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Dot files
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# If not running interactively, don't do anything | |
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return | |
# don't put duplicate lines in the history. See bash(1) for more options | |
# ... or force ignoredups and ignorespace | |
HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace | |
# append to the history file, don't overwrite it | |
shopt -s histappend | |
#Make some things easier | |
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin" | |
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/flutter/bin" | |
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.pub-cache/bin" | |
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools" | |
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Library/Python/2.7/bin" | |
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin" | |
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/ | |
export FLUTTER_ROOT="$HOME/flutter" | |
export EDITOR=nano | |
#setup commands | |
alias ginstall='sudo apt-get install git curl zip unzip htop nano ncdu screen sshfs sl cowsay -y' | |
alias backup='zip -r "backup_$(date +"%d-%m-%Y").zip" * -x "*.zip" -x "*.iso"' | |
alias click='xdotool click --repeat 400 --delay 100 1' | |
alias link='ln -s public/ htdocs' | |
#Git commands | |
alias ga='git add .' | |
alias gc='git commit --branch -S -m ' | |
alias gp='git push --all origin' | |
alias gq='git commit -m "$(curl -s"' | |
alias gy='git add .; git commit -m "$(curl -s https//"; git push --all origin' | |
alias gr='git reset --hard HEAD; git clean -f -d; git pull;' | |
alias gf='git fetch' | |
alias gpa="for b in `git branch -r | grep -v -- '->'`; do git branch --track ${b##origin/} $b; done" | |
alias gl='git branch | grep -ve " alpha$" | xargs git branch -D' | |
alias gs='git standup -s -g -a "all"' | |
alias grs="find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c '(echo {} && cd {} && git status -s && echo)' \;" | |
alias gvid="gource -s .06 -1280x720 --auto-skip-seconds .1 --multi-sampling --stop-at-end --key --highlight-users --hide mouse,progress --file-idle-time 0 --max-files 0 --background-colour 000000 --font-size 22 --output-ppm-stream - --output-framerate 30 | avconv -y -r 30 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -b 65536K movie.mp4" | |
#Prompt commands | |
alias bashrc='curl -o ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc' | |
alias profile='curl -o ~/.profile && . ~/.profile' | |
alias space='ncdu' | |
alias c='clear' | |
alias mkdir='mkdir -pv' | |
alias h='history' | |
alias rsync='rsync -ah --progress' | |
alias uuid='blkid' | |
alias lines='sed -n "$=" ' | |
alias qr='qrencode -m 2 -t utf8 <<< "$1"' | |
#End it all | |
alias nuke='pkill -u $(whoami)' | |
alias fuck='history -c; clear' | |
alias joke='curl -s -H "Accept: text/plain"' | |
alias weather='curl -s -H "Accept: text/plain"' | |
#I just dont care, nano is simple | |
alias n='nano' | |
alias edit='nano' | |
alias vim='nano' | |
alias vi='nano' | |
#Some web stuff | |
alias shell='cd ~/devilbox && sh' | |
alias watch='watch -d -n 0.1' | |
alias ports='watch netstat -tulanp' | |
alias nics='watch ifconfig' | |
alias log='tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log' | |
alias fixit='chmod 777 /var/www -R' | |
alias art='php artisan' | |
alias cm='composer' | |
alias mg='php artisan migrate:refresh --seed' | |
alias devon='APP_DEBUG=true && art config:clear && art config:cache' | |
alias devoff='APP_DEBUG=false && art config:clear && art config:cache' | |
alias ca='composer dump-autoload -o' | |
alias cr='composer require' | |
alias ci='composer install' | |
alias clone='wget -r -nH --no-parent --reject="index.html*"' | |
alias clean='find . -name "*.jpg" -o -name "*.png" -o -name "*.nfo" -o -name "*.srt" -o -name "*.txt" -type f -delete' | |
alias docs='apidoc -i ./app/Http/Controllers/ -o ./public/api/docs' | |
#Flutter stuff | |
alias f='flutter' | |
alias fbi='flutter build ios --release --no-tree-shake-icons' | |
alias fba='flutter build appbundle --release --no-tree-shake-icons' | |
alias adbpush='adb push ~/Downloads/*.{csv,json} /storage/self/primary/Download' | |
#Docker stuff | |
alias d='docker' | |
alias cms='watch -d -n 0.1 docker ps -a' | |
alias kac='docker kill $(docker ps -q)' | |
alias rac='docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)' | |
alias rai='docker rmi $(docker images -q)' | |
#Time tracking hack | |
alias 0008183220='cd ~/CLI && php app.php' | |
alias 0008504462='cd ~/CLI && php app.php' | |
alias 0001415124='cd ~/CLI && php app.php' | |
alias 0002353298='cd ~/CLI && php app.php' | |
alias 0012607840='cd ~/CLI && php app.php' | |
alias 0012573611='cd ~/CLI && php app.php' | |
#Set prompt to something nice | |
SELECT="if [ \$? = 0 ]; then echo '\[\033[37;1m\]:)'; else echo '\[\033[31;1m\]:('; fi" | |
BRANCH="git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'" | |
PS1="\[\033[38;5;1m\][\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;190m\]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;201m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;208m\]\H\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;1m\]]\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;226m\]\t\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;226m\]\d\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;15m\]\[\033[38;5;15m\]\[\033[33m\] \`${BRANCH}\`\[\033[00m\] \`${SELECT}\`\\n\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;1m\]\w\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\017\] > " | |
#Open anythign | |
extract () { | |
if [ -f $1 ] ; then | |
case $1 in | |
*.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;; | |
*.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;; | |
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;; | |
*.rar) unrar x $1 ;; | |
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;; | |
*.tar) tar xvf $1 ;; | |
*.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;; | |
*.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;; | |
*.zip) unzip $1 ;; | |
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;; | |
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;; | |
*) echo "don't know how to extract '$1'..." ;; | |
esac | |
else | |
echo "'$1' is not a valid file!" | |
fi | |
} | |
#Upload and share | |
transfer() { | |
# check arguments | |
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; | |
then | |
echo "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/\ncat /tmp/ | transfer" | |
return 1 | |
fi | |
# get temporarily filename, output is written to this file show progress can be showed | |
tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX ) | |
# upload stdin or file | |
file=$1 | |
if tty -s; | |
then | |
basefile=$(basename "$file" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/-/g') | |
if [ ! -e $file ]; | |
then | |
echo "File $file doesn't exists." | |
return 1 | |
fi | |
if [ -d $file ]; | |
then | |
# zip directory and transfer | |
zipfile=$( mktemp -t ) | |
cd $(dirname $file) && zip -r -q - $(basename $file) >> $zipfile | |
curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$zipfile" "$" >> $tmpfile | |
rm -f $zipfile | |
else | |
# transfer file | |
curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$file" "$basefile" >> $tmpfile | |
fi | |
else | |
# transfer pipe | |
curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "$file" >> $tmpfile | |
fi | |
# cat output link | |
cat $tmpfile | |
# cleanup | |
rm -f $tmpfile | |
} | |
#Print quickly | |
qp(){ | |
# check arguments | |
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; | |
then | |
echo "No arguments specified. Usage:\n" | |
echo "qp \"Something to print!\"" | |
return 1 | |
fi | |
if [ ! -f ~/.qp ]; | |
then | |
echo "~/.qp config file not found" | |
return 1 | |
fi | |
qpcode=$(cat ~/.qp) | |
curl --request POST \ | |
--url '' \ | |
--form code=$qpcode \ | |
--form content="$1" | |
} | |
#Type through ADB | |
adbtext(){ | |
# check arguments | |
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; | |
then | |
echo "No input specified. Usage:\n" | |
echo "adbtext \"input here\"" | |
return 1 | |
fi | |
text=$(printf '%s%%s' $1) # concatenate and replace spaces with %s | |
text=${text%%%s} # remove the trailing %s | |
text=${text//\'/\\\'} # escape single quotes | |
text=${text//\"/\\\"} # escape double quotes | |
adb shell input text "$text" | |
} | |
# bash/zsh completion support for core Git. | |
# | |
# Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <[email protected]> | |
# Conceptually based on gitcompletion ( | |
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0. | |
