!到全角~之间的字符,忽略其他
* </PRE>
public static String qj2bj(String src) {
if (src == null) {
return src;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(src.length());
char[] ca = src.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++) {
if (ca[i] >= SBC_CHAR_START && ca[i] <= SBC_CHAR_END) { // 如果位于全角!到全角~区间内
buf.append((char) (ca[i] - CONVERT_STEP));
} else if (ca[i] == SBC_SPACE) { // 如果是全角空格
} else { // 不处理全角空格,全角!到全角~区间外的字符
return buf.toString();
* 全角转换半角
* @param src
* @return
public static int qj2bj(char src) {
int r = src;
if (src >= SBC_CHAR_START && src <= SBC_CHAR_END) { // 如果位于全角!到全角~区间内
r = src - CONVERT_STEP;
} else if (src == SBC_SPACE) { // 如果是全角空格
return r;
public class FilterSet{
private final long[] elements;
public FilterSet() {
elements = new long[1 + (65535 >>> 6)];
public void add(final int no) {
elements[no >>> 6] |= (1L << (no & 63));
public void add(final int... no) {
for(int currNo : no) {
elements[currNo >>> 6] |= (1L << (currNo & 63));
public void remove(final int no) {
elements[no >>> 6] &= ~(1L << (no & 63));
* @param no
* @return true:添加成功 false:原已包含
public boolean addAndNotify(final int no) {
int eWordNum = no >>> 6;
long oldElements = elements[eWordNum];
elements[eWordNum] |= (1L << (no & 63));
boolean result = elements[eWordNum] != oldElements;
// if (result)
// size++;
return result;
* @param no
* @return true:移除成功 false:原本就不包含
public boolean removeAndNotify(final int no) {
int eWordNum = no >>> 6;
long oldElements = elements[eWordNum];
elements[eWordNum] &= ~(1L << (no & 63));
boolean result = elements[eWordNum] != oldElements;
return result;
public boolean contains(final int no) {
return (elements[no >>> 6] & (1L << (no & 63))) != 0;
public boolean containsAll(final int... no) {
if(no.length==0) {
return true;
for(int currNo : no) {
if ((elements[currNo >>> 6] & (1L << (currNo & 63))) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* 不如直接循环调用contains
* @param no
* @return
public boolean containsAll_ueslessWay(final int... no) {
long[] elements = new long[this.elements.length];
for(int currNo : no){
elements[currNo >>> 6] |= (1L << (currNo & 63));
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if ((elements[i] & ~this.elements[i]) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
* 目前没有去维护size,每次都是去计算size
* @return
public int size() {
int size = 0;
for (long element : elements) {
size += Long.bitCount(element);
return size;
public static void main(String[] args) {
FilterSet oi = new FilterSet();
import java.util.Set;
public class SensitiveContentDto implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3487911794259456000L;
private String oldContent;
private String newContent;
* 是否包含敏感词
private Boolean isContains;
* 内容中出现的敏感词的列表
private Set<String> sensitiveWords;
public String getOldContent() {
return oldContent;
public void setOldContent(String oldContent) {
this.oldContent = oldContent;
public String getNewContent() {
return newContent;
public void setNewContent(String newContent) {
this.newContent = newContent;
public Set<String> getSensitiveWords() {
return sensitiveWords;
public void setSensitiveWords(Set<String> sensitiveWords) {
this.sensitiveWords = sensitiveWords;
public Boolean getContains() {
return isContains;
public void setContains(Boolean contains) {
isContains = contains;
public String toString() {
return "SensitiveContentDto{" +
"oldContent='" + oldContent + '\'' +
", newContent='" + newContent + '\'' +
", isContains=" + isContains +
", sensitiveWords=" + sensitiveWords +
import java.util.*;
public class SensitiveWordUtil {
* 存储首字
private FilterSet set = new FilterSet();
* 存储节点
private Map<Integer, WordNode> nodes = new HashMap<>(1024, 1);
* 存储停顿词
private Set<Integer> stopWordSet = new HashSet<>();
* 敏感词过滤替换
private char[] replaceChar;
public SensitiveWordUtil() {
public SensitiveWordUtil(List<String> words) {
public SensitiveWordUtil(List<String> words, List<String> stopWords, String replaceWord) {
this.replaceChar = replaceWord.toCharArray();
* 从文件增加敏感词
private List<String> readWordFromFile(String path) {
List<String> words;
BufferedReader br = null;
try {
File file = new File(path);
BufferedReader reader;
reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String tempString;
int line = 1;
words = new ArrayList<String>(1200);
while ((tempString = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if ("".equals(tempString.trim())) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (br != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return words;
