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Created January 26, 2009 17:40
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(defvar r5rs-keywords
'("abs" "acos" "and" "angle"
"append" "apply" "asin" "assoc"
"assq" "assv" "atan" "begin"
"boolean?" "caar" "cadr" "call-with-current-continuation"
"call-with-input-file" "call-with-output-file" "call-with-values" "car"
"case" "cdddar" "cddddr" "cdr"
"ceiling" "char->integer" "char-alphabetic?" "char-ci<=?"
"char-ci<?" "char-ci=?" "char-ci>=?" "char-ci>?"
"char-downcase" "char-lower-case?" "char-numeric?" "char-ready?"
"char-upcase" "char-upper-case?" "char-whitespace?" "char<=?"
"char<?" "char=?" "char>=?" "char>?"
"char?" "close-input-port" "close-output-port" "complex?"
"cond" "cons" "cos" "current-input-port"
"current-output-port" "delay" "denominator" "display"
"dynamic-wind" "eof-object?" "eq?" "equal?"
"eqv?" "eval" "even?" "exact->inexact"
"exact?" "exp" "expt" "floor"
"for-each" "force" "gcd" "if"
"imag-part" "inexact->exact" "inexact?" "input-port?"
"integer->char" "integer?" "interaction-environment" "lambda"
"lcm" "length" "let" "let*"
"let-syntax" "letrec" "letrec-syntax" "list"
"list->string" "list->vector" "list-ref" "list-tail"
"list?" "load" "log" "magnitude"
"make-polar" "make-rectangular" "make-string" "make-vector"
"map" "max" "member" "memq"
"memv" "min" "modulo" "negative?"
"newline" "not" "null-environment" "null?"
"number->string" "number?" "numerator" "odd?"
"open-input-file" "open-output-file" "or" "output-port?"
"pair?" "peek-char" "positive?" "procedure?"
"quasiquote" "quote" "quotient" "rational?"
"rationalize" "read" "read-char" "real-part"
"real?" "remainder" "reverse" "round"
"scheme-report-environment" "set!" "set-car!" "set-cdr!"
"sin" "sqrt" "string" "string->list"
"string->number" "string->symbol" "string-append" "string-ci<=?"
"string-ci<?" "string-ci=?" "string-ci>=?" "string-ci>?"
"string-copy" "string-fill!" "string-length" "string-ref"
"string-set!" "string<=?" "string<?" "string=?"
"string>=?" "string>?" "string?" "substring"
"symbol->string" "symbol?" "syntax-rules" "tan"
"template" "transcript-off" "transcript-on" "truncate"
"values" "vector" "vector->list" "vector-fill!"
"vector-length" "vector-ref" "vector-set!" "vector?"
"with-input-from-file" "with-output-to-file" "write" "write-char"
(defvar ac-source-r5rs
'((candidates . (lambda () (all-completions ac-target r5rs-keywords)))))
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