# | |
# The contained completion routines provide support for completing: | |
# | |
# *) local and remote branch names | |
# *) local and remote tag names | |
# *) .git/remotes file names | |
# *) git 'subcommands' | |
# *) git email aliases for git-send-email | |
# *) tree paths within 'ref:path/to/file' expressions | |
# *) file paths within current working directory and index | |
# *) common --long-options | |
# | |
# To use these routines: | |
# | |
# 1) Copy this file to somewhere (e.g. ~/.git-completion.bash). | |
# 2) Add the following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc: | |
# source ~/.git-completion.bash | |
# 3) Consider changing your PS1 to also show the current branch, | |
# see for details. | |
# | |
# If you use complex aliases of form '!f() { ... }; f', you can use the null | |
# command ':' as the first command in the function body to declare the desired | |
# completion style. For example '!f() { : git commit ; ... }; f' will | |
# tell the completion to use commit completion. This also works with aliases | |
# of form "!sh -c '...'". For example, "!sh -c ': git commit ; ... '". | |
# | |
# Compatible with bash 3.2.57. | |
# | |
# You can set the following environment variables to influence the behavior of | |
# the completion routines: | |
# | |
# | |
# When set to "1", do not include "DWIM" suggestions in git-checkout | |
# and git-switch completion (e.g., completing "foo" when "origin/foo" | |
# exists). | |
case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in | |
*:*) : great ;; | |
esac | |
# Discovers the path to the git repository taking any '--git-dir=<path>' and | |
# '-C <path>' options into account and stores it in the $__git_repo_path | |
# variable. | |
__git_find_repo_path () | |
{ | |
if [ -n "$__git_repo_path" ]; then | |
# we already know where it is | |
return | |
fi | |
if [ -n "${__git_C_args-}" ]; then | |
__git_repo_path="$(git "${__git_C_args[@]}" \ | |
${__git_dir:+--git-dir="$__git_dir"} \ | |
rev-parse --absolute-git-dir 2>/dev/null)" | |
elif [ -n "${__git_dir-}" ]; then | |
test -d "$__git_dir" && | |
__git_repo_path="$__git_dir" | |
elif [ -n "${GIT_DIR-}" ]; then | |
test -d "${GIT_DIR-}" && | |
__git_repo_path="$GIT_DIR" | |
elif [ -d .git ]; then | |
__git_repo_path=.git | |
else | |
__git_repo_path="$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)" | |
fi | |
} | |
# Deprecated: use __git_find_repo_path() and $__git_repo_path instead | |
# __gitdir accepts 0 or 1 arguments (i.e., location) | |
# returns location of .git repo | |
__gitdir () | |
{ | |
if [ -z "${1-}" ]; then | |
__git_find_repo_path || return 1 | |
echo "$__git_repo_path" | |
elif [ -d "$1/.git" ]; then | |
echo "$1/.git" | |
else | |
echo "$1" | |
fi | |
} | |
# Runs git with all the options given as argument, respecting any | |
# '--git-dir=<path>' and '-C <path>' options present on the command line | |
__git () | |
{ | |
git ${__git_C_args:+"${__git_C_args[@]}"} \ | |
${__git_dir:+--git-dir="$__git_dir"} "$@" 2>/dev/null | |
} | |
# Removes backslash escaping, single quotes and double quotes from a word, | |
# stores the result in the variable $dequoted_word. | |
# 1: The word to dequote. | |
__git_dequote () | |
{ | |
local rest="$1" len ch | |
dequoted_word="" | |
while test -n "$rest"; do | |
len=${#dequoted_word} | |
dequoted_word="$dequoted_word${rest%%[\\\'\"]*}" | |
rest="${rest:$((${#dequoted_word}-$len))}" | |
case "${rest:0:1}" in | |
\\) | |
ch="${rest:1:1}" | |
case "$ch" in | |
$'\n') | |
;; | |
*) | |
dequoted_word="$dequoted_word$ch" | |
;; | |
esac | |
rest="${rest:2}" | |
;; | |
\') | |
rest="${rest:1}" | |
len=${#dequoted_word} | |
dequoted_word="$dequoted_word${rest%%\'*}" | |
rest="${rest:$((${#dequoted_word}-$len+1))}" | |
;; | |
\") | |
rest="${rest:1}" | |
while test -n "$rest" ; do | |
len=${#dequoted_word} | |
dequoted_word="$dequoted_word${rest%%[\\\"]*}" | |
rest="${rest:$((${#dequoted_word}-$len))}" | |
case "${rest:0:1}" in | |
\\) | |
ch="${rest:1:1}" | |
case "$ch" in | |
\"|\\|\$|\`) | |
dequoted_word="$dequoted_word$ch" | |
;; | |
$'\n') | |
;; | |
*) | |
dequoted_word="$dequoted_word\\$ch" | |
;; | |
esac | |
rest="${rest:2}" | |
;; | |
\") | |
rest="${rest:1}" | |
break | |
;; | |
esac | |
done | |
;; | |
esac | |
done | |
} | |
# The following function is based on code from: | |
# | |
# bash_completion - programmable completion functions for bash 3.2+ | |
# | |
# Copyright © 2006-2008, Ian Macdonald <[email protected]> | |
# © 2009-2010, Bash Completion Maintainers | |
# <[email protected]> | |
# | |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) | |
# any later version. | |
# | |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | |
# GNU General Public License for more details. | |
# | |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | |
# along with this program; if not, see <>. | |
# | |
# The latest version of this software can be obtained here: | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# RELEASE: 2.x | |
# This function can be used to access a tokenized list of words | |
# on the command line: | |
# | |
# __git_reassemble_comp_words_by_ref '=:' | |
# if test "${words_[cword_-1]}" = -w | |
# then | |
# ... | |
# fi | |
# | |
# The argument should be a collection of characters from the list of | |
# word completion separators (COMP_WORDBREAKS) to treat as ordinary | |
# characters. | |
# | |
# This is roughly equivalent to going back in time and setting | |
# COMP_WORDBREAKS to exclude those characters. The intent is to | |
# make option types like --date=<type> and <rev>:<path> easy to | |
# recognize by treating each shell word as a single token. | |
# | |
# It is best not to set COMP_WORDBREAKS directly because the value is | |
# shared with other completion scripts. By the time the completion | |
# function gets called, COMP_WORDS has already been populated so local | |
# changes to COMP_WORDBREAKS have no effect. | |
# | |
# Output: words_, cword_, cur_. | |
__git_reassemble_comp_words_by_ref() | |
{ | |
local exclude i j first | |
# Which word separators to exclude? | |
exclude="${1//[^$COMP_WORDBREAKS]}" | |
cword_=$COMP_CWORD | |
if [ -z "$exclude" ]; then | |
words_=("${COMP_WORDS[@]}") | |
return | |
fi | |
# List of word completion separators has shrunk; | |
# re-assemble words to complete. | |
for ((i=0, j=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; i++, j++)); do | |
# Append each nonempty word consisting of just | |
# word separator characters to the current word. | |
first=t | |
while | |
[ $i -gt 0 ] && | |
[ -n "${COMP_WORDS[$i]}" ] && | |
# word consists of excluded word separators | |
[ "${COMP_WORDS[$i]//[^$exclude]}" = "${COMP_WORDS[$i]}" ] | |
do | |
# Attach to the previous token, | |
# unless the previous token is the command name. | |
if [ $j -ge 2 ] && [ -n "$first" ]; then | |
((j--)) | |
fi | |
first= | |
words_[$j]=${words_[j]}${COMP_WORDS[i]} | |
if [ $i = $COMP_CWORD ]; then | |
cword_=$j | |
fi | |
if (($i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} - 1)); then | |
((i++)) | |
else | |
# Done. | |
return | |
fi | |
done | |
words_[$j]=${words_[j]}${COMP_WORDS[i]} | |
if [ $i = $COMP_CWORD ]; then | |
cword_=$j | |
fi | |
done | |
} | |
if ! type _get_comp_words_by_ref >/dev/null 2>&1; then | |
_get_comp_words_by_ref () | |
{ | |
local exclude cur_ words_ cword_ | |
if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then | |
exclude=$2 | |
shift 2 | |
fi | |
__git_reassemble_comp_words_by_ref "$exclude" | |
cur_=${words_[cword_]} | |
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do | |
case "$1" in | |
cur) | |
cur=$cur_ | |
;; | |
prev) | |
prev=${words_[$cword_-1]} | |
;; | |
words) | |
words=("${words_[@]}") | |
;; | |
cword) | |
cword=$cword_ | |
;; | |
esac | |
shift | |
done | |
} | |
fi | |
# Fills the COMPREPLY array with prefiltered words without any additional | |
# processing. | |
# Callers must take care of providing only words that match the current word | |
# to be completed and adding any prefix and/or suffix (trailing space!), if | |
# necessary. | |
# 1: List of newline-separated matching completion words, complete with | |
# prefix and suffix. | |
__gitcomp_direct () | |
{ | |
local IFS=$'\n' | |
COMPREPLY=($1) | |
} | |
__gitcompappend () | |
{ | |
local x i=${#COMPREPLY[@]} | |
for x in $1; do | |
if [[ "$x" == "$3"* ]]; then | |
COMPREPLY[i++]="$2$x$4" | |
fi | |
done | |
} | |
__gitcompadd () | |
{ | |
__gitcompappend "$@" | |
} | |
# Generates completion reply, appending a space to possible completion words, | |
# if necessary. | |
# It accepts 1 to 4 arguments: | |
# 1: List of possible completion words. | |
# 2: A prefix to be added to each possible completion word (optional). | |
# 3: Generate possible completion matches for this word (optional). | |
# 4: A suffix to be appended to each possible completion word (optional). | |
__gitcomp () | |
{ | |
local cur_="${3-$cur}" | |
case "$cur_" in | |
--*=) | |
;; | |
--no-*) | |
local c i=0 IFS=$' \t\n' | |
for c in $1; do | |
if [[ $c == "--" ]]; then | |
continue | |
fi | |
c="$c${4-}" | |
if [[ $c == "$cur_"* ]]; then | |
case $c in | |
--*=|*.) ;; | |
*) c="$c " ;; | |
esac | |
COMPREPLY[i++]="${2-}$c" | |
fi | |
done | |
;; | |
*) | |
local c i=0 IFS=$' \t\n' | |
for c in $1; do | |
if [[ $c == "--" ]]; then | |
c="--no-...${4-}" | |
if [[ $c == "$cur_"* ]]; then | |
COMPREPLY[i++]="${2-}$c " | |
fi | |
break | |
fi | |
c="$c${4-}" | |
if [[ $c == "$cur_"* ]]; then | |
case $c in | |
*=|*.) ;; | |
*) c="$c " ;; | |
esac | |
COMPREPLY[i++]="${2-}$c" | |
fi | |
done | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
# Clear the variables caching builtins' options when (re-)sourcing | |
# the completion script. | |
if [[ -n ${ZSH_VERSION-} ]]; then | |
unset $(set |sed -ne 's/^\(__gitcomp_builtin_[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=.*/\1/p') 2>/dev/null | |
else | |
unset $(compgen -v __gitcomp_builtin_) | |
fi | |
# This function is equivalent to | |
# | |
# __gitcomp "$(git xxx --git-completion-helper) ..." | |
# | |
# except that the output is cached. Accept 1-3 arguments: | |
# 1: the git command to execute, this is also the cache key | |
# 2: extra options to be added on top (e.g. negative forms) | |
# 3: options to be excluded | |
__gitcomp_builtin () | |
{ | |
