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Getting started with pattern matching article

Pattern matching in nim


New pattern matcing library introduces support for two very useful concepts: pattern matching and object destructuring.

Pattern matching is a mechanism that allows you to check particular object against the pattern - you could think of it mainly as a way to reduce boilerplate code when comparing objects for equality, checking if value is within range, particular key is present in table and so on.

import std/json, fusion/matching

{.experimental: "caseStmtMacros".}

# Json is very simple data format, but illustrates a lot of useful features
# of pattern matching
case parseJson("""{ "key" : "value" }"""):
  # No longer necessary to check if key is present - it is done
  # automatically
  of { "key" : JInt() }:

  # Extracting values from nested data structures also becomes much easier.
  of { "key" : (getStr: @val) }:
    echo val
    assert val is string

Second - object destructuring - allows you to extract values from particular fields in object. It is very common in dynamic programming languages such as python. Simplest form of destructuring is already supported by nim - tuple unpacking:

let (val1, val2) = ("some", 12)

And with pattern matching you can now unpack sequences, tables and custom objects.

[(@first, @second), all @trail] := [(12, 3), (33, 4)]
echo first, ", ", second, ", ", trail
12, 3, @[(33, 4)]

Using pattern matching in regular code

Main purpose of pattern matching is simplification of conditions, and consecutive checks. It is especially useful when paired with object variants, but can also be used to do a lot of other things, such as <a href=”ref object matching”><link to documentation>, extensive support for <link to documentation>. Special syntactic sugar is provided for very common use cases, such as Option[T] checking (similar to if let in rust):

import std/options

if Some(@val) ?= some("hello"):
  echo val, ". Is string? ", val is string

And matching tree structures of case objects (such as AST). For enum conforming to <a href=”nep1 style guide”> naming conventions, you can omit prefix entirely leading to code that looks roughtly like this:

case <some AST node>:
  # Node kind is `nnkIdent`, but it is possible to omit `nnk`
  of Ident(strVal: @name):
    echo "Found ident: ", name

  # Extracting subnodes from infix expression.
  of InfixExpr[Ident(strVal: "+"), @lhs, @rhs]:

  # Matching if statements with *exactly* two branches. No need to worry
  # about indexing exceptions - `len` is checked accordingly during pattern
  # matching.
  of IfStmt[ElifBranch[@cond1, _], ElifBranch[@cond2, _]]:

Using pattern matching for writing macros

Nim macros are one of the most powerful and parts of the language, but they might seem a little intimidating for newcomers, especially when it comes to implementing macro for solving particular problem at hand.

This article gives an example on how one can easily create relatively complex macro using new pattern matching library.

We will be creating macro for dataflow programming, with support for some operatings in the std/sequtils module (map/filter/each). The macro won’t be covering all possible combinations and use cases as it would make implementation significantly more complicated.

First step - design DSL

When writing macro, it is very useful to just write DSL code (as if you already had macro) and what you expect it to generate. Decide out what you want to do and how it should look. In our case input could looks roughly like this:

flow lines("/etc/passwd"):
  map[_, seq[string]]:
    it.len > 1 and
    it.matches [_.startsWith("systemd"), .._]
    echo it

And should generate loop that looks like this:

var res = seq[ResType]
for it0 in lines("/etc/passwd"):
  let it1 = it0.split(":")
  if it1.len > 1 and it1.matches [_.startsWith("systemd"), .._]:
    echo it1

Analyze DSL parse tree

Now the question is - how to transform first into second? We will start by first looking at the output for dumpTree on flow macro:

  flow lines("/etc/passwd"):
    map[_, seq[string]]:
    Ident "flow" (ref:1)
    Call (ref:2)
      Ident "lines"
      StrLit "/etc/passwd"
          Ident "map"
          Ident "_"
            Ident "seq"
            Ident "string"
              Ident "it"
              Ident "split"
            StrLit ":"

This load of text might seem a little indimidating at first, but in the end it can be taken apart quite easily (and that is exactly what we will be doing). First, on line (1) we see the flow identifier - this is a start of our macro. Then (2) is a lines("/etc/passwd") argument.

Intermediate representation

I usually try to introduce some kind of intermediate representation for DSL in order to make things more organized and decouple parsing stage from code generation. This might make implementation a little longer, but more extensible and robust. You can, without a doubt, just go directly to code generation, but for more complex DSL I would still recommend using some kind of IR.

