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Forked from harry1989/
Created May 26, 2012 06:31
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Thanking friends who wishes for your birthday


You can use the below scrip to send thank you notes to your friends who wished for your birthday on your Facebook timeline.


#Get the Facebook access token:

Head to and get the api token. Select 'publish_actions', 'publish_stream','read_stream','status_update' and 'user_about_me' options when obtaining the API token

Replace YOUR_FACEBOOK_API_TOKEN by this api token

#Installing facepy:

  1. direct install
$pip install facepy
  1. from git clone
$git clone $cd facepy $python install

--If you don't have root access $python install --user

#! /usr/bin/env python
#You should install facepy API to use this $pip install facepy
#Specify your api key and birthday date
my_birth_day = 'YOUR_BIRTHDAY' #in ISO 8601 format ex: 2012-05-21T00:00:00+0000
#You need not change any code below this line
from facepy import GraphAPI
from dateutil import parser
import json
import random
#Intialize the graph API
graph = GraphAPI(oath_token)
#some variables specific to the app
my_facebook_id = graph.get('me')['id'].encode('utf-8')
my_birth_date = parser.parse(my_birth_day)
fetchMoreFeeds = True
feedLink = "me/feed"
posts = []
bD_strings = set(["happy", "b'day", "bday", "birthday"])
thank_you_notes = [
"A friend like you is the nicest gift from life. Thank you for your birthday greeting :)",
"Another year is left behind and we must move forward. Your birthday greeting was cool. Thank you :)",
"Messages such as yours make me feel happy about my birthday. Thank you :)",
"I look at my birthday messages. Thank you all for remembering such a special day for me",
"Thank you for your birthday wishes",
"I greatly appreciate your birthday wishes. Your friendship has always meant so much to me"
def getPost(feeds):
Function to get individual post from the feeds,
It adds the post to an array @posts if
* it is addressed to the user
* after the birthday until now
* user didn't commented already
* contains wishing words like happy, birthday
global fetchMoreFeeds
for feed in feeds['data']:
#skip if this is not a post/message
if not feed.has_key("message"):
#skip if this is my own post
if feed['from']['id'].encode('utf-8') == my_facebook_id:
created_date = parser.parse(feed['created_time'])
#Stop the loop and return if this post is older than my birthday
if created_date.__lt__(my_birth_date):
fetchMoreFeeds = False
#Skip if the post is not addressed to me
if feed['to']['data'][0]['id'].encode('utf-8') != my_facebook_id:
message = feed['message'].encode('utf-8').lower()
#if the post already has comments skip it
if feed['comments']['count'] > 0:
#If message has any of the birthday words add the post to map
if bD_strings.intersection(set(message.split())).__len__() > 0:
post = {}
post['id'] = feed['id']
post['url'] = feed['actions'][0]['link']
post['sender_name'] = feed['from']['name'].encode('utf-8')
post['sender_id'] = feed['from']['id'].encode('utf-8')
#Get the next set of posts(pagination)
feedLink = feeds['paging']['next'].replace('', '')
return feedLink
# Get the feeds till the birthday
while fetchMoreFeeds:
feeds = graph.get(feedLink)
feedLink = getPost(feeds)
#Now select a random thanking note and comment on the post
for post in posts:
post_link = str(post['id']) + '/comments'
thank_note = thank_you_notes[random.randint(0, len(thank_you_notes) -1) ], message=thank_note)
print "Wished %s .." % (post['sender_name'])
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If you check the document for friends in the permissions section, they have mentioned that "This will only return any friends who have used (via Facebook Login) the app making the request". So we would not be able to get all friends. You can check it in graph explorer. Enter /me/friends and see what you get. You will see that not all your friends are returned.
How to resolve this issue?

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