# spaces must be replaced with underscore for multi-word | |
# commands, e.g. "git remote add" becomes remote_add. | |
local cmd="$1" | |
local incl="$2" | |
local excl="$3" | |
local var=__gitcomp_builtin_"${cmd/-/_}" | |
local options | |
eval "options=\$$var" | |
if [ -z "$options" ]; then | |
# leading and trailing spaces are significant to make | |
# option removal work correctly. | |
options=" $incl $(__git ${cmd/_/ } --git-completion-helper) " || return | |
for i in $excl; do | |
options="${options/ $i / }" | |
done | |
eval "$var=\"$options\"" | |
fi | |
__gitcomp "$options" | |
} | |
# Variation of __gitcomp_nl () that appends to the existing list of | |
# completion candidates, COMPREPLY. | |
__gitcomp_nl_append () | |
{ | |
local IFS=$'\n' | |
__gitcompappend "$1" "${2-}" "${3-$cur}" "${4- }" | |
} | |
# Generates completion reply from newline-separated possible completion words | |
# by appending a space to all of them. | |
# It accepts 1 to 4 arguments: | |
# 1: List of possible completion words, separated by a single newline. | |
# 2: A prefix to be added to each possible completion word (optional). | |
# 3: Generate possible completion matches for this word (optional). | |
# 4: A suffix to be appended to each possible completion word instead of | |
# the default space (optional). If specified but empty, nothing is | |
# appended. | |
__gitcomp_nl () | |
{ | |
__gitcomp_nl_append "$@" | |
} | |
# Fills the COMPREPLY array with prefiltered paths without any additional | |
# processing. | |
# Callers must take care of providing only paths that match the current path | |
# to be completed and adding any prefix path components, if necessary. | |
# 1: List of newline-separated matching paths, complete with all prefix | |
# path components. | |
__gitcomp_file_direct () | |
{ | |
local IFS=$'\n' | |
COMPREPLY=($1) | |
# use a hack to enable file mode in bash < 4 | |
compopt -o filenames +o nospace 2>/dev/null || | |
compgen -f /non-existing-dir/ >/dev/null || | |
true | |
} | |
# Generates completion reply with compgen from newline-separated possible | |
# completion filenames. | |
# It accepts 1 to 3 arguments: | |
# 1: List of possible completion filenames, separated by a single newline. | |
# 2: A directory prefix to be added to each possible completion filename | |
# (optional). | |
# 3: Generate possible completion matches for this word (optional). | |
__gitcomp_file () | |
{ | |
local IFS=$'\n' | |
# XXX does not work when the directory prefix contains a tilde, | |
# since tilde expansion is not applied. | |
# This means that COMPREPLY will be empty and Bash default | |
# completion will be used. | |
__gitcompadd "$1" "${2-}" "${3-$cur}" "" | |
# use a hack to enable file mode in bash < 4 | |
compopt -o filenames +o nospace 2>/dev/null || | |
compgen -f /non-existing-dir/ >/dev/null || | |
true | |
} | |
# Execute 'git ls-files', unless the --committable option is specified, in | |
# which case it runs 'git diff-index' to find out the files that can be | |
# committed. It return paths relative to the directory specified in the first | |
# argument, and using the options specified in the second argument. | |
__git_ls_files_helper () | |
{ | |
if [ "$2" == "--committable" ]; then | |
__git -C "$1" -c core.quotePath=false diff-index \ | |
--name-only --relative HEAD -- "${3//\\/\\\\}*" | |
else | |
# NOTE: $2 is not quoted in order to support multiple options | |
__git -C "$1" -c core.quotePath=false ls-files \ | |
--exclude-standard $2 -- "${3//\\/\\\\}*" | |
fi | |
} | |
# __git_index_files accepts 1 or 2 arguments: | |
# 1: Options to pass to ls-files (required). | |
# 2: A directory path (optional). | |
# If provided, only files within the specified directory are listed. | |
# Sub directories are never recursed. Path must have a trailing | |
# slash. | |
# 3: List only paths matching this path component (optional). | |
__git_index_files () | |
{ | |
local root="$2" match="$3" | |
__git_ls_files_helper "$root" "$1" "$match" | | |
awk -F / -v pfx="${2//\\/\\\\}" '{ | |
paths[$1] = 1 | |
} | |
END { | |
for (p in paths) { | |
if (substr(p, 1, 1) != "\"") { | |
# No special characters, easy! | |
print pfx p | |
continue | |
} | |
# The path is quoted. | |
p = dequote(p) | |
if (p == "") | |
continue | |
# Even when a directory name itself does not contain | |
# any special characters, it will still be quoted if | |
# any of its (stripped) trailing path components do. | |
# Because of this we may have seen the same directory | |
# both quoted and unquoted. | |
if (p in paths) | |
# We have seen the same directory unquoted, | |
# skip it. | |
continue | |
else | |
print pfx p | |
} | |
} | |
function dequote(p, bs_idx, out, esc, esc_idx, dec) { | |
# Skip opening double quote. | |
p = substr(p, 2) | |
# Interpret backslash escape sequences. | |
while ((bs_idx = index(p, "\\")) != 0) { | |
out = out substr(p, 1, bs_idx - 1) | |
esc = substr(p, bs_idx + 1, 1) | |
p = substr(p, bs_idx + 2) | |
if ((esc_idx = index("abtvfr\"\\", esc)) != 0) { | |
# C-style one-character escape sequence. | |
out = out substr("\a\b\t\v\f\r\"\\", | |
esc_idx, 1) | |
} else if (esc == "n") { | |
# Uh-oh, a newline character. | |
# We cannot reliably put a pathname | |
# containing a newline into COMPREPLY, | |
# and the newline would create a mess. | |
# Skip this path. | |
return "" | |
} else { | |
# Must be a \nnn octal value, then. | |
dec = esc * 64 + \ | |
substr(p, 1, 1) * 8 + \ | |
substr(p, 2, 1) | |
out = out sprintf("%c", dec) | |
p = substr(p, 3) | |
} | |
} | |
# Drop closing double quote, if there is one. | |
# (There is not any if this is a directory, as it was | |
# already stripped with the trailing path components.) | |
if (substr(p, length(p), 1) == "\"") | |
out = out substr(p, 1, length(p) - 1) | |
else | |
out = out p | |
return out | |
}' | |
} | |
# __git_complete_index_file requires 1 argument: | |
# 1: the options to pass to ls-file | |
# | |
# The exception is --committable, which finds the files appropriate commit. | |
__git_complete_index_file () | |
{ | |
local dequoted_word pfx="" cur_ | |
__git_dequote "$cur" | |
case "$dequoted_word" in | |
?*/*) | |
pfx="${dequoted_word%/*}/" | |
cur_="${dequoted_word##*/}" | |
;; | |
*) | |
cur_="$dequoted_word" | |
esac | |
__gitcomp_file_direct "$(__git_index_files "$1" "$pfx" "$cur_")" | |
} | |
# Lists branches from the local repository. | |
# 1: A prefix to be added to each listed branch (optional). | |
# 2: List only branches matching this word (optional; list all branches if | |
# unset or empty). | |
# 3: A suffix to be appended to each listed branch (optional). | |
__git_heads () | |
{ | |
local pfx="${1-}" cur_="${2-}" sfx="${3-}" | |
__git for-each-ref --format="${pfx//\%/%%}%(refname:strip=2)$sfx" \ | |
"refs/heads/$cur_*" "refs/heads/$cur_*/**" | |
} | |
# Lists tags from the local repository. | |
# Accepts the same positional parameters as __git_heads() above. | |
__git_tags () | |
{ | |
local pfx="${1-}" cur_="${2-}" sfx="${3-}" | |
__git for-each-ref --format="${pfx//\%/%%}%(refname:strip=2)$sfx" \ | |
"refs/tags/$cur_*" "refs/tags/$cur_*/**" | |
} | |
# Lists refs from the local (by default) or from a remote repository. | |
# It accepts 0, 1 or 2 arguments: | |
# 1: The remote to list refs from (optional; ignored, if set but empty). | |
# Can be the name of a configured remote, a path, or a URL. | |
# 2: In addition to local refs, list unique branches from refs/remotes/ for | |
# 'git checkout's tracking DWIMery (optional; ignored, if set but empty). | |
# 3: A prefix to be added to each listed ref (optional). | |
# 4: List only refs matching this word (optional; list all refs if unset or | |
# empty). | |
# 5: A suffix to be appended to each listed ref (optional; ignored, if set | |
# but empty). | |
# | |
# Use __git_complete_refs() instead. | |
__git_refs () | |
{ | |
local i hash dir track="${2-}" | |
local list_refs_from=path remote="${1-}" | |
local format refs | |
local pfx="${3-}" cur_="${4-$cur}" sfx="${5-}" | |
local match="${4-}" | |
local fer_pfx="${pfx//\%/%%}" # "escape" for-each-ref format specifiers | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
dir="$__git_repo_path" | |
if [ -z "$remote" ]; then | |
if [ -z "$dir" ]; then | |
return | |
fi | |
else | |
if __git_is_configured_remote "$remote"; then | |
# configured remote takes precedence over a | |
# local directory with the same name | |
list_refs_from=remote | |
elif [ -d "$remote/.git" ]; then | |
dir="$remote/.git" | |
elif [ -d "$remote" ]; then | |
dir="$remote" | |
else | |
list_refs_from=url | |
fi | |
fi | |
if [ "$list_refs_from" = path ]; then | |
if [[ "$cur_" == ^* ]]; then | |
pfx="$pfx^" | |
fer_pfx="$fer_pfx^" | |
cur_=${cur_#^} | |
match=${match#^} | |
fi | |
case "$cur_" in | |
refs|refs/*) | |
format="refname" | |
refs=("$match*" "$match*/**") | |
track="" | |
;; | |
*) | |
case "$i" in | |
$match*) | |
if [ -e "$dir/$i" ]; then | |
echo "$pfx$i$sfx" | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
done | |
format="refname:strip=2" | |
refs=("refs/tags/$match*" "refs/tags/$match*/**" | |
"refs/heads/$match*" "refs/heads/$match*/**" | |
"refs/remotes/$match*" "refs/remotes/$match*/**") | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_dir="$dir" __git for-each-ref --format="$fer_pfx%($format)$sfx" \ | |
"${refs[@]}" | |
if [ -n "$track" ]; then | |