* 添加停顿词
public void addStopWord(List<String> words) {
if (words != null && words.size() > 0) {
char[] chs;
for (String curr : words) {
chs = curr.toCharArray();
for (char c : chs) {
* 添加敏感词/添加DFA节点
public void addSensitiveWord(List<String> words) {
if (words != null && words.size() > 0) {
char[] chs;
int fchar;
int lastIndex;
WordNode fnode; // 首字母节点
for (String curr : words) {
chs = curr.toCharArray();
fchar = charConvert(chs[0]);
// 没有首字定义
if (!set.contains(fchar)) {
// 首字标志位 可重复add,反正判断了,不重复了
fnode = new WordNode(fchar, chs.length == 1);
nodes.put(fchar, fnode);
} else {
fnode = nodes.get(fchar);
if (!fnode.isLast() && chs.length == 1) {
lastIndex = chs.length - 1;
for (int i = 1; i < chs.length; i++) {
fnode = fnode.addIfNoExist(charConvert(chs[i]), i == lastIndex);
* 过滤判断 将敏感词转化为成屏蔽词
public SensitiveContentDto replaceSensitiveWord(String src) {
char[] chs = src.toCharArray();
int length = chs.length;
int current;
int k;
WordNode node;
Set<String> sensitiveWords = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
current = charConvert(chs[i]);
if (!set.contains(current)) {
node = nodes.get(current);
// 其实不会发生,习惯性写上了
if (node == null) {
boolean couldMark = false;
int markNum = -1;
// 单字匹配(日)
if (node.isLast()) {
couldMark = true;
markNum = 0;
// 继续匹配(日你/日你妹),以长的优先
// 你-3 妹-4 夫-5
k = i;
for (; ++k < length; ) {
int temp = charConvert(chs[k]);
if (stopWordSet.contains(temp)) {
node = node.querySub(temp);
if (node == null) {
if (node.isLast()) {
couldMark = true;
markNum = k - i;
sensitiveWords.add(new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(chs, i, k + 1)));
if (couldMark) {
chs = this.modify(chs, replaceChar, i, markNum + 1);
i = i - (markNum + 1) + replaceChar.length + 1;
if (i < 0) {
length = chs.length;
SensitiveContentDto sensitiveContentDto = new SensitiveContentDto();
sensitiveContentDto.setContains(sensitiveWords.size() > 0);
return sensitiveContentDto;
* 是否包含敏感词
public boolean isContains(String src) {
char[] chs = src.toCharArray();
int length = chs.length;
int currc;
int k;
WordNode node;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
currc = charConvert(chs[i]);
if (!set.contains(currc)) {
// 日 2
node = nodes.get(currc);
// 其实不会发生,习惯性写上了
if (node == null) {
boolean couldMark = false;
// 单字匹配(日)
if (node.isLast()) {
couldMark = true;
// 继续匹配(日你/日你妹),以长的优先
// 你-3 妹-4 夫-5
k = i;
for (; ++k < length; ) {
int temp = charConvert(chs[k]);
if (stopWordSet.contains(temp)) {
node = node.querySub(temp);
if (node == null) {
if (node.isLast()) {
couldMark = true;
if (couldMark) {
return true;
return false;
* 大写转化为小写 全角转化为半角
private int charConvert(char src) {
int r = BCConvert.qj2bj(src);
return (r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z') ? r + 32 : r;
* @param chs 原始数组
* @param replace 替换数组
* @param index 替换位置
* @param num 替换长度
* @return 新的i的值
private char[] modify(char[] chs, char[] replace, int index, int num) {
char[] temp = new char[chs.length - num + replace.length];
for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
if (i < index) {
temp[i] = chs[i];
} else if (i == index) {
for (int k = 0; k < replace.length; k++) {
temp[i + k] = replace[k];
i = i + replace.length - 1;
} else {
temp[i] = chs[i - replace.length + num];
return temp;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public class WordNode {
private int value; // 节点名称
private List<WordNode> subNodes; // 子节点
private boolean isLast;// 默认false
public WordNode(int value) {
this.value = value;
public WordNode(int value, boolean isLast) {
this.value = value;
this.isLast = isLast;
* @param subNode
* @return 就是传入的subNode
private WordNode addSubNode(final WordNode subNode) {
if (subNodes == null) {
subNodes = new LinkedList<WordNode>();
return subNode;
* 有就直接返回该子节点, 没有就创建添加并返回该子节点
* @param value
* @return
public WordNode addIfNoExist(final int value, final boolean isLast) {
if (subNodes == null) {
return addSubNode(new WordNode(value, isLast));
for (WordNode subNode : subNodes) {
if (subNode.value == value) {
if (!subNode.isLast && isLast) {
subNode.isLast = true;
return subNode;
return addSubNode(new WordNode(value, isLast));
public WordNode querySub(final int value) {
if (subNodes == null) {
return null;
for (WordNode subNode : subNodes) {
if (subNode.value == value) {
return subNode;
return null;
public boolean isLast() {
return isLast;
public void setLast(boolean isLast) {
this.isLast = isLast;
public int hashCode() {
return value;
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