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Last active September 1, 2022 07:35
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  • Save haxscramper/53cf54a33ee9facc3d29798d9fce0644 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save haxscramper/53cf54a33ee9facc3d29798d9fce0644 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Nimskull roadmap planning immediate

Download script and yaml graph, then run It will produce graph.svg and graph.png files.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import yaml
import textwrap
from typing import *
def indent(text, amount, ch=" "):
padding = amount * ch
return "".join(padding + line for line in text.splitlines(True))
def format_text(text: str, width: int = 40) -> str:
return (
textwrap.wrap(text, width, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)
+ "\\l"
def to_graph(item) -> (str, List[str]):
label = format_text(item["text"])
name = item["name"]
style = "style=filled,fillcolor="
if "todo" in item and item["todo"] == "done":
style += "green"
elif "todo" in item and item["todo"] == "wip":
style += "orange"
style += "yellow"
result = f'{name}[label="{label}>> {name} <<",{style}];\n'
deps = []
if "deps" in item:
for dep in item["deps"]:
other = dep["name"]
item = f"\n{other} -> {name}"
if "reason" in dep:
reason = format_text(dep["reason"])
item += f'[label="{reason}"]'
return (result, deps)
def rec_write(body: str, item, level: int) -> (str, List[str]):
result = ""
links = []
if "group" in item:
group = item["group"]
result += f"subgraph cluster_{group} {{\n"
if "pass" in item:
result += indent(item["pass"], 4) + "\n"
label = format_text(item["label"], 120)
result += f' label="{label}";\n'
if "items" in item:
for nested in item["items"]:
(body, link) = rec_write(body, nested, level + 1)
result += body
links += link
result += "\n}\n"
(body, link) = to_graph(item)
result += indent(body, level * 4)
links += link
return (result, links)
body = ""
doc = yaml.load(open("graph.yaml").read(), Loader=yaml.Loader)
all_links = []
for it in doc:
(chunk, links) = rec_write(body, it, 0)
body += chunk
all_links += links
l = indent(";\n".join(all_links), 4)
result = f"""
digraph G {{
node[shape=rect, fontname=consolas,color=black,penwidth=2];
{indent(body, 4)}
import os
with open("", "w+") as file:
os.system("dot -Tpng > graph.png")
os.system("dot -Tsvg > graph.svg")
- name: colortext
todo: done
text: |-
Colored text library
- name: cli_parser
todo: done
text: |
Refactor command-line parsing of the compiler. Instead of mutating
globally used `ConfigRef` it would be much better (for the purposes of
testing) to parse the arguments into the ActiveConfig object and then
apply said config to the config ref
- name: active_config
todo: done
text: |
Refactor active configuration handling Approach of treating a compiler
as a function of its inputs can be pretty useful in testing. With
structured reports, there is really not a lot of things (aside from
generated binary itself) that does not fit this mold
- name: document_things
text: |
Document all involved compiler parts in approachable manner
- name: doc_annotation
- name: dod_parser_ast
reason: |
New-style IR is instrumental part of the refactoring and further
- name: exec_trace
reason: |
Not a requirement (like anything related to the documentation), but
it would be very easy to describe how execution is orderede if we
actually have a full trace for the said execution
- name: builder_library
text: |
Builder library
Implementation of the generic builder library that can be used for
differen tooling needs later on
- name: different_vm_data
todo: done
text: |
Decoupling VM data representation from the AST and IR handling in the
compiler would allow us to specify it separately as well as factor out
parts that need to be tested to ensure execution correctness
- group: testing
label: Testament
- name: task_orchestrator
text: Use builder to orchestrate all test execution tasks
- name: builder_library
- name: auto_rewrite_tests
text: Rewriter must change the spec description
- name: diff_ux
todo: done
text: |
Implement error message diff using nim code instead of calling out
to the git diff and presenting abominable output to the compiler
- name: colortext
- name: diff_sexp
todo: done
text: Support structured output diff
- name: seal_arguments
text: |
Completely seal arguments that are passed to the nim compiler -
default execution must not read any configuration files, must have
`--lib` specified explicitly. Right now tests can fail simply
because user had a configuration file with `--hints=off`
- name: cli_parser
reason: |
In order to parse and understand DSL in the `cmd` and `matrix`
fields we need to have the command-line parser of the compiler
available as a separate library that testament can properly use
- name: active_config
reason: |
Compiler can be treated as a regular function of it's arguments
- we supply an active configuration object, compiler executes
it, and produces the output.