# employ the heuristic used by git checkout | |
# Try to find a remote branch that matches the completion word | |
# but only output if the branch name is unique | |
__git for-each-ref --format="$fer_pfx%(refname:strip=3)$sfx" \ | |
--sort="refname:strip=3" \ | |
"refs/remotes/*/$match*" "refs/remotes/*/$match*/**" | \ | |
uniq -u | |
fi | |
return | |
fi | |
case "$cur_" in | |
refs|refs/*) | |
__git ls-remote "$remote" "$match*" | \ | |
while read -r hash i; do | |
case "$i" in | |
*^{}) ;; | |
*) echo "$pfx$i$sfx" ;; | |
esac | |
done | |
;; | |
*) | |
if [ "$list_refs_from" = remote ]; then | |
case "HEAD" in | |
$match*) echo "${pfx}HEAD$sfx" ;; | |
esac | |
__git for-each-ref --format="$fer_pfx%(refname:strip=3)$sfx" \ | |
"refs/remotes/$remote/$match*" \ | |
"refs/remotes/$remote/$match*/**" | |
else | |
local query_symref | |
case "HEAD" in | |
$match*) query_symref="HEAD" ;; | |
esac | |
__git ls-remote "$remote" $query_symref \ | |
"refs/tags/$match*" "refs/heads/$match*" \ | |
"refs/remotes/$match*" | | |
while read -r hash i; do | |
case "$i" in | |
*^{}) ;; | |
refs/*) echo "$pfx${i#refs/*/}$sfx" ;; | |
*) echo "$pfx$i$sfx" ;; # symbolic refs | |
esac | |
done | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
# Completes refs, short and long, local and remote, symbolic and pseudo. | |
# | |
# Usage: __git_complete_refs [<option>]... | |
# --remote=<remote>: The remote to list refs from, can be the name of a | |
# configured remote, a path, or a URL. | |
# --track: List unique remote branches for 'git checkout's tracking DWIMery. | |
# --pfx=<prefix>: A prefix to be added to each ref. | |
# --cur=<word>: The current ref to be completed. Defaults to the current | |
# word to be completed. | |
# --sfx=<suffix>: A suffix to be appended to each ref instead of the default | |
# space. | |
__git_complete_refs () | |
{ | |
local remote track pfx cur_="$cur" sfx=" " | |
while test $# != 0; do | |
case "$1" in | |
--remote=*) remote="${1##--remote=}" ;; | |
--track) track="yes" ;; | |
--pfx=*) pfx="${1##--pfx=}" ;; | |
--cur=*) cur_="${1##--cur=}" ;; | |
--sfx=*) sfx="${1##--sfx=}" ;; | |
*) return 1 ;; | |
esac | |
shift | |
done | |
__gitcomp_direct "$(__git_refs "$remote" "$track" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx")" | |
} | |
# __git_refs2 requires 1 argument (to pass to __git_refs) | |
# Deprecated: use __git_complete_fetch_refspecs() instead. | |
__git_refs2 () | |
{ | |
local i | |
for i in $(__git_refs "$1"); do | |
echo "$i:$i" | |
done | |
} | |
# Completes refspecs for fetching from a remote repository. | |
# 1: The remote repository. | |
# 2: A prefix to be added to each listed refspec (optional). | |
# 3: The ref to be completed as a refspec instead of the current word to be | |
# completed (optional) | |
# 4: A suffix to be appended to each listed refspec instead of the default | |
# space (optional). | |
__git_complete_fetch_refspecs () | |
{ | |
local i remote="$1" pfx="${2-}" cur_="${3-$cur}" sfx="${4- }" | |
__gitcomp_direct "$( | |
for i in $(__git_refs "$remote" "" "" "$cur_") ; do | |
echo "$pfx$i:$i$sfx" | |
done | |
)" | |
} | |
# __git_refs_remotes requires 1 argument (to pass to ls-remote) | |
__git_refs_remotes () | |
{ | |
local i hash | |
__git ls-remote "$1" 'refs/heads/*' | \ | |
while read -r hash i; do | |
echo "$i:refs/remotes/$1/${i#refs/heads/}" | |
done | |
} | |
__git_remotes () | |
{ | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
test -d "$__git_repo_path/remotes" && ls -1 "$__git_repo_path/remotes" | |
__git remote | |
} | |
# Returns true if $1 matches the name of a configured remote, false otherwise. | |
__git_is_configured_remote () | |
{ | |
local remote | |
for remote in $(__git_remotes); do | |
if [ "$remote" = "$1" ]; then | |
return 0 | |
fi | |
done | |
return 1 | |
} | |
__git_list_merge_strategies () | |
{ | |
LANG=C LC_ALL=C git merge -s help 2>&1 | | |
sed -n -e '/[Aa]vailable strategies are: /,/^$/{ | |
s/\.$// | |
s/.*:// | |
s/^[ ]*// | |
s/[ ]*$// | |
p | |
}' | |
} | |
__git_merge_strategies= | |
# 'git merge -s help' (and thus detection of the merge strategy | |
# list) fails, unfortunately, if run outside of any git working | |
# tree. __git_merge_strategies is set to the empty string in | |
# that case, and the detection will be repeated the next time it | |
# is needed. | |
__git_compute_merge_strategies () | |
{ | |
test -n "$__git_merge_strategies" || | |
__git_merge_strategies=$(__git_list_merge_strategies) | |
} | |
__git_merge_strategy_options="ours theirs subtree subtree= patience | |
histogram diff-algorithm= ignore-space-change ignore-all-space | |
ignore-space-at-eol renormalize no-renormalize no-renames | |
find-renames find-renames= rename-threshold=" | |
__git_complete_revlist_file () | |
{ | |
local dequoted_word pfx ls ref cur_="$cur" | |
case "$cur_" in | |
*..?*:*) | |
return | |
;; | |
?*:*) | |
ref="${cur_%%:*}" | |
cur_="${cur_#*:}" | |
__git_dequote "$cur_" | |
case "$dequoted_word" in | |
?*/*) | |
pfx="${dequoted_word%/*}" | |
cur_="${dequoted_word##*/}" | |
ls="$ref:$pfx" | |
pfx="$pfx/" | |
;; | |
*) | |
cur_="$dequoted_word" | |
ls="$ref" | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in | |
*:*) : great ;; | |
*) pfx="$ref:$pfx" ;; | |
esac | |
__gitcomp_file "$(__git ls-tree "$ls" \ | |
| sed 's/^.* // | |
s/$//')" \ | |
"$pfx" "$cur_" | |
;; | |
*...*) | |
pfx="${cur_%...*}..." | |
cur_="${cur_#*...}" | |
__git_complete_refs --pfx="$pfx" --cur="$cur_" | |
;; | |
*..*) | |
pfx="${cur_%..*}.." | |
cur_="${cur_#*..}" | |
__git_complete_refs --pfx="$pfx" --cur="$cur_" | |
;; | |
*) | |
__git_complete_refs | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_complete_file () | |
{ | |
__git_complete_revlist_file | |
} | |
__git_complete_revlist () | |
{ | |
__git_complete_revlist_file | |
} | |
__git_complete_remote_or_refspec () | |
{ | |
local cur_="$cur" cmd="${words[1]}" | |
local i c=2 remote="" pfx="" lhs=1 no_complete_refspec=0 | |
if [ "$cmd" = "remote" ]; then | |
((c++)) | |
fi | |
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do | |
i="${words[c]}" | |
case "$i" in | |
--mirror) [ "$cmd" = "push" ] && no_complete_refspec=1 ;; | |
-d|--delete) [ "$cmd" = "push" ] && lhs=0 ;; | |
--all) | |
case "$cmd" in | |
push) no_complete_refspec=1 ;; | |
fetch) | |
return | |
;; | |
*) ;; | |
esac | |
;; | |
--multiple) no_complete_refspec=1; break ;; | |
-*) ;; | |
*) remote="$i"; break ;; | |
esac | |
((c++)) | |
done | |
if [ -z "$remote" ]; then | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" | |
return | |
fi | |
if [ $no_complete_refspec = 1 ]; then | |
return | |
fi | |
[ "$remote" = "." ] && remote= | |
case "$cur_" in | |
*:*) | |
case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in | |
*:*) : great ;; | |
*) pfx="${cur_%%:*}:" ;; | |
esac | |
cur_="${cur_#*:}" | |
lhs=0 | |
;; | |
+*) | |
pfx="+" | |
cur_="${cur_#+}" | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cmd" in | |
fetch) | |
if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then | |
__git_complete_fetch_refspecs "$remote" "$pfx" "$cur_" | |
else | |
__git_complete_refs --pfx="$pfx" --cur="$cur_" | |
fi | |
;; | |
pull|remote) | |
if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then | |
__git_complete_refs --remote="$remote" --pfx="$pfx" --cur="$cur_" | |
else | |
__git_complete_refs --pfx="$pfx" --cur="$cur_" | |
fi | |
;; | |
push) | |
if [ $lhs = 1 ]; then | |
__git_complete_refs --pfx="$pfx" --cur="$cur_" | |
else | |
__git_complete_refs --remote="$remote" --pfx="$pfx" --cur="$cur_" | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_complete_strategy () | |
{ | |
__git_compute_merge_strategies | |
case "$prev" in | |
-s|--strategy) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies" | |
return 0 | |
;; | |
-X) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategy_options" | |
return 0 | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--strategy=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies" "" "${cur##--strategy=}" | |
return 0 | |
;; | |
--strategy-option=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategy_options" "" "${cur##--strategy-option=}" | |
return 0 | |
;; | |
esac | |
return 1 | |
} | |
__git_all_commands= | |
__git_compute_all_commands () | |
{ | |
test -n "$__git_all_commands" || | |
__git_all_commands=$(__git --list-cmds=main,others,alias,nohelpers) | |
} | |
# Lists all set config variables starting with the given section prefix, | |
# with the prefix removed. | |
__git_get_config_variables () | |
{ | |
local section="$1" i IFS=$'\n' | |
for i in $(__git config --name-only --get-regexp "^$section\..*"); do | |
echo "${i#$section.}" | |
done | |
} | |
__git_pretty_aliases () | |
{ | |
__git_get_config_variables "pretty" | |
} | |
# __git_aliased_command requires 1 argument | |
__git_aliased_command () | |
{ | |
local word cmdline=$(__git config --get "alias.$1") | |
for word in $cmdline; do | |
case "$word" in | |
\!gitk|gitk) | |
echo "gitk" | |
return | |
;; | |
\!*) : shell command alias ;; | |
-*) : option ;; | |
*=*) : setting env ;; | |
git) : git itself ;; | |
\(\)) : skip parens of shell function definition ;; | |
{) : skip start of shell helper function ;; | |
:) : skip null command ;; | |
\'*) : skip opening quote after sh -c ;; | |
*) | |
echo "$word" | |
return | |
esac | |
done | |
} | |
# __git_find_on_cmdline requires 1 argument | |
__git_find_on_cmdline () | |
{ | |
local word subcommand c=1 | |
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do | |
word="${words[c]}" | |
for subcommand in $1; do | |
