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Created May 27, 2023 02:33
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coredumpctl gdb sway
Script started on 2023-05-27 11:25:02+09:00 [TERM="linux" TTY="/dev/tty4" COLUMNS="240" LINES="67"]
[root@Archaxibami ~]# coredumpctl gdb sway
PID: 12693 (sway)
UID: 1000 (haxibami)
GID: 1000 (haxibami)
Signal: 11 (SEGV)
Timestamp: Sat 2023-05-27 11:23:00 JST (2min 17s ago)
Command Line: /usr/bin/sway -d -V -c /etc/sway/config
Executable: /usr/bin/sway
Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-7.scope
Unit: session-7.scope
Slice: user-1000.slice
Session: 7
Owner UID: 1000 (haxibami)
Boot ID: 76feeda768344d4bb642166572b2809a
Machine ID: 866e2a340f8f4dcaafd54dc998faf3cf
Hostname: Archaxibami
Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.sway.1000.76feeda768344d4bb642166572b2809a.12693.1685154180000000.zst (present)
Size on Disk: 5.7M
Message: Process 12693 (sway) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 12693:
#0 0x00007ff9ca514380 n/a ( + 0x114380)
#1 0x00007ff9ca5148f9 n/a ( + 0x1148f9)
#2 0x00007ff9b21afac2 _Z47DispatchGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2P18VkPhysicalDevice_TPK32VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2P24VkImageFormatProperties2 ( + 0x5afac2)
#3 0x00007ff9b22c9995 _ZN20vulkan_layer_chassis11CreateImageEP10VkDevice_TPK17VkImageCreateInfoPK21VkAllocationCallbacksPP9VkImage_T ( + 0x6c9995)
#4 0x00007ff9d1914d20 n/a ( + 0x3cd20)
#5 0x00007ff9d1918d5b n/a ( + 0x40d5b)
#6 0x00007ff9d1943a97 n/a ( + 0x6ba97)
#7 0x00007ff9d198930e n/a ( + 0xb130e)
#8 0x00007ff9d19428c1 wlr_output_test_state ( + 0x6a8c1)
#9 0x000055e25cb2c331 n/a (sway + 0x46331)
#10 0x000055e25cb2c780 n/a (sway + 0x46780)
#11 0x000055e25cb05539 n/a (sway + 0x1f539)
#12 0x00007ff9d19f857e wl_signal_emit_mutable ( + 0xa57e)
#13 0x00007ff9d19f857e wl_signal_emit_mutable ( + 0xa57e)
#14 0x00007ff9d192460b n/a ( + 0x4c60b)
#15 0x00007ff9d192579c n/a ( + 0x4d79c)
#16 0x00007ff9d19377c6 n/a ( + 0x5f7c6)
#17 0x000055e25caf7706 n/a (sway + 0x11706)
#18 0x00007ff9d1623ad0 n/a ( + 0x23ad0)
#19 0x00007ff9d1623b8a __libc_start_main ( + 0x23b8a)
#20 0x000055e25caf8255 n/a (sway + 0x12255)
Stack trace of thread 12697:
#0 0x00007ff9d1693686 n/a ( + 0x93686)
#1 0x00007ff9d169605e pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9605e)
#2 0x00007ff9a1aca3bc n/a ( + 0xca3bc)
#3 0x00007ff9a1c4fd1c n/a ( + 0x24fd1c)
#4 0x00007ff9d16970af n/a ( + 0x970af)
#5 0x00007ff9d17299f0 n/a ( + 0x1299f0)
Stack trace of thread 12700:
#0 0x00007ff9d1693686 n/a ( + 0x93686)
#1 0x00007ff9d169605e pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9605e)
#2 0x00007ff9a1aca3bc n/a ( + 0xca3bc)
#3 0x00007ff9a1c4fd1c n/a ( + 0x24fd1c)
#4 0x00007ff9d16970af n/a ( + 0x970af)
#5 0x00007ff9d17299f0 n/a ( + 0x1299f0)
Stack trace of thread 12699:
#0 0x00007ff9d1693686 n/a ( + 0x93686)
#1 0x00007ff9d169605e pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9605e)
#2 0x00007ff9a1aca3bc n/a ( + 0xca3bc)
#3 0x00007ff9a1c4fd1c n/a ( + 0x24fd1c)
#4 0x00007ff9d16970af n/a ( + 0x970af)
#5 0x00007ff9d17299f0 n/a ( + 0x1299f0)
Stack trace of thread 12698:
#0 0x00007ff9d1693686 n/a ( + 0x93686)
#1 0x00007ff9d169605e pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9605e)
#2 0x00007ff9a1aca3bc n/a ( + 0xca3bc)
#3 0x00007ff9a1c4fd1c n/a ( + 0x24fd1c)
#4 0x00007ff9d16970af n/a ( + 0x970af)
#5 0x00007ff9d17299f0 n/a ( + 0x1299f0)
Stack trace of thread 12696:
#0 0x00007ff9d1693686 n/a ( + 0x93686)
#1 0x00007ff9d169605e pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9605e)
#2 0x00007ff9ca6236fc n/a ( + 0x2236fc)
#3 0x00007ff9ca6b0f0c n/a ( + 0x2b0f0c)
#4 0x00007ff9d16970af n/a ( + 0x970af)
#5 0x00007ff9d17299f0 n/a ( + 0x1299f0)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
GNU gdb (GDB) 13.1
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Reading symbols from /usr/bin/sway...
