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Created April 7, 2020 11:42
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Add AssumeRole support to Minio
from datetime import datetime
import hmac
import hashlib
import xml.etree.ElementTree
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from minio.credentials import Static, Credentials
from minio.fold_case_dict import FoldCaseDict
from minio.compat import urlsplit
from minio.helpers import get_sha256_hexdigest
from minio.signer import _UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD, _SIGN_V4_ALGORITHM, remove_default_port, get_signed_headers, \
def assume_role(mc, RoleArn=None, RoleSessionName=None, Policy=None, DurationSeconds=None):
Generate temporary credentials using AssumeRole STS API.
:param mc: Minio client
:param RoleArn:
:param RoleSessionName:
:param Policy:
:param DurationSeconds:
:return: A :class:`Credentials` provider with the temporary credentials.
region = 'us-east-1'
query = {
"Action": "AssumeRole",
"Version": "2011-06-15",
"RoleArn": "arn:xxx:xxx:xxx:xxxx" if RoleArn is None else RoleArn,
"RoleSessionName": "anything" if RoleSessionName is None else RoleSessionName,
# Add optional elements to the request
if Policy is not None:
query["Policy"] = Policy
if DurationSeconds is not None:
query["DurationSeconds"] = str(DurationSeconds)
url = mc._endpoint_url + "/"
content = urlencode(query)
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent': mc._user_agent
# Create signature headers
content_sha256_hex = get_sha256_hexdigest(content)
signed_headers = sign_v4("POST", url, region, headers,
response = mc._http.urlopen("POST", url, body=content, headers=signed_headers, preload_content=True)
# Parse the XML Response - getting the credentials as a Minio Credentials provider
return parse_assume_role(
def generate_signing_key(date, region, secret_key, service="s3"):
Generate signing key.
:param date: Date is input from :meth:`datetime.datetime`
:param region: Region should be set to bucket region.
:param secret_key: Secret access key.
formatted_date = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
key1_string = 'AWS4' + secret_key
key1 = key1_string.encode('utf-8')
key2 =, formatted_date.encode('utf-8'),
key3 =, region.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest()
key4 =, service.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest()
return, 'aws4_request'.encode('utf-8'),
def generate_scope_string(date, region, service_name):
Generate scope string.
:param date: Date is input from :meth:`datetime.datetime`
:param region: Region should be set to bucket region.
:param service_name: Service for scope string, e.g., "s3".
formatted_date = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
scope = '/'.join([formatted_date,
return scope
def generate_credential_string(access_key, date, region, service):
Generate credential string.
:param access_key: Server access key.
:param date: Date is input from :meth:`datetime.datetime`
:param region: Region should be set to bucket region.
:param service: Service to scope credentials to.
return access_key + '/' + generate_scope_string(date, region, service)
def generate_authorization_header(access_key, date, region,
signed_headers, signature, service="s3"):
Generate authorization header.
:param access_key: Server access key.
:param date: Date is input from :meth:`datetime.datetime`
:param region: Region should be set to bucket region.
:param signed_headers: Signed headers.
:param signature: Calculated signature.
:param service: Optional service to sign request for.
signed_headers_string = ';'.join(signed_headers)
credential = generate_credential_string(access_key, date, region, service)
auth_header = [_SIGN_V4_ALGORITHM, 'Credential=' + credential + ',',
'SignedHeaders=' + signed_headers_string + ',',
'Signature=' + signature]
return ' '.join(auth_header)
def generate_string_to_sign(date, region, canonical_request, service):
Generate string to sign.
:param date: Date is input from :meth:`datetime.datetime`
:param region: Region should be set to bucket region.
:param canonical_request: Canonical request generated previously.
:param service: Service to scope request for.
formatted_date_time = date.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
canonical_request_hasher = hashlib.sha256()
canonical_request_sha256 = canonical_request_hasher.hexdigest()
scope = generate_scope_string(date, region, service)
return '\n'.join([_SIGN_V4_ALGORITHM,
def sign_v4(method, url, region, headers=None,
Signature version 4.
