IMPORTANT: Nexmo calls are not free. You should pay on per-call basis according to their voice pricing. This shouldn't be a huge concern unless your website goes down twice a day.
Create accounts at and (you'll get €2 welcome credit from Nexmo).
Add your phone number to Nexmo, then get your API key and secret at settings.
Go to UptimeRobot settings.
Press "Add Alert Contact" and choose "Web-Hook".
Fill in fields as follows and save changes:
URL to Notify: POST Value (JSON Format): { "api_key": "YOUR_NEXMO_KEY", "api_secret": "YOUR_NEXMO_SECRET", "text": "Hi, this is monitoring system. *monitorFriendlyName* website is *alertTypeFriendlyName*", "to": "YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER" }
- "Send as JSON" should be unchecked.
- Please note the question mark at the end of the URL: it is required.
are replaced with actual values by UptimeRobot.
Consider upgrading to UptimeRobot Pro plan to get 1 minute monitoring interval and support their good service.
Good luck with monitoring!