Reading symbols from /root/.cache/debuginfod_client/3878e7ffabfa2bf0d846dfadd07b9e589e964b49/debuginfo...
[New LWP 12693]
[New LWP 12697]
[New LWP 12700]
[New LWP 12699]
[New LWP 12698]
[New LWP 12696]
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
Downloading separate debug info for /usr/lib/
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/".
Core was generated by `/usr/bin/sway -d -V -c /etc/sway/config'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 radv_get_image_format_properties () at ../mesa-23.1.0/src/amd/vulkan/radv_formats.c:1478
1478 format_feature_flags = radv_get_modifier_flags(physical_device, format,
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7ff9d07b0980 (LWP 12693))]
(gdb) bt full
#0 radv_get_image_format_properties() () at ../mesa-23.1.0/src/amd/vulkan/radv_formats.c:1478
#1 0x00007ff9ca5148f9 in radv_GetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2() () at ../mesa-23.1.0/src/amd/vulkan/radv_formats.c:1773
#2 0x00007ff9b21afac2 in DispatchGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2(VkPhysicalDevice_T*, VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2 const*, VkImageFormatProperties2*)
(pImageFormatProperties=0x7ffd0dfbae30, pImageFormatInfo=0x7ffd0dfbae00, physicalDevice=0x55e25e541fa0) at /usr/src/debug/vulkan-validation-layers/Vulkan-ValidationLayers-sdk-
layer_data = <optimized out>
result = <optimized out>
image_info = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_IMAGE_FORMAT_INFO_2, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbad90, format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB, type = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXT, usage = 17, flags = 0}
external_image_properties = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES, pNext = 0x0, externalMemoryProperties = {externalMemoryFeatures = 0, exportFromImportedHandleTypes = 0, compatibleHandleTypes = 0}}
compatible_types = <optimized out>
any_type = <optimized out>
image_properties = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_2, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbadd0, imageFormatProperties = {maxExtent = {width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0}, maxMipLevels = 0, maxArrayLayers = 0, sampleCounts = 0, maxResourceSize = 0}}
skip = <optimized out>
device_limits = <optimized out>
attach_flags = 240
sparseFlags = 7
format_limits = {maxExtent = {width = 16384, height = 16384, depth = 1}, maxMipLevels = 1, maxArrayLayers = 1, sampleCounts = 1, maxResourceSize = 4294967295}
result = <optimized out>
swapchain_create_info = <optimized out>
external_memory_create_info_nv = <optimized out>
external_memory_create_info = 0x7ffd0dfbb070
opaque_capture_descriptor_buffer = <optimized out>
has_decode_usage = <optimized out>
has_encode_usage = <optimized out>
#3 CoreChecks::PreCallValidateCreateImage(VkDevice_T*, VkImageCreateInfo const*, VkAllocationCallbacks const*, VkImage_T**) const
(this=0x55e25e6b1320, device=0x55e25e66c840, pCreateInfo=<optimized out>, pAllocator=<optimized out>, pImage=<optimized out>)
at /usr/src/debug/vulkan-validation-layers/Vulkan-ValidationLayers-sdk-
image_info = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_IMAGE_FORMAT_INFO_2, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbad90, format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB, type = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXT, usage = 17, flags = 0}
external_image_properties = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES, pNext = 0x0, externalMemoryProperties = {externalMemoryFeatures = 0, exportFromImportedHandleTypes = 0, compatibleHandleTypes = 0}}
compatible_types = <optimized out>
any_type = <optimized out>
