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Created March 23, 2012 05:57
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20120323 ASP.NET: Refactoring to Patterns sample
protected void btnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.IsValid)
var product = this.GetProduct();
ILogistics logistics = FactoryRepository.GetILogistics(this.drpCompany.SelectedValue, product);
if (logistics != null)
var companyName = logistics.GetsComapanyName();
var fee = logistics.GetsFee();
this.SetResult(companyName, fee);
var js = "alert('發生不預期錯誤,請洽系統管理者');location.href='';";
this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "back", js, true);
/// <summary>
/// 呈現結果
/// </summary>
/// <param name="companyName"></param>
/// <param name="fee"></param>
private void SetResult(string companyName, double fee)
this.lblCompany.Text = companyName;
this.lblCharge.Text = fee.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// 取得畫面資料
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Product GetProduct()
var result = new Product
Name = this.txtProductName.Text.Trim(),
Weight = Convert.ToDouble(this.txtProductWeight.Text),
Size = new Size()
Length = Convert.ToDouble(this.txtProductLength.Text),
Width = Convert.ToDouble(this.txtProductWidth.Text),
Height = Convert.ToDouble(this.txtProductHeight.Text)
IsNeedCool = this.rdoNeedCool.SelectedValue == "1"
return result;
namespace RefactoringSampleLibrary
public class BlackCat : RefactoringSampleLibrary.ILogistics
private double _fee;
private readonly string _companyName = "黑貓";
public Product ShipProduct { get; set; }
public void Calculate()
var weight = this.ShipProduct.Weight;
if (weight > 20)
this._fee = 500;
var fee = 100 + weight * 10;
this._fee = fee;
public string GetsComapanyName()
return this._companyName;
public double GetsFee()
return this._fee;
public class Hsinchu : ILogistics
private double _fee;
private readonly string _companyName = "新竹貨運";
public void Calculate()
var length = this.ShipProduct.Size.Length;
var width = this.ShipProduct.Size.Width;
var height = this.ShipProduct.Size.Height;
var size = length * width * height;
//長 x 寬 x 高(公分)x 0.0000353
if (length > 100 || width > 100 || height > 100)
this._fee = size * 0.0000353 * 1100 + 500;
this._fee = size * 0.0000353 * 1200;
public Product ShipProduct { get; set; }
public string GetsComapanyName()
return this._companyName;
public double GetsFee()
return this._fee;
public class PostOffice : ILogistics
private double _fee;
private readonly string _companyName = "郵局";
public void Calculate()
var weight = this.ShipProduct.Weight;
var feeByWeight = 80 + weight * 10;
var length = this.ShipProduct.Size.Length;
var width = this.ShipProduct.Size.Width;
var height = this.ShipProduct.Size.Height;
var size = length * width * height;
var feeBySize = size * 0.0000353 * 1100;
if (feeByWeight < feeBySize)
this._fee = feeByWeight;
this._fee = feeBySize;
public Product ShipProduct { get; set; }
public string GetsComapanyName()
return this._companyName;
public double GetsFee()
return this._fee;
namespace RefactoringSampleLibrary
public class FactoryRepository
/// <summary>
/// 將ILogistics的instance,交給工廠來決定
/// </summary>
/// <param name="company"></param>
/// <param name="product"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ILogistics GetILogistics(string company, Product product)
if (company == "1")
return new BlackCat() { ShipProduct = product };
else if (company == "2")
return new Hsinchu() { ShipProduct = product };
else if (company == "3")
return new PostOffice() { ShipProduct = product };
return null;
namespace RefactoringSampleLibrary
public interface ILogistics
void Calculate();
string GetsComapanyName();
double GetsFee();
/// <summary>
///GetILogistics 的測試
public void GetILogisticsTest_GetBlackCat()
string p = "1";
Product product = new Product();
ILogistics expected = new BlackCat();
ILogistics actual;
actual = FactoryRepository.GetILogistics(p, product);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetType(), actual.GetType());
/// <summary>
///GetILogistics 的測試
public void GetILogisticsTest_Get新竹貨運()
string p = "2";
Product product = new Product();
ILogistics expected = new Hsinchu();
ILogistics actual;
actual = FactoryRepository.GetILogistics(p, product);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetType(), actual.GetType());
/// <summary>
///GetILogistics 的測試
public void GetILogisticsTest_Get郵局()
string p = "3";
Product product = new Product();
ILogistics expected = new PostOffice();
ILogistics actual;
actual = FactoryRepository.GetILogistics(p, product);
Assert.AreEqual(expected.GetType(), actual.GetType());
//v3 Unit test
/// <summary>
///GetsComapanyName 的測試
public void GetsComapanyNameTest_v3()
BlackCat target = new BlackCat();
string expected = "黑貓";
string actual;
actual = target.GetsComapanyName();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
/// <summary>
///GetsFee 的測試
public void GetsFeeTest_v3()
BlackCat target = new BlackCat();
double expected = 0F;
double actual;
actual = target.GetsFee();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
/// <summary>
///Calculate 的測試
public void CalculateTest_v3()
//從整合測試的test case,來當做單元測試的test case
BlackCat target = new BlackCat()
ShipProduct = new Product
IsNeedCool = true,
Name = "商品測試1",
Size = new Size
Height = 10,
Length = 30,
Width = 20
Weight = 10
var expectedName = "黑貓";
var expectedFee = 200;
var actualName = target.GetsComapanyName();
var actualFee = target.GetsFee();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, actualName);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedFee, actualFee);
/// <summary>
///Calculate 的測試
public void CalculateTest_v3()
Hsinchu target = new Hsinchu()
ShipProduct = new Product
IsNeedCool = true,
Name = "商品測試1",
Size = new Size
Height = 10,
Length = 30,
Width = 20
Weight = 10
var expectedName = "新竹貨運";
var expectedFee = 254.16;
var actualName = target.GetsComapanyName();
var actualFee = target.GetsFee();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, actualName);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedFee, actualFee);
/// <summary>
///GetsComapanyName 的測試
public void GetsComapanyNameTest_v3()
Hsinchu target = new Hsinchu();
string expected = "新竹貨運";
string actual;
actual = target.GetsComapanyName();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
/// <summary>
///GetsFee 的測試
public void GetsFeeTest_v3()
Hsinchu target = new Hsinchu();
double expected = 0F;
double actual;
actual = target.GetsFee();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
/// <summary>
///Calculate 的測試
public void CalculateTest_v3()
PostOffice target = new PostOffice()
ShipProduct = new Product
IsNeedCool = true,
Name = "商品測試1",
Size = new Size
Height = 10,
Length = 30,
Width = 20
Weight = 10
var expectedName = "郵局";
var expectedFee = 180;
var actualName = target.GetsComapanyName();
var actualFee = target.GetsFee();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedName, actualName);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedFee, actualFee);
/// <summary>
///GetsFee 的測試
public void GetsFeeTest_v3()
PostOffice target = new PostOffice();
double expected = 0F;
double actual;
actual = target.GetsFee();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
/// <summary>
///GetsComapanyName 的測試
public void GetsComapanyNameTest_v3()
PostOffice target = new PostOffice();
string expected = "郵局";
string actual;
actual = target.GetsComapanyName();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
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