if [ "$subcommand" = "$word" ]; then | |
echo "$subcommand" | |
return | |
fi | |
done | |
((c++)) | |
done | |
} | |
# Echo the value of an option set on the command line or config | |
# | |
# $1: short option name | |
# $2: long option name including = | |
# $3: list of possible values | |
# $4: config string (optional) | |
# | |
# example: | |
# result="$(__git_get_option_value "-d" "--do-something=" \ | |
# "yes no" "core.doSomething")" | |
# | |
# result is then either empty (no option set) or "yes" or "no" | |
# | |
# __git_get_option_value requires 3 arguments | |
__git_get_option_value () | |
{ | |
local c short_opt long_opt val | |
local result= values config_key word | |
short_opt="$1" | |
long_opt="$2" | |
values="$3" | |
config_key="$4" | |
((c = $cword - 1)) | |
while [ $c -ge 0 ]; do | |
word="${words[c]}" | |
for val in $values; do | |
if [ "$short_opt$val" = "$word" ] || | |
[ "$long_opt$val" = "$word" ]; then | |
result="$val" | |
break 2 | |
fi | |
done | |
((c--)) | |
done | |
if [ -n "$config_key" ] && [ -z "$result" ]; then | |
result="$(__git config "$config_key")" | |
fi | |
echo "$result" | |
} | |
__git_has_doubledash () | |
{ | |
local c=1 | |
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do | |
if [ "--" = "${words[c]}" ]; then | |
return 0 | |
fi | |
((c++)) | |
done | |
return 1 | |
} | |
# Try to count non option arguments passed on the command line for the | |
# specified git command. | |
# When options are used, it is necessary to use the special -- option to | |
# tell the implementation were non option arguments begin. | |
# XXX this can not be improved, since options can appear everywhere, as | |
# an example: | |
# git mv x -n y | |
# | |
# __git_count_arguments requires 1 argument: the git command executed. | |
__git_count_arguments () | |
{ | |
local word i c=0 | |
# Skip "git" (first argument) | |
for ((i=1; i < ${#words[@]}; i++)); do | |
word="${words[i]}" | |
case "$word" in | |
--) | |
# Good; we can assume that the following are only non | |
# option arguments. | |
((c = 0)) | |
;; | |
"$1") | |
# Skip the specified git command and discard git | |
# main options | |
((c = 0)) | |
;; | |
?*) | |
((c++)) | |
;; | |
esac | |
done | |
printf "%d" $c | |
} | |
__git_whitespacelist="nowarn warn error error-all fix" | |
__git_patchformat="mbox stgit stgit-series hg mboxrd" | |
__git_am_inprogress_options="--skip --continue --resolved --abort --quit --show-current-patch" | |
_git_am () | |
{ | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
if [ -d "$__git_repo_path"/rebase-apply ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$__git_am_inprogress_options" | |
return | |
fi | |
case "$cur" in | |
--whitespace=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--patch-format=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_patchformat" "" "${cur##--patch-format=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin am "" \ | |
"$__git_am_inprogress_options" | |
return | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_apply () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--whitespace=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin apply | |
return | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_add () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--chmod=*) | |
__gitcomp "+x -x" "" "${cur##--chmod=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin add | |
return | |
esac | |
local complete_opt="--others --modified --directory --no-empty-directory" | |
if test -n "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "-u --update")" | |
then | |
complete_opt="--modified" | |
fi | |
__git_complete_index_file "$complete_opt" | |
} | |
_git_archive () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--format=*) | |
__gitcomp "$(git archive --list)" "" "${cur##--format=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--remote=*) | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "" "${cur##--remote=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin archive "--format= --list --verbose --prefix= --worktree-attributes" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_file | |
} | |
_git_bisect () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
local subcommands="start bad good skip reset visualize replay log run" | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" | |
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
if [ -f "$__git_repo_path"/BISECT_START ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands" | |
else | |
__gitcomp "replay start" | |
fi | |
return | |
fi | |
case "$subcommand" in | |
bad|good|reset|skip|start) | |
__git_complete_refs | |
;; | |
*) | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_ref_fieldlist="refname objecttype objectsize objectname upstream push HEAD symref" | |
_git_branch () | |
{ | |
local i c=1 only_local_ref="n" has_r="n" | |
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do | |
i="${words[c]}" | |
case "$i" in | |
-d|--delete|-m|--move) only_local_ref="y" ;; | |
-r|--remotes) has_r="y" ;; | |
esac | |
((c++)) | |
done | |
case "$cur" in | |
--set-upstream-to=*) | |
__git_complete_refs --cur="${cur##--set-upstream-to=}" | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin branch | |
;; | |
*) | |
if [ $only_local_ref = "y" -a $has_r = "n" ]; then | |
__gitcomp_direct "$(__git_heads "" "$cur" " ")" | |
else | |
__git_complete_refs | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_bundle () | |
{ | |
local cmd="${words[2]}" | |
case "$cword" in | |
2) | |
__gitcomp "create list-heads verify unbundle" | |
;; | |
3) | |
# looking for a file | |
;; | |
*) | |
case "$cmd" in | |
create) | |
__git_complete_revlist | |
;; | |
esac | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_checkout () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--conflict=*) | |
__gitcomp "diff3 merge" "" "${cur##--conflict=}" | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin checkout | |
;; | |
*) | |
# check if --track, --no-track, or --no-guess was specified | |
# if so, disable DWIM mode | |
local flags="--track --no-track --no-guess" track_opt="--track" | |
[ -n "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$flags")" ]; then | |
track_opt='' | |
fi | |
__git_complete_refs $track_opt | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_sequencer_inprogress_options="--continue --quit --abort --skip" | |
__git_cherry_pick_inprogress_options=$__git_sequencer_inprogress_options | |
_git_cherry_pick () | |
{ | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
if [ -f "$__git_repo_path"/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$__git_cherry_pick_inprogress_options" | |
return | |
fi | |
__git_complete_strategy && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin cherry-pick "" \ | |
"$__git_cherry_pick_inprogress_options" | |
;; | |
*) | |
__git_complete_refs | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_clean () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin clean | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
# XXX should we check for -x option ? | |
__git_complete_index_file "--others --directory" | |
} | |
_git_clone () | |
{ | |
case "$prev" in | |
-c|--config) | |
__git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--config=*) | |
__git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value \ | |
--cur="${cur##--config=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin clone | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_untracked_file_modes="all no normal" | |
_git_commit () | |
{ | |
case "$prev" in | |
-c|-C) | |
__git_complete_refs | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--cleanup=*) | |
__gitcomp "default scissors strip verbatim whitespace | |
" "" "${cur##--cleanup=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--reuse-message=*|--reedit-message=*|\ | |
--fixup=*|--squash=*) | |
__git_complete_refs --cur="${cur#*=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--untracked-files=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_untracked_file_modes" "" "${cur##--untracked-files=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin commit | |
return | |
esac | |
if __git rev-parse --verify --quiet HEAD >/dev/null; then | |
__git_complete_index_file "--committable" | |
else | |
# This is the first commit | |
__git_complete_index_file "--cached" | |
fi | |
} | |
_git_describe () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin describe | |
return | |
esac | |
__git_complete_refs | |
} | |
__git_diff_algorithms="myers minimal patience histogram" | |
__git_diff_submodule_formats="diff log short" | |
__git_diff_common_options="--stat --numstat --shortstat --summary | |
--patch-with-stat --name-only --name-status --color | |
--no-color --color-words --no-renames --check | |
--full-index --binary --abbrev --diff-filter= | |
--find-copies-harder --ignore-cr-at-eol | |
--text --ignore-space-at-eol --ignore-space-change | |
--ignore-all-space --ignore-blank-lines --exit-code | |
--quiet --ext-diff --no-ext-diff | |
--no-prefix --src-prefix= --dst-prefix= | |
--inter-hunk-context= | |
--patience --histogram --minimal | |
--raw --word-diff --word-diff-regex= | |
--dirstat --dirstat= --dirstat-by-file | |
--dirstat-by-file= --cumulative | |
--diff-algorithm= | |
--submodule --submodule= --ignore-submodules | |
--indent-heuristic --no-indent-heuristic | |
--textconv --no-textconv | |
" | |