image_properties = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_2, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbadd0, imageFormatProperties = {maxExtent = {width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0}, maxMipLevels = 0, maxArrayLayers = 0, sampleCounts = 0, maxResourceSize = 0}}
skip = <optimized out>
device_limits = <optimized out>
attach_flags = 240
sparseFlags = 7
format_limits = {maxExtent = {width = 16384, height = 16384, depth = 1}, maxMipLevels = 1, maxArrayLayers = 1, sampleCounts = 1, maxResourceSize = 4294967295}
result = <optimized out>
swapchain_create_info = <optimized out>
external_memory_create_info_nv = <optimized out>
external_memory_create_info = 0x7ffd0dfbb070
opaque_capture_descriptor_buffer = <optimized out>
has_decode_usage = <optimized out>
has_encode_usage = <optimized out>
#4 0x00007ff9b22c9995 in vulkan_layer_chassis::CreateImage(VkDevice_T*, VkImageCreateInfo const*, VkAllocationCallbacks const*, VkImage_T**) (device=0x55e25e66c840, pCreateInfo=0x7ffd0dfbb1b0, pAllocator=0x0, pImage=0x7ffd0dfbb068)
at /usr/src/debug/vulkan-validation-layers/Vulkan-ValidationLayers-sdk-
lock = {_M_pm = 0x55e25e6b2c60, _M_owns = false}
intercept = 0x55e25e6b1320
__for_range = <optimized out>
layer_data = 0x55e25e6a86e0
skip = false
result = <optimized out>
#5 0x00007ff9d1914d20 in vulkan_import_dmabuf (renderer=renderer@entry=0x55e25e6bfcf0, attribs=attribs@entry=0x7ffd0dfbba20, mems=mems@entry=0x55e25eac6418, n_mems=n_mems@entry=0x55e25eac6410, for_render=for_render@entry=true)
at ../wlroots-0.16.2/render/vulkan/texture.c:513
res = <optimized out>
dev = <optimized out>
fmt = 0x55e25e6be560
plane_count = 3
mod = <optimized out>
disjoint = <optimized out>
img_info = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbb070, flags = 0, imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, format = VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB, extent = {width = 3840, height = 2160, depth = 1}, mipLevels = 1, arrayLayers = 1, samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT, tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXT, usage = 17, sharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, queueFamilyIndexCount = 0, pQueueFamilyIndices = 0x0, initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED}
eimg = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbb150, handleTypes = 512}
plane_layouts = {{offset = 0, size = 0, rowPitch = 15360, arrayPitch = 0, depthPitch = 0}, {offset = 33423360, size = 0, rowPitch = 4096, arrayPitch = 0, depthPitch = 0}, {offset = 33587200, size = 0, rowPitch = 4096, arrayPitch = 0, depthPitch = 0}, {offset = 0, size = 0, rowPitch = 0, arrayPitch = 0, depthPitch = 0}}
mod_info = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXPLICIT_CREATE_INFO_EXT, pNext = 0x0, drmFormatModifier = 144115188486077187, drmFormatModifierPlaneCount = 3, pPlaneLayouts = 0x7ffd0dfbb310}
image = 0x80000000000000
mem_count = <optimized out>
bindi = {{sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbb2f0, image = 0x1, memory = 0x7ff9d165ad70 <__printf_buffer_to_file_done+144>, memoryOffset = 94430706483144}, {sType = 234599408, pNext = 0x7ff9d18035c0 <_IO_2_1_stderr_>, image = 0x55e25cb73fc8, memory = 0x7ffd0dfbb3f0, memoryOffset = 140710936727662}, {sType = 3513096768, pNext = 0x1d168cc5d, image = 0x7ff9d1659a40 <__funlockfile>, memory = 0x7ff9d18035c0 <_IO_2_1_stderr_>, memoryOffset = 140724603453440}, {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_APPLICATION_INFO, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbb320, image = 0x7ffd0dfbb320, memory = 0x7ffd0dfbb3a0, memoryOffset = 1}}
