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Created April 5, 2012 02:10
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Lame URI manipulation
* Copyright (C) 2012 Typesafe, Inc <>
object EnhancedURI {
implicit def uri2enhanced(uri: URI) = new EnhancedURI(uri)
* Enhance URI class to support fluent modifications:
* - copy() changing any field
* - replaceQueryParameter / addQueryParameter
* - appendToPath
* uri.copy(port=9001).appendToPath("bar").replaceQueryParameter("foo", "bar")
* This does not support URI schemes with an "authority" that is
* not in the userInfo@hostname:port format.
* Writing this seems basically crazy but I didn't see anything
* in the Play stack to use instead. I'm sure some of the details
* here are wrong.
class EnhancedURI(val uri: URI) {
/** Copy a URI case-class-style, changing only some fields by keyword */
def copy(scheme: String = uri.getScheme(), userInfo: String = uri.getUserInfo(),
host: String = uri.getHost(), port: Int = uri.getPort(), path: String = uri.getPath(),
query: String = uri.getQuery(), fragment: String = uri.getFragment()): URI = {
new URI(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment);
/** Replace (or add if not present) one query parameter */
def replaceQueryParameter(key: String, value: String): URI = {
replaceQueryParameters(Map(key -> List(value)))
/** Replace (or add if not present) a set of query parameters */
def replaceQueryParameters(params: Map[String, Seq[String]]): URI = {
val existing = uri.getQuery()
if (existing == null)
copy(query = encodeQuery(params))
copy(query = encodeQuery(parseQuery(existing) ++ params))
/** Replace (or add if not present) the params in the encoded query string */
def replaceQueryParameters(encodedParams: String): URI = {
/** Add one query parameter creating a duplicate if already present */
def addQueryParameter(key: String, value: String): URI = {
addQueryParameters(Map(key -> List(value)))
/** Add a set of query parameters creating duplicates if already present */
def addQueryParameters(params: Map[String, Seq[String]]): URI = {
val existing = uri.getQuery()
if (existing == null)
copy(query = encodeQuery(params))
copy(query = encodeQuery(mergeQuery(parseQuery(existing), params)))
/** Append to the URI's path, avoiding duplicate "/" */
def appendToPath(morePath: String): URI = {
val startsWithSlash = if (morePath.startsWith("/") || morePath.length == 0)
"/" + morePath
val existing = uri.getPath()
if (existing == null) {
copy(path = startsWithSlash)
} else if (existing.endsWith("/")) {
copy(path = existing + startsWithSlash.substring(1))
} else {
copy(path = existing + startsWithSlash)
private def parseOnePair(keyEqualsValue: String): Map[String, String] = {
if (keyEqualsValue.length() == 0) {
} else {
val e = keyEqualsValue.indexOf('=')
if (e < 0) {
Map(keyEqualsValue -> "")
} else {
Map(keyEqualsValue.substring(0, e) -> URLDecoder.decode(keyEqualsValue.substring(e + 1), "UTF-8"))
private def splitQuery(query: String): (Map[String, String], String) = {
val i = query.indexOf('&')
if (i < 0) {
(parseOnePair(query), "")
} else if (i == 0) {
} else {
(parseOnePair(query.substring(0, i)), query.substring(i + 1))
private def parseQuery(query: String): Map[String, Seq[String]] = {
if (query.length() == 0) {
} else {
val (first, remaining) = splitQuery(query)
val others = parseQuery(remaining)
mergeQuery(first.mapValues(Seq(_)), others)
private def encodeQuery(query: Map[String, Seq[String]]): String = {
// we sort the query string because deterministic order
// makes the test suite a lot easier
query.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).foldLeft("")({ (sofar, kv) ⇒
val pairs = for { v ← kv._2 }
yield kv._1 + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(v, "UTF-8")
val encoded = pairs.mkString("&")
if (sofar.length() == 0)
sofar + "&" + encoded
private def mergeQuery(left: Map[String, Seq[String]], right: Map[String, Seq[String]]): Map[String, Seq[String]] = {
right.foldLeft(left)({ (sofar, kv) ⇒
val dup = sofar.get(kv._1)
sofar + (kv._1 -> ++ kv._2).getOrElse(kv._2))
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