_git_diff () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--diff-algorithm=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_diff_algorithms" "" "${cur##--diff-algorithm=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--submodule=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_diff_submodule_formats" "" "${cur##--submodule=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp "--cached --staged --pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex | |
--base --ours --theirs --no-index | |
$__git_diff_common_options | |
" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist_file | |
} | |
__git_mergetools_common="diffuse diffmerge ecmerge emerge kdiff3 meld opendiff | |
tkdiff vimdiff gvimdiff xxdiff araxis p4merge bc | |
codecompare smerge | |
" | |
_git_difftool () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--tool=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_mergetools_common kompare" "" "${cur##--tool=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin difftool "$__git_diff_common_options | |
--base --cached --ours --theirs | |
--pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex | |
--relative --staged | |
" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist_file | |
} | |
__git_fetch_recurse_submodules="yes on-demand no" | |
_git_fetch () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--recurse-submodules=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_fetch_recurse_submodules" "" "${cur##--recurse-submodules=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--filter=*) | |
__gitcomp "blob:none blob:limit= sparse:oid=" "" "${cur##--filter=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin fetch | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_remote_or_refspec | |
} | |
__git_format_patch_extra_options=" | |
--full-index --not --all --no-prefix --src-prefix= | |
--dst-prefix= --notes | |
" | |
_git_format_patch () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--thread=*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
deep shallow | |
" "" "${cur##--thread=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin format-patch "$__git_format_patch_extra_options" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist | |
} | |
_git_fsck () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin fsck | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_gitk () | |
{ | |
_gitk | |
} | |
# Lists matching symbol names from a tag (as in ctags) file. | |
# 1: List symbol names matching this word. | |
# 2: The tag file to list symbol names from. | |
# 3: A prefix to be added to each listed symbol name (optional). | |
# 4: A suffix to be appended to each listed symbol name (optional). | |
__git_match_ctag () { | |
awk -v pfx="${3-}" -v sfx="${4-}" " | |
/^${1//\//\\/}/ { print pfx \$1 sfx } | |
" "$2" | |
} | |
# Complete symbol names from a tag file. | |
# Usage: __git_complete_symbol [<option>]... | |
# --tags=<file>: The tag file to list symbol names from instead of the | |
# default "tags". | |
# --pfx=<prefix>: A prefix to be added to each symbol name. | |
# --cur=<word>: The current symbol name to be completed. Defaults to | |
# the current word to be completed. | |
# --sfx=<suffix>: A suffix to be appended to each symbol name instead | |
# of the default space. | |
__git_complete_symbol () { | |
local tags=tags pfx="" cur_="${cur-}" sfx=" " | |
while test $# != 0; do | |
case "$1" in | |
--tags=*) tags="${1##--tags=}" ;; | |
--pfx=*) pfx="${1##--pfx=}" ;; | |
--cur=*) cur_="${1##--cur=}" ;; | |
--sfx=*) sfx="${1##--sfx=}" ;; | |
*) return 1 ;; | |
esac | |
shift | |
done | |
if test -r "$tags"; then | |
__gitcomp_direct "$(__git_match_ctag "$cur_" "$tags" "$pfx" "$sfx")" | |
fi | |
} | |
_git_grep () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin grep | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cword,$prev" in | |
2,*|*,-*) | |
__git_complete_symbol && return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_refs | |
} | |
_git_help () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin help | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
then | |
__gitcomp "$GIT_TESTING_ALL_COMMAND_LIST $(__git --list-cmds=alias,list-guide) gitk" | |
else | |
__gitcomp "$(__git --list-cmds=main,nohelpers,alias,list-guide) gitk" | |
fi | |
} | |
_git_init () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--shared=*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
false true umask group all world everybody | |
" "" "${cur##--shared=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin init | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_ls_files () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin ls-files | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
# XXX ignore options like --modified and always suggest all cached | |
# files. | |
__git_complete_index_file "--cached" | |
} | |
_git_ls_remote () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin ls-remote | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" | |
} | |
_git_ls_tree () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin ls-tree | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_file | |
} | |
# Options that go well for log, shortlog and gitk | |
__git_log_common_options=" | |
--not --all | |
--branches --tags --remotes | |
--first-parent --merges --no-merges | |
--max-count= | |
--max-age= --since= --after= | |
--min-age= --until= --before= | |
--min-parents= --max-parents= | |
--no-min-parents --no-max-parents | |
" | |
# Options that go well for log and gitk (not shortlog) | |
__git_log_gitk_options=" | |
--dense --sparse --full-history | |
--simplify-merges --simplify-by-decoration | |
--left-right --notes --no-notes | |
" | |
# Options that go well for log and shortlog (not gitk) | |
__git_log_shortlog_options=" | |
--author= --committer= --grep= | |
--all-match --invert-grep | |
" | |
__git_log_pretty_formats="oneline short medium full fuller reference email raw format: tformat: mboxrd" | |
__git_log_date_formats="relative iso8601 iso8601-strict rfc2822 short local default raw unix format:" | |
_git_log () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
local merge="" | |
if [ -f "$__git_repo_path/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then | |
merge="--merge" | |
fi | |
case "$prev,$cur" in | |
-L,:*:*) | |
return # fall back to Bash filename completion | |
;; | |
-L,:*) | |
__git_complete_symbol --cur="${cur#:}" --sfx=":" | |
return | |
;; | |
-G,*|-S,*) | |
__git_complete_symbol | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--pretty=*|--format=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_log_pretty_formats $(__git_pretty_aliases) | |
" "" "${cur#*=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--date=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_log_date_formats" "" "${cur##--date=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--decorate=*) | |
__gitcomp "full short no" "" "${cur##--decorate=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--diff-algorithm=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_diff_algorithms" "" "${cur##--diff-algorithm=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--submodule=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_diff_submodule_formats" "" "${cur##--submodule=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--no-walk=*) | |
__gitcomp "sorted unsorted" "" "${cur##--no-walk=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
$__git_log_common_options | |
$__git_log_shortlog_options | |
$__git_log_gitk_options | |
--root --topo-order --date-order --reverse | |
--follow --full-diff | |
--abbrev-commit --no-abbrev-commit --abbrev= | |
--relative-date --date= | |
--pretty= --format= --oneline | |
--show-signature | |
--cherry-mark | |
--cherry-pick | |
--graph | |
--decorate --decorate= --no-decorate | |
--walk-reflogs | |
--no-walk --no-walk= --do-walk | |
--parents --children | |
--expand-tabs --expand-tabs= --no-expand-tabs | |
--patch | |
$merge | |
$__git_diff_common_options | |
--pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex | |
" | |
return | |
;; | |
-L:*:*) | |
return # fall back to Bash filename completion | |
;; | |
-L:*) | |
__git_complete_symbol --cur="${cur#-L:}" --sfx=":" | |
return | |
;; | |
-G*) | |
__git_complete_symbol --pfx="-G" --cur="${cur#-G}" | |
return | |
;; | |
-S*) | |
__git_complete_symbol --pfx="-S" --cur="${cur#-S}" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist | |
} | |
_git_merge () | |
{ | |
__git_complete_strategy && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin merge | |
return | |
esac | |
__git_complete_refs | |
} | |
_git_mergetool () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--tool=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_mergetools_common tortoisemerge" "" "${cur##--tool=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp "--tool= --prompt --no-prompt --gui --no-gui" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_merge_base () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin merge-base | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_refs | |
} | |
_git_mv () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin mv | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
if [ $(__git_count_arguments "mv") -gt 0 ]; then | |
# We need to show both cached and untracked files (including | |
# empty directories) since this may not be the last argument. | |
__git_complete_index_file "--cached --others --directory" | |
else | |
__git_complete_index_file "--cached" | |
fi | |
} | |
_git_notes () | |
