Save hardiksondagar/732c5efa1c4327f12d8a343c960853d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/** | |
* | |
* Instagram Follower Web Scrapper | |
* | |
* Steps to use. | |
* 1. Open instagram user's profile in browser https://www.instagram.com/tvfpitchers/ | |
* 2. Open console ( press F12 in chrome ) and paste all the code below | |
* 3. Click on followers button and load all the followers | |
* 4. Call function downloadAsCsv() by writing "downloadAsCsv()" in console to download csv file containing user's all the followers . | |
* | |
* @author : Hardik Sondagar <[email protected]> | |
* | |
*/ | |
var followers = []; | |
(function(XHR) { | |
"use strict"; | |
var stats = []; | |
var timeoutId = null; | |
var open = XHR.prototype.open; | |
var send = XHR.prototype.send; | |
XHR.prototype.open = function(method, url, async, user, pass) { | |
this._url = url; | |
open.call(this, method, url, async, user, pass); | |
}; | |
XHR.prototype.send = function(data) { | |
var self = this; | |
var start; | |
var oldOnReadyStateChange; | |
var url = this._url; | |
var match_url_string = 'query'; | |
function onReadyStateChange() { | |
if (self.readyState == 4 && url.indexOf(match_url_string) > -1) { | |
var response = JSON.parse(self.response); | |
followers = followers.concat(response.data.user.edge_followed_by.edges); | |
} | |
if (oldOnReadyStateChange) { | |
oldOnReadyStateChange(); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!this.noIntercept) { | |
start = new Date(); | |
if (this.addEventListener) { | |
this.addEventListener("readystatechange", onReadyStateChange, false); | |
} else { | |
oldOnReadyStateChange = this.onreadystatechange; | |
this.onreadystatechange = onReadyStateChange; | |
} | |
} | |
send.call(this, data); | |
} | |
})(XMLHttpRequest); | |
function downloadAsCsv() { | |
var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,"; | |
var header = "Username,Full Name,Pic,Id\n"; | |
csvContent += header; | |
followers.forEach(function(follower, index) { | |
var data = []; | |
data.push(follower.node.username); | |
data.push(follower.node.full_name); | |
data.push(follower.node.profile_pic_url); | |
data.push(follower.node.id); | |
dataString = data.join(","); | |
csvContent += index < followers.length ? dataString + "\n" : dataString; | |
}); | |
var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent); | |
var link = document.createElement("a"); | |
link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri); | |
var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split('/'); | |
var milliseconds = (new Date).getTime(); | |
var filename = 'followers.' + milliseconds + '.csv'; | |
if (pathArray && pathArray.length > 1) { | |
filename = pathArray[1] + '.' + milliseconds + '.csv'; | |
} | |
link.setAttribute("download", filename); | |
document.body.appendChild(link); // Required for FF | |
var evt = new MouseEvent("click"); | |
var canceled = !link.dispatchEvent(evt); | |
if (canceled) { | |
// A handler called preventDefault | |
console.log("canceled"); | |
} else { | |
// None of the handlers called preventDefault | |
console.log("not canceled"); | |
} | |
// This will download the data file named "my_data.csv". | |
} |
@jasetom Hey it's working for me. Please follow the steps. Make sure you paste the script before hitting the followers button of user X.
Hey @hardiksondagar, I tested the script, but when I pasted and executed it on chrome, console says "udefined", before calling the "downloadAsCsv() " function. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance.
Hey @hardiksondagar, i made some changes to the script and it works great. Before doing this, the csv was empty.
* Instagram Follower Web Scrapper
* Steps to use.
* 1. Open instagram user's profile in browser https://www.instagram.com/tvfpitchers/
* 2. Open console ( press F12 in chrome ) and paste all the code below
* 3. Click on followers button and load all the followers
* 4. Call function downloadAsCsv() by writing "downloadAsCsv()" in console to download csv file containing user's all the followers .
* @author : Hardik Sondagar <[email protected]>
var followers = [];
(function(XHR) {
"use strict";
var stats = [];
var timeoutId = null;
var open = XHR.prototype.open;
var send = XHR.prototype.send;
XHR.prototype.open = function(method, url, async, user, pass) {
this._url = url;
open.call(this, method, url, async, user, pass);
XHR.prototype.send = function(data) {
var self = this;
var start;
var oldOnReadyStateChange;
var url = this._url;
var match_url_string = 'query';
function onReadyStateChange() {
if (self.readyState == 4 && url.indexOf(match_url_string) > -1) {
var response = JSON.parse(self.response);
followers = followers.concat(response.data.user.edge_followed_by.edges);
if (oldOnReadyStateChange) {
if (!this.noIntercept) {
start = new Date();
if (this.addEventListener) {
this.addEventListener("readystatechange", onReadyStateChange, false);
} else {
oldOnReadyStateChange = this.onreadystatechange;
this.onreadystatechange = onReadyStateChange;
send.call(this, data);
function downloadAsCsv() {
var csvContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,";
var header = "Username,Full Name,Pic,Id\n";
csvContent += header;
followers.forEach(function(infoArray, index) {
var data = [];
for (var i in infoArray) {
dataString = data.join(",");
csvContent += index < followers.length ? dataString + "\n" : dataString;
var encodedUri = encodeURI(csvContent);
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", encodedUri);
var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split('/');
var milliseconds = (new Date).getTime();
var filename = 'followers.' + milliseconds + '.csv';
if (pathArray && pathArray.length > 1) {
filename = pathArray[1] + '.' + milliseconds + '.csv';
link.setAttribute("download", filename);
document.body.appendChild(link); // Required for FF
link.click(); // This will download the data file named "my_data.csv".
@dgambacorta Hey thanks for the update :-)
Is this still working? i have tried it and i am getting this error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'edges' of undefined
at XMLHttpRequest.onReadyStateChange (:27:81)". this would be reaaaaly helpful if it worked, Thanks!:)
Is this method still works in 2018
Hey @hardiksondagar, I tested the script, but when I pasted and executed it on chrome, console says "udefined", before calling the "downloadAsCsv() " function. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance.
have the same issue
@carlosMetrics @aliuzair @unnir, I've updated the script, it's working now.
Works with Chrome, but doesn't work with Firefox. It only manages to get the first 17 followers in Firefox. I'll be working on tweaking this to read my followings and then compare the two in excel hopefully. Thanks @hardiksondagar
Hey, lovely script! But sadly it does not work ;/ All I get is an empty csv file with headers, is this is still working for you?