A simple portfolio for a startup company .
A Pen by Akash Kandpal on CodePen.
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a.scrollable(href='#top') About | |
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a.scrollable(href='#portfolio') Portfolio | |
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a.scrollable(href='#contact') Contact | |
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a#top(name='home') | |
main | |
header | |
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p | |
| I am good at learning new things faster and within a limited time I always perform better than 90 percentile people .I have knowledge and skills required for Web Development and if I have to learn more skills for development in the company can learn it on fly that's why I think I should be hired for this internship. | |
hr.star-bright | |
span.skills Web Developer - Competitive Programmer - Python Enthusiast | |
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h2 Portfolio | |
hr.star-dark | |
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// Contact Section | |
section#contact | |
h2 Contact Me | |
hr.star-dark | |
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label(for='“email”') Email Address | |
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label(for='“phone”') Phone Number | |
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label(for='“message”') Message | |
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br | |
button(type='submit') Send | |
div | |
p | |
| Want to get in touch with me? Just feel free to drop me a line anytime. | |
p I promise to reply A.S.A.P. | |
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a.button.scrollable(href='#top') | |
i.fa.fa-chevron-up | |
// Footer | |
footer | |
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div | |
h3 About this page | |
p | |
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i.fa.fa-fw.fa-coffee | |
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i.fa.fa-fw.fa-music | |
br | |
| by | |
a(href='https://www.quora.com/profile/Akash-Kandpal') Akash Kandpal | |
| . | |
div | |
h3 Around the Web | |
ul | |
li | |
a.button.social(href='https://www.linkedin.com/in/akash-kandpal-0b8b3b112/') | |
i.fa.fa-fw.fa-linkedin | |
li | |
a.button.social(href='https://github.com/harrypotter0') | |
i.fa.fa-fw.fa-github | |
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A simple portfolio for a startup company .
A Pen by Akash Kandpal on CodePen.
This site has been developed with the sole purpose of getting an Internship @TechStart247 .
About Start 24x7Start 24x7
Start 24x7 is built on an idea of digital India mission of the Government of India and want to play role in this digital revolution by providing digital solutions but at the same time promote innovation & creativity. With these two as our foundation grounds, we are committed to getting any business into digital form with a realistic approach. Ours is a young team based in Mumbai and we work with tenacity to get any job sorted.
About the website
This website has been developed using following technologies ::
HTML5 :For framing a structure for the website .
CSS3 : For designing the website .
JS : For supporting css and providing it a responsive feature .