{ | |
local subcommands='add append copy edit get-ref list merge prune remove show' | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" | |
case "$subcommand,$cur" in | |
,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin notes | |
;; | |
,*) | |
case "$prev" in | |
--ref) | |
__git_complete_refs | |
;; | |
*) | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands --ref" | |
;; | |
esac | |
;; | |
*,--reuse-message=*|*,--reedit-message=*) | |
__git_complete_refs --cur="${cur#*=}" | |
;; | |
*,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin notes_$subcommand | |
;; | |
prune,*|get-ref,*) | |
# this command does not take a ref, do not complete it | |
;; | |
*) | |
case "$prev" in | |
-m|-F) | |
;; | |
*) | |
__git_complete_refs | |
;; | |
esac | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_pull () | |
{ | |
__git_complete_strategy && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--recurse-submodules=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_fetch_recurse_submodules" "" "${cur##--recurse-submodules=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin pull | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_remote_or_refspec | |
} | |
__git_push_recurse_submodules="check on-demand only" | |
__git_complete_force_with_lease () | |
{ | |
local cur_=$1 | |
case "$cur_" in | |
--*=) | |
;; | |
*:*) | |
__git_complete_refs --cur="${cur_#*:}" | |
;; | |
*) | |
__git_complete_refs --cur="$cur_" | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_push () | |
{ | |
case "$prev" in | |
--repo) | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" | |
return | |
;; | |
--recurse-submodules) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_push_recurse_submodules" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--repo=*) | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "" "${cur##--repo=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--recurse-submodules=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_push_recurse_submodules" "" "${cur##--recurse-submodules=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--force-with-lease=*) | |
__git_complete_force_with_lease "${cur##--force-with-lease=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin push | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_remote_or_refspec | |
} | |
_git_range_diff () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
--creation-factor= --no-dual-color | |
$__git_diff_common_options | |
" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist | |
} | |
__git_rebase_inprogress_options="--continue --skip --abort --quit --show-current-patch" | |
__git_rebase_interactive_inprogress_options="$__git_rebase_inprogress_options --edit-todo" | |
_git_rebase () | |
{ | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
if [ -f "$__git_repo_path"/rebase-merge/interactive ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$__git_rebase_interactive_inprogress_options" | |
return | |
elif [ -d "$__git_repo_path"/rebase-apply ] || \ | |
[ -d "$__git_repo_path"/rebase-merge ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$__git_rebase_inprogress_options" | |
return | |
fi | |
__git_complete_strategy && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--whitespace=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_whitespacelist" "" "${cur##--whitespace=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--onto=*) | |
__git_complete_refs --cur="${cur##--onto=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin rebase "" \ | |
"$__git_rebase_interactive_inprogress_options" | |
return | |
esac | |
__git_complete_refs | |
} | |
_git_reflog () | |
{ | |
local subcommands="show delete expire" | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" | |
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands" | |
else | |
__git_complete_refs | |
fi | |
} | |
__git_send_email_confirm_options="always never auto cc compose" | |
__git_send_email_suppresscc_options="author self cc bodycc sob cccmd body all" | |
_git_send_email () | |
{ | |
case "$prev" in | |
--to|--cc|--bcc|--from) | |
__gitcomp "$(__git send-email --dump-aliases)" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--confirm=*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
$__git_send_email_confirm_options | |
" "" "${cur##--confirm=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--suppress-cc=*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
$__git_send_email_suppresscc_options | |
" "" "${cur##--suppress-cc=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--smtp-encryption=*) | |
__gitcomp "ssl tls" "" "${cur##--smtp-encryption=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--thread=*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
deep shallow | |
" "" "${cur##--thread=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--to=*|--cc=*|--bcc=*|--from=*) | |
__gitcomp "$(__git send-email --dump-aliases)" "" "${cur#--*=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin send-email "--annotate --bcc --cc --cc-cmd --chain-reply-to | |
--compose --confirm= --dry-run --envelope-sender | |
--from --identity | |
--in-reply-to --no-chain-reply-to --no-signed-off-by-cc | |
--no-suppress-from --no-thread --quiet --reply-to | |
--signed-off-by-cc --smtp-pass --smtp-server | |
--smtp-server-port --smtp-encryption= --smtp-user | |
--subject --suppress-cc= --suppress-from --thread --to | |
--validate --no-validate | |
$__git_format_patch_extra_options" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist | |
} | |
_git_stage () | |
{ | |
_git_add | |
} | |
_git_status () | |
{ | |
local complete_opt | |
local untracked_state | |
case "$cur" in | |
--ignore-submodules=*) | |
__gitcomp "none untracked dirty all" "" "${cur##--ignore-submodules=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--untracked-files=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_untracked_file_modes" "" "${cur##--untracked-files=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--column=*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
always never auto column row plain dense nodense | |
" "" "${cur##--column=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin status | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
untracked_state="$(__git_get_option_value "-u" "--untracked-files=" \ | |
"$__git_untracked_file_modes" "status.showUntrackedFiles")" | |
case "$untracked_state" in | |
no) | |
# --ignored option does not matter | |
complete_opt= | |
;; | |
all|normal|*) | |
complete_opt="--cached --directory --no-empty-directory --others" | |
if [ -n "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "--ignored")" ]; then | |
complete_opt="$complete_opt --ignored --exclude=*" | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_index_file "$complete_opt" | |
} | |
_git_switch () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--conflict=*) | |
__gitcomp "diff3 merge" "" "${cur##--conflict=}" | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin switch | |
;; | |
*) | |
# check if --track, --no-track, or --no-guess was specified | |
# if so, disable DWIM mode | |
local track_opt="--track" only_local_ref=n | |
[ -n "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "--track --no-track --no-guess")" ]; then | |
track_opt='' | |
fi | |
# explicit --guess enables DWIM mode regardless of | |
if [ -n "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "--guess")" ]; then | |
track_opt='--track' | |
fi | |
if [ -z "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "-d --detach")" ]; then | |
only_local_ref=y | |
else | |
# --guess --detach is invalid combination, no | |
# dwim will be done when --detach is specified | |
track_opt= | |
fi | |
if [ $only_local_ref = y -a -z "$track_opt" ]; then | |
__gitcomp_direct "$(__git_heads "" "$cur" " ")" | |
else | |
__git_complete_refs $track_opt | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_config_get_set_variables () | |
{ | |
local prevword word config_file= c=$cword | |
while [ $c -gt 1 ]; do | |
word="${words[c]}" | |
case "$word" in | |
--system|--global|--local|--file=*) | |
config_file="$word" | |
break | |
;; | |
-f|--file) | |
config_file="$word $prevword" | |
break | |
;; | |
esac | |
prevword=$word | |
c=$((--c)) | |
done | |
__git config $config_file --name-only --list | |
} | |
__git_config_vars= | |
__git_compute_config_vars () | |
{ | |
test -n "$__git_config_vars" || | |
__git_config_vars="$(git help --config-for-completion | sort -u)" | |
} | |
# Completes possible values of various configuration variables. | |
# | |
# Usage: __git_complete_config_variable_value [<option>]... | |
# --varname=<word>: The name of the configuration variable whose value is | |
# to be completed. Defaults to the previous word on the | |
# command line. | |
# --cur=<word>: The current value to be completed. Defaults to the current | |
# word to be completed. | |
__git_complete_config_variable_value () | |
{ | |
local varname="$prev" cur_="$cur" | |
while test $# != 0; do | |
case "$1" in | |
--varname=*) varname="${1##--varname=}" ;; | |
--cur=*) cur_="${1##--cur=}" ;; | |
*) return 1 ;; | |
esac | |
shift | |
done | |
if [ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]:-0}" -ge 4 ]; then | |
varname="${varname,,}" | |
else | |
varname="$(echo "$varname" |tr A-Z a-z)" | |
fi | |
case "$varname" in | |
branch.*.remote|branch.*.pushremote) | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
branch.*.merge) | |
