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Hayden Bickerton haydenbbickerton

  • 07:42 (UTC -05:00)
View GitHub Profile

Hello, everybody. Welcome back to Vues on Vue. It's been a couple weeks. My name is Steve Edwards. I am the host with the face for radio and the voice for being a mime, but I'm still your host. Flying with me today on my panel, I have Mr. David Neal. How are you doing, David? I'm doing all right. Thanks for having me back on the show. Always good to have you. Always good to have you. For those of you who might not have heard, David is our resident artist who can draw things that I can only dream about, but got his book of dad jokes and does a lot of artist stuff with his presentations. If you want to listen to last week's episode, we talked about that and you can get the skinny there. Hey, folks, this is Charles Maxwood. I've been talking to a whole bunch of people that want to update their resume and find a better job. And I figure, well, why not just share my resume? If you go to slash resume, enter your name and email address, then you'll get a copy of the resume that I use, that I've used th

<div class="ur-legacy-styles">
export default {
name: 'ur-legacy-styles',
S28800011AAK27GA0000DTS000100SH 0000619200Y
S28800012ABK27GA00000KB001000SSO 0000763800Y
S28800012ABK27GA00000LB001000SSO 0000763600Y
S28800012ABK27GA00000MS001000SSO 0000764800Y
S28800012AAK27GA0000DUS001000SDS 0000549300Y
S28800012AAK27GA0000DVB001000SDS 0000548000Y
S28800012AAK27GA0000DWB000100SPY 0001424100Y
S28800012AAK27GA0000DXS000100SPY 0001426300Y
S28800012AAK27GA0000DYB000100SH 0000618500Y
S28800015AAK27GA0000DZB001000SDS 0000547800Y
# A small module for judging "risk" of a permission based on service and action
# The goal here is to categorize common AWS actions in a way that can be easily referenced by
# either the end user, or internal script, or whatever else.
# More of this to come later
from boltons import mathutils, strutils
# Default baseline risk scores, should be configured
haydenbbickerton /
Created August 25, 2017 22:14
Safe string formatter
class SafeFormat(string.Formatter):
'''String formatting class that won't throw errors for usused/unfound args/kwargs.
Values that can't be retrieved are returned in their original '{keyname}' string
to allow for another round for .format()'ing
>>> safe_format = SafeFormat().format
>>> log_str = 'the {color} dog jumped over the {animal}'
haydenbbickerton / sample
Created April 19, 2017 01:42
Annotations decorator for python 2.7.
def annotate(*args, **kwargs):
Decorator to add PEP 3107 style function annotations, and enforce the types
if desired. Annotations are added as the "__annotations__" attribute.
Can read more here -
enforce : bool
haydenbbickerton / Heat Map Creation Tool (AST).js
Last active February 4, 2016 05:24 — forked from BrainlabsDigital/Heat Map Creation Tool.js
Script to create smoothed heat maps from your AdWords data
* Heat Map Creation Tool
* This script calculates the smoothed average performance of each hour of each day
* of the week, and outputs this into a heat map and graph in a Google sheet. It
* also makes suggested bid adjustments based on the click conversion rate.
* Version: 1.0
* Google AdWords Script maintained on
haydenbbickerton / adwords_conversion.js
Created January 3, 2016 21:29
Ninja Forms ajax submission to AdWords conversion
Put the Google Conversion Code here
Run our conversion logic after form submissions.
I'm using js-cookie(
to handle the cookie, use whatever you want.
haydenbbickerton / functions.php
Created December 21, 2015 17:40
Ninja Forms to Improveit360 ELead
* Made for use with Ninja Forms and Improveit360,
* should work with others with adjustment.
* Based on Alex Hagers Post