planei = {{sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO, pNext = 0x7ff9d168d57c <_IO_new_file_xsputn+540>, planeAspect = 4294967140}, {sType = 1555513288, pNext = 0x55e25cb73fc9, planeAspect = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT}, {sType = 4294967295, pNext = 0x7ffd0dfbb2e0, planeAspect = 3514824096}, {sType = 234599152, pNext = 0x7ff9d17ff5a0 <_IO_file_jumps>, planeAspect = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT}}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "vulkan_import_dmabuf"
#6 0x00007ff9d1918d5b in create_render_buffer (wlr_buffer=0x55e25eacb8f0, renderer=0x55e25e6bfcf0) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/render/vulkan/renderer.c:442
buffer = 0x55e25eac63b0
dev = <optimized out>
fmt = <optimized out>
fb_info = {sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_APPLICATION_INFO, pNext = 0x17384fbb, flags = 48, renderPass = 0x3e71ef4b2ecf5400, attachmentCount = 1588511008, pAttachments = 0x55e25e9dab20, width = 1588428176, height = 21986, layers = 3516380609}
res = <optimized out>
dmabuf = {width = 3840, height = 2160, format = 875713112, modifier = 144115188486077187, n_planes = 3, offset = {0, 33423360, 33587200, 0}, stride = {15360, 4096, 4096, 0}, fd = {55, 56, 57, 0}}
view_info = {sType = 8192, pNext = 0x3e71ef4b2ecf5400, flags = 234850737, image = 0x3, viewType = 1555641536, format = 21986, components = {r = 234600768, g = 32765, b = 1588377840, a = 21986}, subresourceRange = {aspectMask = 785339392, baseMipLevel = 1047654219, levelCount = 234601056, baseArrayLayer = 32765, layerCount = 1555451778}}
renderer = 0x55e25e6bfcf0
buffer = 0x0
#7 vulkan_bind_buffer (wlr_renderer=0x55e25e6bfcf0, wlr_buffer=0x55e25eacb8f0) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/render/vulkan/renderer.c:551
renderer = 0x55e25e6bfcf0
buffer = 0x0
#8 0x00007ff9d1943a97 in renderer_bind_buffer (buffer=0x55e25eacb8f0, r=0x55e25e6bfcf0) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/render/wlr_renderer.c:70
renderer = 0x55e25e6bfcf0
buffer = 0x55e25eacb8f0
width = <optimized out>
height = <optimized out>
renderer = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "output_attach_empty_back_buffer"
#9 output_attach_back_buffer (buffer_age=0x0, state=0x7ffd0dfbbbd0, output=0x55e25eabfd30) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/types/output/render.c:121
renderer = 0x55e25e6bfcf0
buffer = 0x55e25eacb8f0
width = <optimized out>
height = <optimized out>
renderer = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "output_attach_empty_back_buffer"
#10 output_attach_empty_back_buffer (output=0x55e25eabfd30, state=0x7ffd0dfbbbd0) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/types/output/render.c:152
width = <optimized out>
height = <optimized out>
renderer = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "output_attach_empty_back_buffer"
#11 0x00007ff9d198930e in output_ensure_buffer.constprop.0 (output=output@entry=0x55e25eabfd30, state=state@entry=0x7ffd0dfbbbd0, new_back_buffer=new_back_buffer@entry=0x7ffd0dfbbbcf) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/types/output/render.c:231
enabled = <optimized out>
needs_new_buffer = <optimized out>
#12 0x00007ff9d19428c1 in wlr_output_test_state (output=output@entry=0x55e25eabfd30, state=state@entry=0x7ffd0dfbbd70) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/types/output/output.c:696
unchanged = <optimized out>
copy = {committed = 0, allow_artifacts = true, damage = {extents = {x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0}, data = 0x0}, enabled = true, scale = 0, transform = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, adaptive_sync_enabled = false, render_format = 0, subpixel = WL_OUTPUT_SUBPIXEL_UNKNOWN, buffer = 0x0, mode_type = WLR_OUTPUT_STATE_MODE_FIXED, mode = 0x55e25eac0140, custom_mode = {width = 0, height = 0, refresh = 0}, gamma_lut = 0x0, gamma_lut_size = 0}
