This tool can switch Cloudflare Universal SSL to Google CA.
这个工具可以帮助你切换cloudflare的SSL合作商到Google Trust Services
このツールはCloudflareのSSLパートナーをGoogle Trust Servicesに変更できる。
- 有请中文用户先去吃点东西~
- そして日本の方も、ミルクティーでも飲みながら待ちましょう~
- Make sure you have Python3 Environment.
- Make sure "requests" is installed or install it frist.
- We have 3 version of file for english, chinese, and japanese. Except language, all will same.
- Get any .py file as your favorite filename and remenber where is they in.
- Open your favorite editor to edit downloaded .py file.
- Read comment and make sure variable API_TOKEN is filled with valid value.
- OK, Take some coffee and let's wait a moments. Someone maybe reading this script now and make sure they know what will be happen. but for safety, I actually recommend everyone to read it before running it. Although it is technicaly not a work of art.
- OKey! Let's try to use python3 to run it!
- If you see anything is "success". please be carefully! Because anything is successfully done and cloudflare will send a lot of Email to fill your mailbox until it explode.
- ここに日本語版の取説書き込みたいんが。。。お腹が空いたので。。英語版で我慢して~
- 気合と根性で!
- 假装已经写了一些中文说明.png
- 看着你们吃东西咱的肚子都饿了.png
- 总之。。。你们先努力看英语吧~咱吃饭去了quq