In this particular case DSL structure for flow macro can be described as:

  FlowStageKind = enum
    fskMap # Stage for element conversion
    fskFilter # Filter elements
    fskEach # Execute action without returning value

  FlowStage = object
    outputType: Option[NimNode] # Assert result type
    kind: FlowStageKind # Type of the stage
    body: NimNode # Stage body

it directly maps on the input DSL. map: should create fskMap stage, filter creates fskFilter and so on. Optionally you can specify output type like this map [ExpectedOutput].

Pattern matching

Now, after we have good understanding of what exactly we want to do - the question is ‘how?’. That’s where fusion/matching comes particularly handy - we already identifier all patterns, and now it is only matter of writing this down in code.

Without pattern matching you’d be left with long series of repeating [0][0][0] and if kind == nnkBracketExpr in order to retrieve parts from DSL and validate input.

Before we proceed to writing paterns for whole DSL it is important to consider three possible cases of writing a stage. First once is very simple - no type specified, only stage identifier.

    Ident "map"
      Ident "body"

But single stage with type parameter can be written using two different ways - both are syntactically correct, but have comparatively different parse trees:

  map [a]:
    Ident "map"
      Ident "a"
      Ident "body"
      Ident "map"
      Ident "a"
      Ident "body"


Let’s make a small digression in order to better understand how new pattern matching library can help us here.

We will be focusing on parts that are relevant to our task - for more details you can read <link to documentation>.

When writing nim macros you are mostly dealing with NimNode objects - first to process input AST, and then generate new code back. AST is comprised of case objects. Usually, first part of the macro involves lots of checks for correct node kind, followed by iteration over subnodes to extract input data. Pattern matching simplifies this, allowing to directly write expected patterns for ast, with syntax closely matching that of dumpTree.

For example - if we have code like map[string] it has following tree representation:

    Ident "map"
    Ident "string"

And can be matched using following pattern:


Notice similarity between AST and pattern for matching - each node has kind field, which describes what kind of node this is. In this case we are interested in first and second subnodes of the BracketExpr node - flow stage kind and type parameter respectively.

As we have alreay seed earlier, map [string] and map[string] are parsed differently - first one is handled as one-element array passed to map function argument, and second is bracket expression (like accessing element of the array). This difference is caused by method call syntax and usually makes programming DSL a little harder - you need to check for both alternatives, remember which index each capture should be in etc.

With pattern matching though it becomes quite easy to do - adding second alternative to match will be enough.

  # More compact way of writing `BracketExpr`
  BracketExpr[@head, @typeParam] |
  Command[@head, Bracket[@typeParam]]

It should also be possible to omit type parameters from DSL entirely - they are quite nice and would allow for better type checking, but could become quite annoying to write. So, we should also expect someone to just write map - without any type qualifications. To handle this case we add third alternative for pattern -

  BracketExpr[@head, @typeParam] |
  Command[@head, Bracket[@typeParam]] |
  @head is Ident()

This brings one important change typeParam capture is no longer NimNode - type has changed to Option[NimNode], because not all alternatives have this variable. head is still a NimNode just as before - all possible alternatives contain this variable, so it would be set if input matches.

Flow macro implementation

Out first stage would be processing of all input into FlowStage. We already have a way to extract data from input ast - using pattern matching.

macro flow(arg, body: untyped): untyped =
  var stages: seq[FlowStage]
  for elem in body:
    if elem.matches(
        Call[BracketExpr[@ident, opt @outType], @body] |
        # `map[string]:`
        Command[@ident is Ident(), Bracket [@outType], @body] |
        # `map [string]:`
        Call[@ident is Ident(), @body]
        # just `map:`, without type argument
        stages.add FlowStage(
          kind: identToKind(ident),
          outputType: outType,
          body: body

After that, we have all necessary information for generating result code. If last stage is not each - e.g. there is a return value after each iteration, we need to determine type of the result sequence and then append to it on each iteration.

if stages[^1].kind notin {fskEach}:
  # If last stage has return type (not `each`) then we need to
  # accumulate results in temporary variable.
  result = quote do:
    var `resId`: seq[#[ Type of the expression ]#]

    for it0 {.inject.} in `arg`:
      `resId`.add #[ Expression to evaluate]#

  # Otherwise just iterate each element
  result = quote do:
    for it0 {.inject.} in `arg`:
      #[ Expression to evaluate ]#

Get result type

Each stage of the dataflow has a type, and potentially defines variables. In addition to that - each stage uses special variable it - that has to be injected separately for each stage but at the same time it is used for commulicating values between stages.

flow [1,2,3]:
    it * 2

is equivalent to

var res: seq[#[ Type of the expression ]#]

for it in [1, 2, 3]:
  let it = it * 2
  let it = $it
  res.add it


As you can clearly see, such code would not even compile due to redefinition errors. There are two possible ways to solve this problem - kind of obvious, and not-all-that-obvious. Let’s start with the first one - since each variable can be redefined in the new scope we can just do

for it in [1, 2, 3]:
    let it = it * 2
      let it = $it
      echo "Add result - ", it

And it would compile and work perfectly fine. But now we have a problem of getting type of the expression itself - everything is fine as long as you only use map - after all block: is an expression, and we can have something like

echo typeof((block:
               let it = 1
                 let it = it * 2
                 block: $it))

Not the prettiest code in the world, by all means - but it will become even worse when we have to deal with filter, each, injected variables and iterators.

