Endpoint: http://convrge.co/api/users
Returns a JSON object with the following format:
playersOnline: {
id: playerName,
id2: playerName2
playersWatching: numPlayersWatchingOnlinePage (http://convrge.co/online)
// Note that the id's listed in this object change each time a player logs in, and sometimes even while they are in game.
// Currently there is no unique identifier per user exposed by the api.
playersOnline: {
2489: hayden,
2399: Shawn
playersWatching: 5
Here is the JS we show on http://convrge.co/online for reference: http://www.convrge.co/js/online.js
Endpoint: http://convrge.co/api/events
Returns a JSON list with like the following example:
id: "11",
title: "ConVRge Weekly Campfire Meetup",
description: "Weekly meetup in ConVRge. All invited!",
url: "https://addevent.to/?rl71162",
start: "2015-07-09 21:00:00",
end: "2015-07-09 23:00:00",
created_at: "2015-07-06 12:09:05",
updated_at: "2015-07-06 12:09:05"