- Index Json data in Postgres (Scalegrid)
- JSON in PostgreSQL (Cybertec)
- Postgres FTS (Crunchydata)
- When to avoid JSONB in a Postgres schema
- PostgreSQL JSON (Instaclustr)
- Oleg's FOSDEM 2021 speeding up JSONB in Postgres talk
- Oleg's PGConfEU 2012 talk FTS in Postgres in milliseconds
- Using Postgres to create an efficient search engine
- FTS since Postgres 8.3 (2nd Quadrant)
- Postgres FTS is good enough
- Indexing documents for FTS Postgres (EDB)
- Indexing documents for FTS
- State of FTS in PG12 FOSDEM2020 (2nd Quadrant)
- Setting up search with Postgres (materialized views)
- Postgres text search balancing query time and relevancy (Sourcegraph)
- Fine tuning FTS with PG 12
- Indexing for FTS in Postgres
- Order by killing FTS performance (stackexchange)
- TS Rank massively slows down the query
- Optimizing order by in a FTS query
- Why is this query with order by and limit so slow (no statistics on jsonb for query planner, try using arrays)
- Unit testing PSQL functions
- PLPGSQL checker
- What is the size of your jsonb column?
SELECT jb->'id' as id, pg_column_size(jb) as raw_size, pg_column_size(jb::text::jsonb) stored_size FROM test;