Second alternative is to use declare proc with auto return variable and assign result of the expression to it. In that case compiler will figure out return type for us.

proc hello[T](a: T): auto =
  for c in "ee":
    result = (12, "som", "ee", a)

echo typeof hello[int]

Now we only need to write code generation for #[ Expression to evaluate ]# and substitute result = when necessary.

Create evaluation expression

Body rewrite

Each stage in flow injects it variable - result of the evaluation from previous stage. To avoid getting redefinition errors from mulitiple let it = <expression> on each stage, we will replace each ocurrence of it with it<stage-index>. For the first stage it would be it -> it1, second one is it -> it2 and so on.

rewrite takes input NimNode and either returns it as-is (if no rewriting is necessary) or, in case of identifier it (Ident(strVal: "it")) convert it into new one with corresponding index.

proc rewrite(node: NimNode, idx: int): NimNode =
  case node:
    of Ident(strVal: "it"):
      result = ident("it" & $idx)
    of (kind: in nnkTokenKinds): # `nnkTokenKinds` is a set of node
                                 # kinds that don't have subnodes.
                                 # These ones are returned without any
                                 # modifications.
      result = node
      # For node kinds with subnodes, rewriting must be done
      # recursively
      result = newTree(node.kind)
      for subn in node:
        result.add subn.rewrite(idx)

Create eval expression

For each stage we rewrite body, and then append new chunk of generated code to result.

func evalExprFromStages(stages: seq[FlowStage]): NimNode =
  result = newStmtList()
  for idx, stage in stages:
    # Rewrite body
    let body = stage.body.rewrite(idx)

    case stage.kind:
      # If stage is a filter it is converted into `if` expression
      # and new new variables are injected.
      of fskFilter:
        result.add quote do:
          let stageOk = ((`body`))
          if not stageOk:

      of fskEach:
        # `each` has no variables or special formatting - just
        # rewrite body and paste it back to resulting code
        result.add body
      of fskMap:
        # Create new identifier for injected node and assign
        # result of `body` to it.
        let itId = ident("it" & $(idx + 1))
        result.add quote do:
          let `itId` = `body`

        # If output type for stage needs to be explicitly checked
        # create type assertion.
        if Some(@expType) ?= stage.outputType:
          result.add makeTypeAssert(expType, stage.body, itId)

Result type implementation

func typeExprFromStages(stages: seq[FlowStage], arg: NimNode): NimNode =
  let evalExpr = evalExprFromStages(stages)
    resTuple = nnkPar.newTree(ident "it0")

  for idx, stage in stages:
    if st.kind notin {fskFilter}:
      resTuple.add ident("it" & $(idx + 1))

  let lastId = newLit(stages.len - 1)

  result = quote do:
        proc(): auto =
          for it0 {.inject.} in `arg`:
            result = `resTuple`

Final flow implementation

macro flow(arg, body: untyped): untyped =
  var stages: seq[FlowStage]
  for elem in body:
    if elem.matches(
        Call[BracketExpr[@ident, opt @outType], @body] |
        # `map[string]:`
        Command[@ident is Ident(), Bracket [@outType], @body] |
        # `map [string]:`
        Call[@ident is Ident(), @body]
        # just `map:`, without type argument
        stages.add FlowStage(
          kind: identToKind(ident),
          outputType: outType,
          body: body

  let evalExpr = evalExprFromStages(stages)

  if stages[^1].kind notin {fskEach}:
    # If last stage has return type (not `each`) then we need to
    # accumulate results in temporary variable.
    let resExpr = typeExprFromStages(stages, arg)
    let lastId = ident("it" & $stages.len)
    let resId = ident("res")
    result = quote do:
      var `resId`: seq[typeof(`resExpr`)]

      for it0 {.inject.} in `arg`:
        `resId`.add `lastid`

    result = quote do:
      for it0 {.inject.} in `arg`:

  result = newBlockStmt(result)

Implementation of this macro is inspired by zero_functional library. Full code can be seen in <link to test suite>.

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