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Nim features you didn't know and don't need to

Nim features you didn’t know and don’t need to

Can put basically anything as identifier

Technically this is just function call using method call syntax - × is treated as regular identifier (like someFunction) and it is perfectly legal to call obj .someFunction arg. So a .× b is not really different in that regard.

proc ×(a, b: set[char]): seq[(char, char)] =
  for aIt in a:
    for bIt in b:
      result.add (aIt, bIt)

echo {'c', 'd'}  {'a', 'b'}
@[('c', 'a'), ('c', 'b'), ('d', 'a'), ('d', 'b')]


let hello = 12
echo hE_LL_o

Unicode identifiers

import macros

    2  ⟦ {t₁ .∈ s(t₁) | (t₁, t₂) .∈ M} ⟧
    ---------------------------------------s(t₂) ⟧ +s(t₁) ⟧

echo "compile ok!"
compile ok!

Arbitrary expressions as function parameter default value

proc tmp(a = 12, b = a + 2, c = ((
    var buf: string
    for i in 0 .. 2:
      buf &= " * " & $i

) = echo b, c

tmp(b = 122)
122 * 0 * 1 * 2

Source code filters

#?replace(sub="function", by="func")
function nice(x, y: int): int = x + y

echo 12 .nice 50

Custom ternary operators with term rewriting

import macros
proc arrImpl(a, b, c: int): void = echo a, " ", b, " ", c

macro `~`(lhs: untyped{nkBracketExpr}, c: int): untyped =
  let a = lhs[0]
  let b = lhs[1]
  quote do:
    arrImpl(`a`, `b`, `c`)

2[3] ~ 4
2 3 4

Variadic infix operators

Use { `|` * a } pattern for term rewriting template to collect all arguments into single list and then pass to actual implementation.

proc `|`(s: varargs[int]): int = 
  for arg in s:
    result += arg
proc `|`(a: int, b: string): string = 
  $a & "--" & b
template optPipe{ `|` * a }(a: int): untyped = |a

echo 2 | 3 | (12 + 23) | "hello"
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