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Created May 8, 2012 22:50
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Play result composition
/* Caution: untested code. Allows composing Result objects in Play 2.0 */
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.http.HeaderNames
package object common {
def mapPlain(result: Result, f: PlainResult => Result): Result = {
result match {
case p: PlainResult =>
case a: AsyncResult =>
AsyncResult(, f)))
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to work with result: " + result)
def mapHeaders(result: Result, f: ResponseHeader => ResponseHeader): Result = {
mapPlain(result, { plain =>
plain match {
case simple: SimpleResult[_] =>
SimpleResult(f(simple.header), simple.body)(simple.writeable)
case chunked: ChunkedResult[_] =>
ChunkedResult(f(chunked.header), chunked.chunks)(chunked.writeable)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to work with result: " + plain)
def mapCookies(result: Result, f: Seq[Cookie] => Seq[Cookie]): Result = {
mapHeaders(result, { header =>
val newCookies = f(header.headers.get(HeaderNames.SET_COOKIE).map(Cookies.decode(_)).getOrElse(Seq.empty))
header.copy(headers = header.headers + (HeaderNames.SET_COOKIE -> Cookies.encode(newCookies)))
def mapSession(result: Result, f: Session => Session): Result = {
mapCookies(result, { cookies =>
val (sessionCookies, otherCookies) = cookies.partition( == Session.COOKIE_NAME)
val oldSession = Session.decodeFromCookie(sessionCookies.headOption)
val newSession = f(oldSession)
Session.encodeAsCookie(newSession) +: otherCookies
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