:param method: HTTP method used for signature.
:param url: Final url which needs to be signed.
:param region: Region should be set to bucket region.
:param headers: Optional headers for the method.
:param credentials: Optional Credentials object with your AWS s3 account info.
:param content_sha256: Optional body sha256.
:param request_datetime: Optional request date/time
:param service: Optional service to sign request for (defaults to S3)
# If no access key or secret key is provided return headers.
if not credentials.get().access_key or not credentials.get().secret_key:
return headers
if headers is None:
headers = FoldCaseDict()
if region is None:
region = 'us-east-1'
parsed_url = urlsplit(url)
secure = parsed_url.scheme == 'https'
if secure:
content_sha256 = _UNSIGNED_PAYLOAD
if content_sha256 is None:
# with no payload, calculate sha256 for 0 length data.
content_sha256 = get_sha256_hexdigest('')
host = remove_default_port(parsed_url)
headers['Host'] = host
if request_datetime is None:
request_datetime = datetime.utcnow()
headers['X-Amz-Date'] = request_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
headers['X-Amz-Content-Sha256'] = content_sha256
if credentials.get().session_token is not None:
headers['X-Amz-Security-Token'] = credentials.get().session_token
headers_to_sign = headers
signed_headers = get_signed_headers(headers_to_sign)
canonical_req = generate_canonical_request(method,
string_to_sign = generate_string_to_sign(request_datetime, region,
canonical_req, service)
signing_key = generate_signing_key(request_datetime, region, credentials.get().secret_key, service=service)
signature =, string_to_sign.encode('utf-8'),
authorization_header = generate_authorization_header(credentials.get().access_key,
headers['Authorization'] = authorization_header
return headers
def parse_assume_role(data):
Parser for assume role response.
:param data: Response data for STS assume role.
:return: A :class:`Credentials` credential provider instance with the temporary credentials.
ns = {
'sts': ''
root = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(data)
credentials_elem = root.find("sts:AssumeRoleResult", ns).find("sts:Credentials", ns)
access_key = credentials_elem.find("sts:AccessKeyId", ns).text
secret_key = credentials_elem.find("sts:SecretAccessKey", ns).text
session_token = credentials_elem.find("sts:SessionToken", ns).text
return Credentials(provider=Static(access_key, secret_key, session_token))
import io
import json
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import minio
import pytest
import requests
from minio import Minio
from minio.helpers import get_target_url, get_sha256_hexdigest, get_md5_base64digest
# Note the sign_v4 function needs a patch
#from minio.signer import sign_v4
from urllib.parse import urlencode
# Note this is not actually compatible with version from urllib.parse
#from minio.compat import urlencode
from .miniopatch import sign_v4, parse_assume_role, assume_role
restricted_upload_policy = """
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Sid": "Upload-access-to-specific-bucket-only"
class TestAssumeRole:
def test_temp_credentials_minio(self):
endpoint = 'minio:9000'
restricted_mc_client = minio.Minio(
with pytest.raises(minio.error.AccessDenied):
bucket_name = "uploads"
# Should be able to put an object though
restricted_mc_client.put_object(bucket_name, 'testobject', io.BytesIO(b'data'), length=4)
temp_creds = assume_role(restricted_mc_client, Policy=restricted_upload_policy)
newly_restricted_mc_client = Minio(endpoint, credentials=temp_creds, region='us-east-1', secure=False)
with pytest.raises(minio.error.AccessDenied):
# Note this put object worked with the earlier credentials
# But should fail if we have applied the more restrictive policy
with pytest.raises(minio.error.AccessDenied):
newly_restricted_mc_client.put_object(bucket_name, 'testobject2', io.BytesIO(b'data'), length=4)
# this path is allowed in the policy however
newly_restricted_mc_client.put_object(bucket_name, '2020/testobject', io.BytesIO(b'data'), length=4)
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