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Last active August 14, 2019 12:56
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Generate graphivs graph of nim ast
import macros, tables, strformat, strutils, sequtils
import strutils
proc truncate(value: string, length = 9, ellipsis = "..."): string =
if value.len > length:
value[0..length - 1] & ellipsis
proc surround(input: string, surrWith: (string, string)): string =
surrWith[0] & input & surrWith[1]
proc surround(input: string, surrWith: string): string =
surrWith & input & surrWith
proc surround1(input: string, surrWith: (string, string)): string =
if input.len == 0: ""
else: input.surround(surrWith)
proc escapeHTML(input: string): string =
(">", ">"),
("<", "&lt;"),
("&", "&amp;"),
("\"", "&quot;")
macro dumpDotAst(head: string, body: untyped) =
var idx = 0
var descrTable: Table[int, NimNode]
var graph: seq[string]
proc toDot(node: NimNode): (int, string) =
inc idx
result[0] = idx
result[1] = "n$# -> " % $idx
var subnodes: seq[int]
descrTable[idx] = node
for sub in node:
let res = sub.toDot()
result[1] &= "{ $# }" % subnodes.mapIt("n" & $it).join(",")
for node in body:
discard node.toDot()
var resTotal: seq[string]
for id, node in descrTable:
var label: string = $node.kind
var text: string =
case node.kind:
of nnkIdent: node.strVal.escape()
of nnkStrLit..nnkTripleStrLit:
of nnkCharLit .. nnkUInt64Lit: $node.intVal
else: ""
var color: string =
case node.kind:
of nnkStmtList: "azure2"
of nnkIdent: "brown2"
of nnkStrLit: "green"
of nnkVarSection, nnkLetSection, nnkIdentDefs: "magenta2"
else: "cyan2"
var res = "n$# [label = <$#<br/>$#>, fillcolor = $#, style = filled];" % [
label.surround1(("<i>", "</i>")),
.surround1(("<b>", "</b>"))
.surround1(("<font face='courier'>", "</font>")),
res = res.replace("\n","")
let filename = head.strVal
let resultString = """
digraph G {
rankdir = LR;
splines = ortho;
""" %
if filename.len == 0:
let resStrNode = newStrLitNode(resultString)
result = quote do:
echo `resStrNode`
# Put any valid code under macro and add name of the file in the macro
# argument. If string is empty result will be printed to stdout. Empty
# does not mean the sting is optional!
dumpDotAst "":
result = quote do:
const helpTable {.inject.} = getHelpTable(`bodyNodeGen`)
optParsed {.inject.}: Table[string, CmdArg]
argParsed {.inject.}: seq[string]
hasErrors {.inject.}: bool = false
for arg in body:
if arg[0] == ident"opt" and arg[1].kind == nnkStmtList:
foundDoubleDash: bool = false
for kind {.inject.}, key {.inject.}, val {.inject.} in getOpt():
if key == "" and val == "":
foundDoubleDash = true
if foundDoubleDash:
let prefix =
if kind == cmdShortOption: "-"
elif kind == cmdLongOption: "--"
else: ""
argParsed.add(prefix & key & val)
# Insert top-level case for argument kind
case kind
of cmdShortOption, cmdLongOption:
of cmdArgument:
of cmdEnd:
digraph G {
n1 [label = <<i>nnkCall</i><br/>>];
n2 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;shp&quot;</b></font>>];
n3 [label = <<i>nnkStmtList</i><br/>>];
n4 [label = <<i>nnkCommand</i><br/>>];
n5 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;sh&quot;</b></font>>];
n6 [label = <<i>nnkStrLit</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;ls -al&quot;</b></font>>];
n7 [label = <<i>nnkPrefix</i><br/>>];
n8 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;|&gt;&quot;</b></font>>];
n9 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;duplicate&quot;</b></font>>];
n10 [label = <<i>nnkPrefix</i><br/>>];
n11 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;|&gt;&quot;</b></font>>];
n12 [label = <<i>nnkCommand</i><br/>>];
n13 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;multiplex&quot;</b></font>>];
n14 [label = <<i>nnkPar</i><br/>>];
n15 [label = <<i>nnkPrefix</i><br/>>];
n16 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;&gt;&quot;</b></font>>];
n17 [label = <<i>nnkPar</i><br/>>];
n18 [label = <<i>nnkInfix</i><br/>>];
n19 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;*&quot;</b></font>>];
n20 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;it&quot;</b></font>>];
n21 [label = <<i>nnkIntLit</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>2</b></font>>];
n22 [label = <<i>nnkPrefix</i><br/>>];
n23 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;&gt;&quot;</b></font>>];
n24 [label = <<i>nnkPar</i><br/>>];
n25 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;it&quot;</b></font>>];
n26 [label = <<i>nnkPrefix</i><br/>>];
n27 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;|&gt;&quot;</b></font>>];
n28 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;merge&quot;</b></font>>];
n29 [label = <<i>nnkPrefix</i><br/>>];
n30 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;|&gt;&quot;</b></font>>];
n31 [label = <<i>nnkCommand</i><br/>>];
n32 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;filter&quot;</b></font>>];
n33 [label = <<i>nnkBracket</i><br/>>];
n34 [label = <<i>nnkInfix</i><br/>>];
n35 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;=&gt;&quot;</b></font>>];
n36 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;x&quot;</b></font>>];
n37 [label = <<i>nnkInfix</i><br/>>];
n38 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;==&quot;</b></font>>];
n39 [label = <<i>nnkInfix</i><br/>>];
n40 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;%&quot;</b></font>>];
n41 [label = <<i>nnkIdent</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>&quot;x&quot;</b></font>>];
n42 [label = <<i>nnkIntLit</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>2</b></font>>];
n43 [label = <<i>nnkIntLit</i><br/><font face='courier'><b>0</b></font>>];
n2 -> { }
n5 -> { }
n6 -> { }
n4 -> { n5,n6 }
n8 -> { }
n9 -> { }
n7 -> { n8,n9 }
n11 -> { }
n13 -> { }
n16 -> { }
n19 -> { }
n20 -> { }
n21 -> { }
n18 -> { n19,n20,n21 }
n17 -> { n18 }
n15 -> { n16,n17 }
n23 -> { }
n25 -> { }
n24 -> { n25 }
n22 -> { n23,n24 }
n14 -> { n15,n22 }
n12 -> { n13,n14 }
n10 -> { n11,n12 }
n27 -> { }
n28 -> { }
n26 -> { n27,n28 }
n30 -> { }
n32 -> { }
n35 -> { }
n36 -> { }
n38 -> { }
n40 -> { }
n41 -> { }
n42 -> { }
n39 -> { n40,n41,n42 }
n43 -> { }
n37 -> { n38,n39,n43 }
n34 -> { n35,n36,n37 }
n33 -> { n34 }
n31 -> { n32,n33 }
n29 -> { n30,n31 }
n3 -> { n4,n7,n10,n26,n29 }
n1 -> { n2,n3 }
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