#Restaurants near 1871
Help curate this list. start filling out the data and links about each place and add places!
- Protein Bar
- Phone: (312) 346-7300
- Address: 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza Chicago, IL 60654
- Website: http://www.theproteinbar.com/
- Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/protein-bar-chicago
- Distance: 0 miles
- Frontera Grill
- pepper canister
- coco pazzo
- gt Fish and oyster
- farmhouse chi
- xoco
- Slurping Turtle
- Sunda
- Dragon Ranch Moonshine & BBQ
- Mercadito
- Chicago Cut Steakhouse
- McCormick & Schmicks
- gene & georgetti's
- hannah's bretzel
Here is the template you can use to add more places
- Name
- Phone: (123) 456-7890
- Address: 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza Chicago, IL 60654
- Website: http://website/
- Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/name
- Distance: 5 miles
** Address: 178 N Franklin St
** Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/la-cocina-mexican-grill-chicago-2
** Distance: Franklin and Lake
** Cheap, fast, OK Mexican food