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Structure of Array and Array of Structures in Haxe
* ObjectPool is a type building macro to create array-of-structure or structure-of-array pools.
* With the intention being to improve access performance, both in CPU cache coherence and by avoiding the GC
* This implementation is a minimal working proof of concept
* Improvements you may want to make
* - Support deallocation of instances and space reclaiming
* - Replace because field access has overhead
* **Usage**
* ```haxe
* typedef Player = ObjectPool.AoS<'Player', {
* x: Float,
* y: Float,
* velocity: {
* x: Float,
* y: Float,
* }
* }>
* ```
#if !macro
class ObjectPool<@:const GeneratedTypeName, T> { }
* Array-of-structures object pool
class AoS<@:const GeneratedTypeName, T> { }
* Structure-of-arrays object pool
class SoA<@:const GeneratedTypeName, T> { }
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.TypeTools;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
enum abstract PoolMode(Int) {
var AoS;
var SoA;
function buildModule(poolMode: Expr) {
var poolMode: PoolMode = switch poolMode.expr {
case EConst(CIdent('AoS')): AoS;
case EConst(CIdent('SoA')): SoA;
default: AoS;
// extract name and structure from type parameters
var typeParams = switch Context.followWithAbstracts(Context.getLocalType()) {
case TInst(_, [
_.get() => {
kind: KExpr({expr: EConst(CString(name))})
}, []),
anon = TAnonymous(a)
anon: anon,
fields: a.get().fields,
name: name
case type: Context.fatalError('First type parameter must be a string and second must be a structure', Context.currentPos());
var moduleName =;
var moduleTypes = getModuleTypes(poolMode, typeParams);
Context.defineModule('objectpool.$moduleName', moduleTypes);
return macro : objectpool.$moduleName;
function getModuleTypes(
poolMode: PoolMode,
params: {
name: String,
anon: haxe.macro.Type,
fields: Array<haxe.macro.Type.ClassField>,
) {
var subModules = [];
var generatedTypeName =;
// define abstract type
var anonTypeComplex = TypeTools.toComplexType(params.anon);
// determine byte length
var byteLengths = [for (field in params.fields)
var totalByteLength = 0;
for (x in byteLengths) totalByteLength += x;
var generatedType = macro class $generatedTypeName { };
generatedType.kind = TDAbstract(macro : Int);
// how many entries we get before we have to reallocate
final initialLength = 262144;
// memory allocation
switch poolMode {
case AoS:
if (parentTypeName == null) {
// add memory allocator
var newFields = (macro class {
static public var memory =$v{initialLength * totalByteLength});
static var index = 0;
static function allocate(): Int {
var ret = index;
// out of space, allocate more!
if (index + byteLength > memory.length) {
var largerMemory = * 2);
largerMemory.blit(0, memory, 0, memory.length);
memory = largerMemory;
index += byteLength;
return ret;
public inline function new(fields: $anonTypeComplex) {
this = allocate();
for (f in newFields) generatedType.fields.push(f);
} else {
// alias to parent memory
var newFields = (macro class {
static public var memory = $i{parentTypeName}.memory;
for (f in newFields) generatedType.fields.push(f);
case SoA:
var doubleAllocExprs = new Array<Expr>();
// add memory allocator
for (i => field in params.fields) {
// room for 262144 values initially
var allocSize = byteLengths[i] * initialLength;
switch Context.followWithAbstracts(field.type) {
case anon = TAnonymous(a): // skip, sub-types declare their own memory arrays
var memoryName = '__${}_memory';
generatedType.fields.push((macro class {
static var $memoryName =$v{allocSize});
doubleAllocExprs.push(macro {
var newBuffer =$i{memoryName}.length * 2);
newBuffer.blit(0, $i{memoryName}, 0, $i{memoryName}.length);
$i{memoryName} = newBuffer;
// add constructor
var newFields = (macro class {
static var index = 0;
static var length = $v{initialLength};
static function allocate(): Int {
if (index + 1 > length) {
// allocate more space!
length *= 2;
return index++;
public inline function new(fields: $anonTypeComplex) {
this = allocate();
for (f in newFields) generatedType.fields.push(f);
// add byteLength
generatedType.fields.push((macro class {
static public final byteLength = $v{totalByteLength};
// add getter and setter fields
for (i => field in params.fields) {
var name =;
var subStructField = false;
var complexType: ComplexType = switch Context.followWithAbstracts(field.type) {
case anon = TAnonymous(a):
var subTypeName =
'${generatedTypeName}_' +
name.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1);
// we need to build a sub type for this field
subModules = subModules.concat(
name: subTypeName,
fields: a.get().fields,
anon: anon
subStructField = true;
TPath({name: subTypeName, pack: []});
default: TypeTools.toComplexType(field.type);
var byteOffsetExpr = switch poolMode {
case AoS:
var o = 0;
for (j in 0...i) o += byteLengths[j];
macro $v{o};
case SoA:
var byteLength = byteLengths[i];
