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Last active February 4, 2023 12:18
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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead theme based on
"type": "colordef",
"BLACK": [4, 4, 22],
"DGRAY": [92, 92, 92],
"GRAY": [132, 132, 132],
"WHITE": [211, 211, 211],
"MAGENTA": [102, 51, 153],
"LMAGENTA": [136, 17, 119],
"RED": [170, 51, 102],
"LRED": [204, 102, 102],
"BROWN": [238, 153, 68],
"YELLOW": [238, 221, 0],
"LGREEN": [153, 221, 85],
"GREEN": [68, 221, 136],
"LCYAN": [34, 204, 187],
"CYAN": [0, 187, 204],
"LBLUE": [0, 153, 204],
"BLUE": [51, 102, 187]
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