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Created February 3, 2023 07:55
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Freezes the focused screen, allows capturing an area, even with floating / hover windows (ex. IME window)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# based on the script by @lbatalha
# requirements: sway, grim, slurp, swayimg, libvips, wl-clipboard
# Freezes the focused screen, allows capturing an area, even with floating / hover windows (ex. IME window)
# imagemagick and ffmpeg can also be used instead of libvips
TMPIMG="$(mktemp --suffix ss.png)"
FOCUSED=$(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused)')
SWAYIMG_GEOM=$(echo "$FOCUSED" | jq -r '.rect | "\(.x),\(.y),\(.width),\(.height)"')
GRIM_GEOM=$(echo "$FOCUSED" | jq -r '.rect | "\(.x),\(.y) \(.width)x\(.height)"')
grim -c -l 0 -g "$GRIM_GEOM" "$TMPIMG"
swayimg -b none -c "$IMGCLASS" -g "$SWAYIMG_GEOM" "$TMPIMG" &
(vips crop "$TMPIMG" .png $(slurp -f '%x %y %w %h'); \
swaymsg -q "[app_id=$IMGCLASS] focus; kill" 1>&2) \
| wl-copy
rm "$TMPIMG"
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