new_back_buffer = false
success = <optimized out>
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "wlr_output_test_state"
#13 0x000055e25cb2c331 in queue_output_config (oc=oc@entry=0x55e25eabd690, output=output@entry=0x55e25ead1570, pending=pending@entry=0x7ffd0dfbbd70) at ../sway-1.8.1/sway/config/output.c:413
preferred_mode = 0x55e25eac0140
wlr_output = 0x55e25eabfd30
tr = <optimized out>
scale = <optimized out>
#14 0x000055e25cb2c780 in apply_output_config (oc=0x55e25eabd690, output=0x55e25ead1570) at ../sway-1.8.1/sway/config/output.c:500
wlr_output = 0x55e25eabfd30
pending = {committed = 12, allow_artifacts = true, damage = {extents = {x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0}, data = 0x0}, enabled = true, scale = 0, transform = WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, adaptive_sync_enabled = false, render_format = 0, subpixel = WL_OUTPUT_SUBPIXEL_UNKNOWN, buffer = 0x0, mode_type = WLR_OUTPUT_STATE_MODE_FIXED, mode = 0x55e25eac0140, custom_mode = {width = 0, height = 0, refresh = 0}, gamma_lut = 0x0, gamma_lut_size = 0}
output_box = {x = 1592486800, y = 21986, width = -536, height = -1}
#15 0x000055e25cb05539 in handle_new_output (listener=0x55e25cb93150 <server+112>, data=0x55e25eabd690) at ../sway-1.8.1/sway/desktop/output.c:958
server = 0x55e25cb930e0 <server>
#16 0x00007ff9d19f857e in wl_signal_emit_mutable (signal=<optimized out>, data=0x55e25eabfd30) at ../wayland-1.22.0/src/wayland-server.c:2241
pos = 0x55e25cb93150 <server+112>
l = 0x55e25cb93150 <server+112>
cursor = {link = {prev = 0x55e25cb93150 <server+112>, next = 0x7ffd0dfbbef0}, notify = 0x7ff9d19f5120 <handle_noop>}
end = {link = {prev = 0x7ffd0dfbbf10, next = 0x55e25cef7248}, notify = 0x7ff9d19f5120 <handle_noop>}
#17 0x00007ff9d19f857e in wl_signal_emit_mutable (signal=signal@entry=0x55e25cf0b548, data=data@entry=0x55e25eabfd30) at ../wayland-1.22.0/src/wayland-server.c:2241
pos = 0x55e25cf09788
l = 0x55e25cf09788
cursor = {link = {prev = 0x55e25cf09788, next = 0x7ffd0dfbbf60}, notify = 0x7ff9d19f5120 <handle_noop>}
end = {link = {prev = 0x7ffd0dfbbf80, next = 0x55e25cf0b548}, notify = 0x7ff9d19f5120 <handle_noop>}
#18 0x00007ff9d192460b in scan_drm_connectors (drm=drm@entry=0x55e25cf0b520, event=event@entry=0x0) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/backend/drm/drm.c:1448
conn = 0x55e25eabfd30
i = 0
res = <optimized out>
seen_len = <optimized out>
seen = 0x0
new_outputs_len = <optimized out>
new_outputs = 0x7ffd0dfbbfd0
conn = <optimized out>
tmp_conn = <optimized out>
index = <optimized out>
#19 0x00007ff9d192579c in backend_start (backend=0x55e25cf0b520) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/backend/drm/backend.c:24
drm = 0x55e25cf0b520
#20 0x00007ff9d19377c6 in multi_backend_start (wlr_backend=0x55e25cef7220) at ../wlroots-0.16.2/backend/multi/backend.c:32
backend = 0x55e25cef7220
sub = 0x55e25cf09760
#21 0x000055e25caf7706 in server_start (server=<optimized out>) at ../sway-1.8.1/sway/server.c:301
config_path = 0x55e25cef6580 "/etc/sway/config"
c = <optimized out>
validate = false
debug = true
allow_unsupported_gpu = false
verbose = true
#22 main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=0x7ffd0dfbc408) at ../sway-1.8.1/sway/main.c:400
config_path = 0x55e25cef6580 "/etc/sway/config"
c = <optimized out>
validate = false
debug = true
allow_unsupported_gpu = false
verbose = true
(gdb) quit
[root@Archaxibami ~]#
Script done on 2023-05-27 11:25:47+09:00 [COMMAND_EXIT_CODE="0"]
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