If all arguments are guaranteed to be properly sealed testament
can directly parse the `cmd:` field as well, instead of
executing the command as an interpolated string. with '$file'
- group: dod
label: DOD refactor
- name: dod_tokens
todo: wip
text: "Dod refactor for lexer"
- name: dod_parser_ast
text: "Dod refactor for parser"
todo: wip
- name: dod_tokens
- group: errormsg
label: Error message improvements
- name: sexp_fixups
text: Support :colon in the S-expression parser
todo: done
- name: structure_reports
text: Structure error message information handling in the compiler
- name: structure_errtests
text: Make error tests structured
- name: auto_rewrite_tests
- name: diff_sexp
- name: sexp_fixups
reason: |
Can be done using JSON, but tests would see severe drop in
readability which is already less than stellar in some cases
- name: seal_arguments
reason: |
Not a mandatory requriement, but for each test that uses
structued output we need to also provide a --msgFormat=sexp
option to the compiler. Considering there are 2056 separate
test files (at the time of writing) this might be a
non-negligible point of friction.
- name: style_errs
text: Start error improvements
- name: structure_errtests
- name: colortext
reason: |
Good errors must use coloring, and without basic abstractinons
for dealing with colored text we would need to mainainw awkward
hacks for --colors=off
- group: nimdoc
pass: |-
label: |
Documentation generator
- name: doc_annotation
text: |
Annotation must be positioned precisely in the code, otherwise it
looses most of it's meaning
- name: dod_parser_ast
- name: dod_tokens
reason: |
Annotation must be positioned precisely in the code, otherwise
it looses most of it's meaning
- name: doc_general
- name: dependencies
text: |
Trace intermodule dependencies
- group: nimpretty
label: Nimpretty
pass: |-
- name: formatter
todo: done
text: |
Generic code block layout library
- name: nimpretty
text: Nimpretty refactor
- name: dod_tokens
reason: |
In order to format source code all the tokens must be available
- without proprely storing them nimpretty would require ugly
hacks that are built into the parser
- name: dod_parser_ast
reason: |
A full source code structure is required in order to properly
write out formatted code.
- name: formatter
reason: |
Manually writing all the heuristics for the formatting is going
to be error-prone and prodce subpar results. Instead
optimization-based layout algorithm should be used, as it is
done in almost every single formatter right now.
- group: debugging
label: Debugging
- name: exec_trace
text: Execution traces
- name: backend_rework_main
# - name: sem_define
# text: |
# {.debug.} define Special define for configuration of the compiler
# debugging functionality to avoid misusing regular .define.
- name: sem_trace
todo: done
text: Trace execution of the semantic analysis phase of the compiler
- group: spec
label: Specification and testing
- name: spec_out
text: |
Specify compiler output Make sure every single warning is accounted
for, every single error message has at least one tests where it is
- name: spec_modules
text: |
Specify module search paths, regular modules, `std/` and `pkg/`
prefixes, `--lib` flag, 'foreignPachageNodes'
- name: spec_parser
text: |
Spec parser and lexer tokens
Add --dumpFileAst and --dumpFileTokens flags for 'nim scan'
command. This would allow to specify tests in the manner similar to
the tree-sitter parser, where it compares produced output with the
given one, structurally
- name: dod_tokens
text: |
In order to dump all stored tokens in the file it would be a
lot more convenient to report the lexed file afterwards,
instead of having to report each processed token.
- name: structure_reports
reason: |
Parser implementation would need to report data in the
structured format in order for test to make any sense.
- name: spec_conf
text: |
Spec configuration file reading
Provide a full specification of how, in what order and in what
environment configuration file are processed.
- name: test_vm
text: |
Test VM code generation specify it's execution.
Ideally, vm should be treated as just another backend, *and* it is
pretty close to the general idea of the specification when it comes
to not being bounded by a specific target
- group: pm
label: Package manager
- name: environment_fixup_tool
text: |
Package manager manages the packages. Packages are downloaded and
added to the envrionment. The envrionment is specified via
configuration files. Compiler execution is a function of it's
environment and input source code.
- name: spec_modules
- name: write_cfg
text: Read and write .cfg files
- name: spec_conf
- group: sem
label: Semantic analysis
- name: dod_general
todo: wip
text: "General semantic analsys refactoring"
- name: dod_for_sem
text: |
Data-oriented design for the semantic analysis layer
- name: dod_general
- name: dod_parser_ast
reason: |
Data used by the semantic analys and by the parser is different
and conflating those two only leads to an increased maintenance
- name: different_vm_data
reason: |
Similarly to the parser dependency - it is hardly possible to
conduct a complicated refactoring and maintenance if semantic
analsis data structure is deeply interwined with the embedded
- group: backend
label: Backend rework
- name: backend_rework_main
todo: wip
text: |
Main backend rework
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