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Created August 20, 2024 06:17
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html builder idea
package html_builder
import "core:fmt"
import "core:strings"
Attr :: struct {
name: string,
value: string,
Block :: struct {
type: string,
attrs: [dynamic]Attr,
children: [dynamic]Block,
text: string, // if children is nil
to_html :: proc(sb: ^strings.Builder, block: ^Block, level: int = 0) {
print_indent :: proc(sb: ^strings.Builder, level: int) {
for _ in 0..<level {
fmt.sbprint(sb, " ")
if block.type != "" {
print_indent(sb, level)
fmt.sbprintf(sb, "<%s", block.type)
for &attr in block.attrs {
// TODO: escape `"` characters in attr.value to `&quot;`
fmt.sbprintf(sb, " %s=\"%s\"",, attr.value)
fmt.sbprintf(sb, ">\n")
if len(block.children) > 0 {
for &block in block.children {
to_html(sb, &block, level + 1)
} else if block.text != "" {
print_indent(sb, level+1)
fmt.sbprint(sb, block.text)
if block.type != "" {
print_indent(sb, level)
fmt.sbprintf(sb, "</%s>\n", block.type)
// blocks builder
current: ^Block
begin :: proc(type: string) {
current = new(Block)
current.type = type
end :: proc() -> ^Block {
defer current = nil
return current
attr :: proc(name: string, value: string) {
append(&current.attrs, Attr{name, value})
text :: proc(t: string) {
current.text = t
el :: proc(type: string) -> (prev: ^Block) {
block := Block { type = type }
idx := len(current.children)
append(&current.children, block)
prev = current
current = &current.children[idx]
return prev
_el_end :: proc(prev: ^Block) {
current = prev
main :: proc() {
text("Test Document")
attr("class", "abc def")
text("Hello World!")
doc := end()
sb: strings.Builder
to_html(&sb, doc)
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