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Last active April 16, 2018 02:05
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TypeScript Lens implementation with object property proxy
* TypeScript Lens implementation with object property proxy
* ref:
* - Haskell Lens (
* - Type-safe Lens by @mitaki28 (
class LensInternal<T, U> {
public __get: (from: T) => U,
public __set: (val: U) => (from: T) => T,
) { }
_<V>(other: Lens<U, V>): Lens<T, V> {
return lens(
(x: T) => other.__get(this.__get(x)),
(x: V) => (o: T) => this.__set(other.__set(x)(this.__get(o)))(o),
type Lens<T, U> = {
readonly [K in keyof U]: Lens<T, U[K]>;
} & LensInternal<T, U>;
function lens<T, U>(
__get: (from: T) => U,
__set: (val: U) => (from: T) => T,
): Lens<T, U> {
return new Proxy(new LensInternal(__get, __set), {
get(lens: Lens<T, U>, k: keyof Lens<T, U>) {
return k in lens ? lens[k] : lens._(key<U>()(k as keyof U));
}) as Lens<T, U>;
function id<T>(): Lens<T, T> {
return lens(
x => x,
x => _ => x,
function key<T>(): <K extends keyof T>(k: K) => Lens<T, T[K]> {
return k => lens(
o => o[k],
x => o => Object.assign(o, { [k]: x }),
function getl<T, U>(lens: Lens<T, U>, target: T): U {
return lens.__get(target);
function setl<T, U>(lens: Lens<T, U>, val: U, target: T): T {
return lens.__set(val)(target);
* Example code
type Person = {
name: string,
age: number,
accounts: Accounts,
type Accounts = {
twitter?: string,
facebook?: string,
const azusa: Person = {
name: 'Azusa',
age: 15,
accounts: {
twitter: '@azusa',
// property lenses are created dynamically with Proxy
const twitterLens = id<Person>().accounts.twitter;
console.log(getl(twitterLens, azusa)); // -> '@azusa'
setl(twitterLens, '@nakano', azusa);
// ._() can be used to compose lenses
)); // -> '@nakano'
* Type errors
type Person = {
name: string,
age: number,
accounts: Accounts,
type Accounts = {
twitter?: string,
facebook?: string,
// all the following lines result in type errors
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hatashiro commented Aug 22, 2017

FYI: Lens tutorial in Haskell

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Implemented as a package lens.ts

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