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Last active December 7, 2024 12:17
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Install TeamViewer without a connected monitor (Xubuntu 16.04 & 18.04)


sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install gdebi -y
sudo gdebi teamviewer_amd64.deb

sudo teamviewer passwd PASSWORD_TO_BE_CHANGED
sudo teamviewer daemon enable
teamviewer info

Add xorg.conf

Without Nvidia Driver

$ sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-dummy-lts-xenial -y # 16.04
# sudo apt install xorg-video-abi-23 xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-video-dummy -y # 18.04
$ sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

# This xorg configuration file is meant to be used
# to start a dummy X11 server.
# For details, please see:

Section "Device"
        Identifier  "Configured Video Device"
        Driver      "dummy"
        #VideoRam 4096000
        #VideoRam 256000
        VideoRam    16384

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier  "Configured Monitor"
        HorizSync   5.0 - 1000.0
        VertRefresh 5.0 - 200.0
        Modeline "1920x1080" 23.53 1920 1952 2040 2072 1080 1106 1108 1135

Section "Screen"
        Identifier  "Default Screen"
        Monitor     "Configured Monitor"
        Device      "Configured Video Device"
        DefaultDepth 24
        SubSection "Display"
                 Viewport 0 0
                 Depth 24
                 Virtual 1920 1080

$ sudo reboot

With Nvidia Driver

$ sudo nano /opt/edid.txt
00 ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 1e 6d f5 56 71 ca 04 00 05 14 01 03 80 35 1e 78 0a ae c5 a2 57 4a 9c 25 12 50 54 21 08 00 b3 00 81 80 81 40 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 1a 36 80 a0 70 38 1f 40 30 20 35 00 13 2b 21 00 00 1a 02 3a 80 18 71 38 2d 40 58 2c 45 00 13 2b 21 00 00 1e 00 00 00 fd 00 38 3d 1e 53 0f 00 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 fc 00 57 32 34 35 33 0a 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 01 3d 02 03 21 f1 4e 90 04 03 01 14 12 05 1f 10 13 00 00 00 00 23 09 07 07 83 01 00 00 65 03 0c 00 10 00 02 3a 80 18 71 38 2d 40 58 2c 45 00 13 2b 21 00 00 1e 01 1d 80 18 71 1c 16 20 58 2c 25 00 13 2b 21 00 00 9e 01 1d 00 72 51 d0 1e 20 6e 28 55 00 13 2b 21 00 00 1e 8c 0a d0 8a 20 e0 2d 10 10 3e 96 00 13 2b 21 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26

$ sudo nvidia-xconfig -a --allow-empty-initial-configuration --use-display-device="DFP-0" --connected-monitor="DFP-0" --custom-edid="DFP-0:/opt/edid.txt"
$ sudo reboot


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