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Created February 27, 2022 06:24
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// Set resource 主要掌控一個系列要加入什麼 play 的卡片,
// 以及要 retire 哪張卡片或是 lock 整個系列,
// 不過當然只能由 Admin 操作這些動作
pub resource Set {
// 每個 set 有一個獨特的 ID 表示
pub let setID: UInt32
// 紀錄這個系列中有哪些 play
access(contract) var plays: [UInt32]
// 紀錄某個 play 是否已經被 retire 了
// 是一個 play ID -> 是否 retire 的 mapping
access(contract) var retired: {UInt32: Bool}
// 表示這個系列是否鎖住,
// 鎖住就代表這個系列不能再加入任何新的 play,
// 但已經加入的 play 還是可以 mint
pub var locked: Bool
// 紀錄一個 play 到目前為止已經 mint 了幾張卡片
// 是一個 play ID -> 卡片數量的 mapping
access(contract) var numberMintedPerPlay: {UInt32: UInt32}
init(name: String) {
self.setID = TopShot.nextSetID
self.plays = []
self.retired = {}
self.locked = false
self.numberMintedPerPlay = {}
// Create a new SetData for this Set and store it in contract storage
TopShot.setDatas[self.setID] = SetData(name: name)
// 加入某個新的 play 到 set 中,
// 並發出加入新 play 的 event
pub fun addPlay(playID: UInt32) {
pre {
TopShot.playDatas[playID] != nil: "Cannot add the Play to Set: Play doesn't exist."
!self.locked: "Cannot add the play to the Set after the set has been locked."
self.numberMintedPerPlay[playID] == nil: "The play has already beed added to the set."
// Add the Play to the array of Plays
// Open the Play up for minting
self.retired[playID] = false
// Initialize the Moment count to zero
self.numberMintedPerPlay[playID] = 0
emit PlayAddedToSet(setID: self.setID, playID: playID)
// 加入多個新的 play 到 set 中
pub fun addPlays(playIDs: [UInt32]) {
for play in playIDs {
self.addPlay(playID: play)
// retire 某個 play,
// 並發出 retire 舊 play 的 event
pub fun retirePlay(playID: UInt32) {
pre {
self.retired[playID] != nil: "Cannot retire the Play: Play doesn't exist in this set!"
if !self.retired[playID]! {
self.retired[playID] = true
emit PlayRetiredFromSet(setID: self.setID, playID: playID, numMoments: self.numberMintedPerPlay[playID]!)
// retire 所有 play
pub fun retireAll() {
for play in self.plays {
self.retirePlay(playID: play)
// 將這個 set 鎖起來
pub fun lock() {
if !self.locked {
self.locked = true
emit SetLocked(setID: self.setID)
// mint 新卡片,並回傳新卡片 resource
pub fun mintMoment(playID: UInt32): @NFT {
pre {
self.retired[playID] != nil: "Cannot mint the moment: This play doesn't exist."
!self.retired[playID]!: "Cannot mint the moment from this play: This play has been retired."
// Gets the number of Moments that have been minted for this Play
// to use as this Moment's serial number
let numInPlay = self.numberMintedPerPlay[playID]!
// Mint the new moment
let newMoment: @NFT <- create NFT(serialNumber: numInPlay + UInt32(1),
playID: playID,
setID: self.setID)
// Increment the count of Moments minted for this Play
self.numberMintedPerPlay[playID] = numInPlay + UInt32(1)
return <-newMoment
// mint 多個新卡片,並回傳包含這些卡片的 collection resource
pub fun batchMintMoment(playID: UInt32, quantity: UInt64): @Collection {
let newCollection <- create Collection()
var i: UInt64 = 0
while i < quantity {
newCollection.deposit(token: <-self.mintMoment(playID: playID))
i = i + UInt64(1)
return <-newCollection
pub fun getPlays(): [UInt32] {
return self.plays
pub fun getRetired(): {UInt32: Bool} {
return self.retired
pub fun getNumMintedPerPlay(): {UInt32: UInt32} {
return self.numberMintedPerPlay
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