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Created August 6, 2020 14:13
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Get stats for used identifier styles in nim source code
import times, stats, strformat, os, strutils
import compiler/[parser, llstream, idents, options, pathutils, astalgo, ast]
var pars: TParser
let cache: IdentCache = newIdentCache()
let config: ConfigRef = newConfigRef()
proc parsefile(file: string): PNode =
p = pars,
filename = AbsoluteFile(file),
inputStream = llStreamOpen(file.readFile()),
cache = cache,
config = config
result = parseAll(pars)
func isSnakeCase*(str: string): bool =
result = true
for c in str:
if c notin {'a' .. 'z', '_', '0' .. '9'}:
return false
func allLowercase*(str: string): bool =
result = true
for c in str:
if c notin {'a' .. 'z', '0' .. '9'}:
return false
func isCamelCase*(str: string): bool =
result = true
if allLowercase(str):
return true
for c in str:
if c notin {'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9'}:
return false
snakeCount: int = 0
camelCount: int = 0
func idstr*(node: PNode): string = node.ident.s
proc walktree(node: PNode): void =
case node.kind:
of nkIdent:
let str = node.idstr
if str.isCamelCase():
inc camelCount
elif str.isSnakeCase():
# echo str
inc snakeCount
for child in node:
for file in walkDirRec("/tmp/nimrepos"):
if file.endsWith(".nim"):
# echo file
echo &"Found {snakeCount} snakes and {camelCount} camels"
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