macro $v{byteLength} * this;
var buffer = switch poolMode {
case AoS: 'memory';
case SoA: '__${name}_memory';
var get_name = 'get_$name';
var set_name = 'set_$name';
var newFields = if (subStructField) {
var returnExpr = switch poolMode {
case AoS: macro this + ${byteOffsetExpr};
case SoA: macro this;
(macro class {
public var $name(get, never): $complexType;
inline function $get_name(): $complexType {
return cast $returnExpr;
} else {
(macro class {
public var $name(get, set): $complexType;
inline function $get_name(): $complexType {
return ${getReadExpr(field, buffer, byteOffsetExpr)}
inline function $set_name(v: $complexType) {
${getWriteExpr(field, buffer, byteOffsetExpr)}
return v;
for (newField in newFields) {
// add set(obj)
var setExpr = [for (field in params.fields) {
var name =;
switch Context.followWithAbstracts(field.type) {
case anon = TAnonymous(a):
macro $i{name}.set(values.$name);
macro $i{name} = values.$name;
(macro class {
public inline function set(values: $anonTypeComplex) {
// add toString()
var lineExprs = [for (field in params.fields) {
var name =;
switch Context.followWithAbstracts(field.type) {
case anon = TAnonymous(a):
macro str += '\n$tabDepth' + $v{name} + ': ' + $i{name}.toString(tabDepth + '\t');
macro str += '\n$tabDepth' + $v{name} + ': ' + $i{name};
(macro class {
public function toString(?tabDepth = '\t'): String {
var str = '';
var name = $v{generatedTypeName};
str += '$name [$this] {';
str += '\n${tabDepth.substr(1)}}';
return str;
// trace(new haxe.macro.Printer().printTypeDefinition(generatedType, false));
return [generatedType].concat(subModules);
function getFieldByteLength(field: haxe.macro.Type.ClassField): Int {
var resolved = Context.followWithAbstracts(field.type);
var byteLength = switch resolved {
case TAbstract(_.get() => t, []):
switch t {
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Float'}: 64;
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Int'}: 32;
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Bool'}: 8;
default: null;
case TInst(_.get() => t, []):
switch t {
case {module: 'haxe.Int64', name: '___Int64'}: 64;
default: null;
case TAnonymous(_.get() => anon):
var structLength = 0;
for (f in anon.fields) {
structLength += getFieldByteLength(f);
if (byteLength == null) {
Context.error('Unsupported type ${TypeTools.toString(field.type)}', field.pos);
return byteLength;
function getReadExpr(field: haxe.macro.Type.ClassField, buffer: String, byteOffsetExpr: Expr) {
var resolved = Context.followWithAbstracts(field.type);
var expr = switch resolved {
case TAbstract(_.get() => t, []):
switch t {
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Float'}: macro $i{buffer}.getDouble(this + $byteOffsetExpr);
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Int'}: macro cast $i{buffer}.getInt32(this + $byteOffsetExpr);
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Bool'}: macro cast $i{buffer}.get(this + $byteOffsetExpr);
default: null;
case TInst(_.get() => t, []):
switch t {
case {module: 'haxe.Int64', name: '___Int64'}: macro $i{buffer}.getInt64(this + $byteOffsetExpr);
default: null;
case TAnonymous(_.get() => anon): macro null;
if (expr == null) {
Context.error('Unsupported type ${TypeTools.toString(field.type)}', field.pos);
return expr;
function getWriteExpr(field: haxe.macro.Type.ClassField, buffer: String, byteOffsetExpr: Expr) {
var resolved = Context.followWithAbstracts(field.type);
var expr = switch resolved {
case TAbstract(_.get() => t, []):
switch t {
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Float'}: macro $i{buffer}.setDouble(this + $byteOffsetExpr, v);
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Int'}: macro $i{buffer}.setInt32(this + $byteOffsetExpr, cast v);
case {module: 'StdTypes', name: 'Bool'}: macro cast $i{buffer}.set(this + $byteOffsetExpr, v ? 1 : 0);
default: null;
case TInst(_.get() => t, []):
switch t {
case {module: 'haxe.Int64', name: '___Int64'}: macro $i{buffer}.setInt64(this + $byteOffsetExpr, v);
default: null;
case TAnonymous(_.get() => anon): macro null;
if (expr == null) {
Context.error('Unsupported type ${TypeTools.toString(field.type)}', field.pos);
return expr;
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haxiomic commented Dec 1, 2021

Example usage:


enum abstract EyeColor(Int) {
	final Blue;
	final Green;
	final Purple;
	final Red;

typedef Player = ObjectPool.SoA<'Player', {
	x: Float,
	y: Float,
	age: Int,
	eyeColor: EyeColor,
	alive: Bool,
	velocity: {
		x: Float,
		y: Float,
		q: {a: Int, b: Int},
	i64: haxe.Int64,
	i32: haxe.Int32,

function main() {
	var players = [for (i in 0...3) {
		new Player({
			x: i + 0.1234, y: i + 0.5678,
			i32: i,
			i64: i * 10000,
			velocity: {x: i, y: 2 * i, q: {a: -i, b: 2*i}},
			alive: i % 2 == 0,
			eyeColor: [Blue, Green, Purple, Red][i % 4],
			age: -i,

	for (player in players) {

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