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Håvard Gulldahl havardgulldahl

  • NRK
  • Tromsø, Norway
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havardgulldahl /
Created February 15, 2025 20:11
A python script to translate a pdf inline, where the translated strings are overlayed on top of the original text -- like will do.
import fitz # PyMuPDF
import asyncio
from googletrans import Translator
from tqdm.asyncio import tqdm # For async progress reporting
__author__ = "[email protected], 2025"
def normalize_color(color_int):
havardgulldahl / poi.csv
Created April 2, 2015 17:18
Oppdrag Nansen POI
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
Stopper første dagen;;89.11;60.0
Stopper andre dagen;;89.23;60.0
Stopper tredje dagen;;89.39;60.0
havardgulldahl /
Created August 2, 2011 19:13
Bildekrymper med GUI. For epostsending. Knytt det til .jpeg|.jpg|.png|etc i systemet ditt.
# krymper en bildefil til noe som går an å sende i epost
# knytt dette til .jpg-filer i systemet ditt.
# 2010 [email protected]
DIMLIST="TRUE 1600x1200 FALSE 1280x960 FALSE 1024x960"
havardgulldahl /
Created November 28, 2010 23:10 — forked from mumrah/
Python WebSocket server (single thread)
# -*- encoding: utf8 -*-
# Simple WebSockets in Python
# By Håvard Gulldahl <[email protected]>
# Based on example by David Arthur (he did all the hard work :)
import struct