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Created October 6, 2017 21:52
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A bit of code for pretty formatting Simplify predicates. It can be used to parse and format s-lists if you throw a few lines out
// Indentation unit: predicate components are indented with this string,
// repeated several times, depending on their nesting level.
// Use '' for no identation.
// All lines end with this string; predicates on the top level
// are separated with twice this string.
// Use ' ' for a one-line output ('' won't lead to valid predicates).
// An s-list shorter than this would be a one-liner.
// This number is not exact, though (see `estimatedLength`).
// Use value <= 0 to get no one-liners.
/* Note that formatting will remove comments from source code. */
// You can run the file as a script like this
// cat filename | node format-simplify.js > out
if (!module.parent) {
let code = ''
process.stdin.on('readable', () => {
const chunk =
if (chunk !== null) {
code += chunk
process.stdin.on('end', () => {
const list = parse(code).map(combineAnds).map(combineOrs)
const formattedCode = listToString(list,
module.exports = { parse, combineAnds, combineOrs, listToString }
function parse(code) {
return parseImpl(removeComments(code), 0).list
function parseImpl(code, i) {
const list = []
let argStart = -1
for (; i < code.length; ++i) {
if (code[i] === '(') {
const res = parseImpl(code, i + 1)
i = res.i; list.push(res.list)
} else if (code[i] === ')') {
if (argStart !== -1) {
list.push(code.slice(argStart, i))
} else if (argStart !== -1 && code[i].match(/\s/)) {
list.push(code.slice(argStart, i))
argStart = -1
} else if (argStart === -1 && !code[i].match(/\s/)) {
argStart = i
return { i, list }
function combineAnds(list) {
return combineCommutativeOp(list, 'AND')
function combineOrs(list) {
return combineCommutativeOp(list, 'OR')
function combineCommutativeOp(list, op) {
if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
return list
const processedSublists = list
.map(sublist => combineCommutativeOp(sublist, op))
if (list[0] !== op) {
return processedSublists
const res = []
processedSublists.forEach(sublist => {
if (Array.isArray(sublist) && sublist[0] === op) {
res.push(... sublist.slice(1))
} else {
return res
function listToString(list, indentStr, lineEnd, maxLen) {
// We do not need parentheses for the upper level
// (think of several predicates in a file)
return list
.map(sublist =>
listToStringImpl(sublist, 0, indentStr, lineEnd, maxLen))
.join(lineEnd + lineEnd)
function listToStringImpl(list, nestingLevel, indentStr, lineEnd, maxLen) {
if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
return repeat(indentStr, nestingLevel) + list
if (maxLen > 0 && estimatedLength(list) <= maxLen) {
return repeat(indentStr, nestingLevel) + listToStringImpl(list, 0, '', ' ', 0)
let prefix = list[0], prefixElementsCount = 1
// This if can be removed if you [aim to] parse
// s-lists in general (non simplify-specific).
if (list[0] === 'FORALL' || list[0] === 'EXISTS') {
prefixElementsCount = 2
if (list[2][0] === 'PATS') { // list[2][0] is always defined
++prefixElementsCount // for quantifiers.
let varsAndPats = list.slice(1, prefixElementsCount)
if (estimatedLength(varsAndPats) <= maxLen) {
varsAndPats = ' ' + varsAndPats
.map(sublist =>
listToStringImpl(sublist, 0, '', ' ', 0))
.join(' ')
} else {
varsAndPats = lineEnd + varsAndPats
.map(sublist =>
listToStringImpl(sublist, nestingLevel + 1, indentStr, lineEnd, maxLen))
prefix += varsAndPats
const args = list.slice(prefixElementsCount)
.map(sublist =>
listToStringImpl(sublist, nestingLevel + 1, indentStr, lineEnd, maxLen))
return repeat(indentStr, nestingLevel)
+ '(' + prefix + (args.length ? (lineEnd + args) : '') + ')'
function repeat(str, times) {
let res = ''
while (times-- > 0) res += str
return res
function estimatedLength(list) {
if (!Array.isArray(list)) return list.length + 1 // for a space
return list.reduce((acc, sublist) =>
estimatedLength(sublist) + acc, 0)
function removeComments(code) {
let res = []
for (let i = 0; i < code.length; ++i) {
if (code[i] === ';') {
while (i < code.length && code[i] !== '\n') ++i
if (i < code.length) res.push(code[i])
} else {
return res.join('')
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