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Created January 13, 2016 20:04
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2016 Therp BV <>
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import json
from lxml import etree
from openerp import _, api, fields, models, SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp.osv import expression
class RestrictFieldAccessMixin(models.AbstractModel):
"""Mixin to restrict access to fields on record level"""
_name = 'restrict.field.access.mixin'
# TODO: read_group, everything that was forgotten
def _compute_restrict_field_access(self):
"""determine if restricted field access is active on records.
If you override _restrict_field_access_is_field_accessible to make
fields accessible depending on some other field values, override this
to in order to append an @api.depends that reflects this"""
result = {}
for this in self:
this['restrict_field_access'] = any(
not this._restrict_field_access_is_field_accessible(
field, 'write')
for field in self._fields)
if this['restrict_field_access']:
result['warning'] = {
'title': _('Warning'),
'message': _(
'You will lose access to fields if you save now!'),
return result
# use this field on your forms to be able to hide gui elements
restrict_field_access = fields.Boolean(
'Field access restricted', compute='_compute_restrict_field_access')
@api.returns('self', lambda x:
def create(self, vals):
restricted_vals = self._restrict_field_access_filter_vals(
vals, action='create')
return self.browse(
# TODO: this allows users to slip in nonallowed
# fields with x2many operations, so we need to reset
# this somewhere, probably just at the beginning of create
def copy(self, default=None):
restricted_default = self._restrict_field_access_filter_vals(
default or {}, action='create')
return self.browse(
def read(self, fields=None, load='_classic_read'):
result = super(RestrictFieldAccessMixin, self).read(
fields=fields, load=load)
for record in result:
for field in record:
if not self._restrict_field_access_is_field_accessible(field):
record[field] = self._fields[field].convert_to_read(
return result
def write(self, vals):
restricted_vals = self._restrict_field_access_filter_vals(
vals, action='write')
return super(RestrictFieldAccessMixin, self).write(restricted_vals)
def _search(self, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, count=False,
if not args:
return super(RestrictFieldAccessMixin, self)._search(
args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, count=count,
args = expression.normalize_domain(args)
has_inaccessible_field = False
for term in args:
if not expression.is_leaf(term):
if not self._restrict_field_access_is_field_accessible(
term[0], 'read'):
has_inaccessible_field = True
if has_inaccessible_field:
check_self = self if not access_rights_uid else self.sudo(
return super(RestrictFieldAccessMixin, self)._search(
args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, count=count,
def _restrict_field_access_inject_restrict_field_access_domain(
self, domain):
"""inject a proposition to restrict search results to only the ones
the where the user may access all fields in the search domain. If you
If you override _restrict_field_access_is_field_accessible to make
fields accessible depending on some other field values, override this
in order not to leak information"""
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form',
context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
# This needs to be oldstyle because res.partner in base passes context
# as positional argument
result = super(RestrictFieldAccessMixin, self).fields_view_get(
cr, uid, view_id=view_id, view_type=view_type, context=context,
toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu)
if view_type == 'search':
return result
# inject modifiers to make forbidden fields readonly
arch = etree.fromstring(result['arch'])
for field in arch.xpath('//field'):
field.attrib['modifiers'] = json.dumps(
cr, uid,
json.loads(field.attrib.get('modifiers', '{}')),
cr, uid, arch, result['fields'], context=context)
result['arch'] = etree.tostring(arch, encoding="utf-8")
return result
def _restrict_field_access_inject_restrict_field_access_arch(
self, arch, fields):
"""inject the field restrict_field_access into arch if not there"""
if 'restrict_field_access' not in fields:
etree.SubElement(arch, 'field', {
'name': 'restrict_field_access',
'modifiers': json.dumps({
('tree_' if arch.tag == 'tree' else '') + 'invisible': True
fields['restrict_field_access'] =\
def _restrict_field_access_adjust_field_modifiers(self, field_node,
"""inject a readonly modifier to make non-writable fields in a form
# TODO: this can be fooled by embedded views
if not self._restrict_field_access_is_field_accessible(
field_node.attrib['name'], action='write'):
for modifier, value in [('readonly', True), ('required', False)]:
domain = modifiers.get(modifier, [])
if isinstance(domain, list) and domain:
domain = expression.normalize_domain(domain)
elif bool(domain) == value:
# readonly/nonrequired anyways
return modifiers
domain = []
restrict_domain = [('restrict_field_access', '=', value)]
if domain:
restrict_domain = expression.OR([
modifiers[modifier] = restrict_domain
return modifiers
def _restrict_field_access_get_field_whitelist(self, action='read'):
"""return whitelisted fields. Those are readable and writable for
everyone, for the rest, it depends on your implementation of
return models.MAGIC_COLUMNS + [
self._rec_name, 'display_name', 'restrict_field_access',
def _restrict_field_access_suspend(self):
"""set a marker that we don't want to restrict field access"""
# TODO: this is insecure. in the end, we need something in the lines of
# base_suspend_security's uid-hack
return self.with_context(_restrict_field_access_suspend=True)
def _restrict_field_access_get_is_suspended(self):
"""return True if we shouldn't check for field access restrictions"""
return self.env.context.get('_restrict_field_access_suspend')
def _restrict_field_access_filter_vals(self, vals, action='read'):
"""remove inaccessible fields from vals"""
this =
return dict(
lambda itemtuple:
itemtuple[0], action=action),
def _restrict_field_access_is_field_accessible(self, field_name,
"""return True if the current user can perform specified action on
all records in self. Override for your own logic"""
if self._restrict_field_access_get_is_suspended() or\ == SUPERUSER_ID:
return True
whitelist = self._restrict_field_access_get_field_whitelist(
return field_name in whitelist
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