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Last active December 24, 2015 21:48
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Binary Search Tree
/* Harsh Gupta */
/* 12MA20017 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node{
struct node * parent;
struct node * left_child;
struct node * right_child;
int key;
node* creat_node();
node* create_bst(node *x, const int A[], const int size);
void inorder_tree_walk(const node* x);
void inorder_tree_walk_nonrec(node* x);
node* insert_into_bst(node *x, int data);
node* search(node* x, int k);
node* max(node* x);
node* min(node* x);
node* succesor(node* x);
node* preceder(node* x);
inline void transplant( node* x, node* y);
node* Delete(node* z);
int main(){
int A[] = {9,2,10,-10,3,4,5,6};
int n = 8;
node *x=NULL;
x = create_bst(x, A, n);
/* printf("\n%d \n", (search(x, 4))->key); */
printf("The minimum of the tree is: %d\n", min(x)->key);
printf("The maximum of the tree is: %d\n", max(x)->key);
printf("The succesor of 6 is: %d\n", succesor(search(x, 6))->key);
printf("The preceder of 9 is: %d\n", preceder(search(x, 9))->key);
Delete(search(x, 10));
printf("The maximum of the tree is: %d\n", max(x)->key);
Delete(search(x, 4));
/* node *y = (search(x, 6))->right_child; */
/* printf("--%d--\n",min(y)->key); */
return 0;
node* creat_node(){
node *n = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
n->parent = NULL;
n->right_child = NULL;
n->left_child = NULL;
n->key = 0;
return n;
node* insert_into_bst(node *x, int data){
x = creat_node();
x->key = data;
return x;
if(data> x->key){
if(x->right_child == NULL){
x->right_child = creat_node();
(x->right_child)->key = data;
(x->right_child)->parent = x;
return x;
x->right_child = insert_into_bst(x->right_child, data);
if(x->left_child == NULL){
x->left_child = creat_node();
(x->left_child)->key = data;
(x->left_child)->parent = x;
return x;
x->left_child = insert_into_bst(x->left_child, data);
return x;
node* create_bst(node *x, const int A[], const int size){
int i;
for(i=0;i<size; i++){
x = insert_into_bst(x, A[i]);
return x;
void inorder_tree_walk(const node* x){
if(x != NULL){
printf("%d ", x->key);
void inorder_tree_walk_nonrec(node* x){
/* node* r = x; */
node* p;
node* q;
node* y = x;
while(y->left_child !=NULL) y = y->left_child;
p = y;
y = x;
while(y->right_child !=NULL) y = y->right_child;
q = y;
y = x;
printf("%d ",p->key);
while(p !=q ){
p = succesor(p);
printf("%d ",p->key);
node* search(node*x, int k){
while(x !=NULL && x->key != k){
if(k < x->key){
x = x->left_child;
x= x->right_child;
return x;
node* max(node* x){
while(x->right_child != NULL){
x = x->right_child;
return x;
node* min(node* x){
while(x->left_child != NULL){
x = x->left_child;
return x;
node* succesor(node* x){
if(x->right_child != NULL){
return min(x->right_child);
node* y = x->parent;
while(y != NULL && y->right_child == x){
x = y;
y = y->parent;
return y;
node* preceder(node* x){
if(x->left_child != NULL){
return max(x->left_child);
node* y = x->parent;
while(y != NULL && y->left_child == x){
x = y;
y = y->parent;
return y;
// The function is inline to make sure the changes
// reflect on the original tree
inline void transplant(node* x, node* y){
if(x == (x->parent)->left_child){
(x->parent)->left_child = y;
(x->parent)->right_child = y;
if(y !=NULL)
y->parent = x->parent;
// The Function doesn't return the root node
// Instead it returns the Deleted node so that can be
// freed or used somewhere else
node* Delete(node* z){
if(z->left_child == NULL)
transplant(z, z->right_child);
else if(z->right_child == NULL)
transplant(z, z->left_child);
else {
node *y = min(z->right_child);
if(y->parent !=z){
transplant(y, y->right_child);
y->right_child = z->right_child;
(y->right_child)->parent = y;
transplant(z, y);
y->left_child = z->left_child;
(y->left_child)->parent = y;
return z;
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