__git_complete_refs --cur="$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
branch.*.rebase) | |
__gitcomp "false true merges preserve interactive" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
remote.pushdefault) | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
remote.*.fetch) | |
local remote="${varname#remote.}" | |
remote="${remote%.fetch}" | |
if [ -z "$cur_" ]; then | |
__gitcomp_nl "refs/heads/" "" "" "" | |
return | |
fi | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs_remotes "$remote")" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
remote.*.push) | |
local remote="${varname#remote.}" | |
remote="${remote%.push}" | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git for-each-ref \ | |
--format='%(refname):%(refname)' refs/heads)" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
pull.twohead|pull.octopus) | |
__git_compute_merge_strategies | |
__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
color.pager) | |
__gitcomp "false true" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
color.*.*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
normal black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white | |
bold dim ul blink reverse | |
" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
color.*) | |
__gitcomp "false true always never auto" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
diff.submodule) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_diff_submodule_formats" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
help.format) | |
__gitcomp "man info web html" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | | | |
__gitcomp "$__git_log_date_formats" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
sendemail.aliasfiletype) | |
__gitcomp "mutt mailrc pine elm gnus" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
sendemail.confirm) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_send_email_confirm_options" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
sendemail.suppresscc) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_send_email_suppresscc_options" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
sendemail.transferencoding) | |
__gitcomp "7bit 8bit quoted-printable base64" "" "$cur_" | |
return | |
;; | |
*.*) | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
# Completes configuration sections, subsections, variable names. | |
# | |
# Usage: __git_complete_config_variable_name [<option>]... | |
# --cur=<word>: The current configuration section/variable name to be | |
# completed. Defaults to the current word to be completed. | |
# --sfx=<suffix>: A suffix to be appended to each fully completed | |
# configuration variable name (but not to sections or | |
# subsections) instead of the default space. | |
__git_complete_config_variable_name () | |
{ | |
local cur_="$cur" sfx | |
while test $# != 0; do | |
case "$1" in | |
--cur=*) cur_="${1##--cur=}" ;; | |
--sfx=*) sfx="${1##--sfx=}" ;; | |
*) return 1 ;; | |
esac | |
shift | |
done | |
case "$cur_" in | |
branch.*.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_##*.}" | |
__gitcomp "remote pushRemote merge mergeOptions rebase" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
branch.*) | |
local pfx="${cur%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur#*.}" | |
__gitcomp_direct "$(__git_heads "$pfx" "$cur_" ".")" | |
__gitcomp_nl_append $'autoSetupMerge\nautoSetupRebase\n' "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
guitool.*.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_##*.}" | |
__gitcomp " | |
argPrompt cmd confirm needsFile noConsole noRescan | |
prompt revPrompt revUnmerged title | |
" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
difftool.*.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_##*.}" | |
__gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
man.*.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_##*.}" | |
__gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
mergetool.*.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_##*.}" | |
__gitcomp "cmd path trustExitCode" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
pager.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_#*.}" | |
__git_compute_all_commands | |
__gitcomp_nl "$__git_all_commands" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
remote.*.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_##*.}" | |
__gitcomp " | |
url proxy fetch push mirror skipDefaultUpdate | |
receivepack uploadpack tagOpt pushurl | |
" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
remote.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_#*.}" | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "$pfx" "$cur_" "." | |
__gitcomp_nl_append "pushDefault" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
url.*.*) | |
local pfx="${cur_%.*}." | |
cur_="${cur_##*.}" | |
__gitcomp "insteadOf pushInsteadOf" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
return | |
;; | |
*.*) | |
__git_compute_config_vars | |
__gitcomp "$__git_config_vars" "" "$cur_" "$sfx" | |
;; | |
*) | |
__git_compute_config_vars | |
__gitcomp "$(echo "$__git_config_vars" | | |
awk -F . '{ | |
sections[$1] = 1 | |
} | |
END { | |
for (s in sections) | |
print s "." | |
} | |
')" "" "$cur_" | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
# Completes '='-separated configuration sections/variable names and values | |
# for 'git -c'. | |
# | |
# Usage: __git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value [<option>]... | |
# --cur=<word>: The current configuration section/variable name/value to be | |
# completed. Defaults to the current word to be completed. | |
__git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value () | |
{ | |
local cur_="$cur" | |
while test $# != 0; do | |
case "$1" in | |
--cur=*) cur_="${1##--cur=}" ;; | |
*) return 1 ;; | |
esac | |
shift | |
done | |
case "$cur_" in | |
*=*) | |
__git_complete_config_variable_value \ | |
--varname="${cur_%%=*}" --cur="${cur_#*=}" | |
;; | |
*) | |
__git_complete_config_variable_name --cur="$cur_" --sfx='=' | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_config () | |
{ | |
case "$prev" in | |
--get|--get-all|--unset|--unset-all) | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_config_get_set_variables)" | |
return | |
;; | |
*.*) | |
__git_complete_config_variable_value | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin config | |
;; | |
*) | |
__git_complete_config_variable_name | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_remote () | |
{ | |
local subcommands=" | |
add rename remove set-head set-branches | |
get-url set-url show prune update | |
" | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" | |
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin remote | |
;; | |
*) | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands" | |
;; | |
esac | |
return | |
fi | |
case "$subcommand,$cur" in | |
add,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin remote_add | |
;; | |
add,*) | |
;; | |
set-head,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin remote_set-head | |
;; | |
set-branches,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin remote_set-branches | |
;; | |
set-head,*|set-branches,*) | |
__git_complete_remote_or_refspec | |
;; | |
update,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin remote_update | |
;; | |
update,*) | |
__gitcomp "$(__git_remotes) $(__git_get_config_variables "remotes")" | |
;; | |
set-url,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin remote_set-url | |
;; | |
get-url,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin remote_get-url | |
;; | |
prune,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin remote_prune | |
;; | |
*) | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_replace () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--format=*) | |
__gitcomp "short medium long" "" "${cur##--format=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin replace | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_refs | |
} | |
_git_rerere () | |
{ | |
local subcommands="clear forget diff remaining status gc" | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" | |
if test -z "$subcommand" | |
then | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands" | |
return | |
fi | |
} | |
_git_reset () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin reset | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_refs | |
} | |
_git_restore () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--conflict=*) | |
__gitcomp "diff3 merge" "" "${cur##--conflict=}" | |
;; | |
--source=*) | |
__git_complete_refs --cur="${cur##--source=}" | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin restore | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_revert_inprogress_options=$__git_sequencer_inprogress_options | |
_git_revert () | |
{ | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
if [ -f "$__git_repo_path"/REVERT_HEAD ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$__git_revert_inprogress_options" | |
return | |
fi | |
__git_complete_strategy && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin revert "" \ | |
"$__git_revert_inprogress_options" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_refs | |
} | |
_git_rm () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin rm | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_index_file "--cached" | |
} | |
_git_shortlog () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
$__git_log_common_options | |
$__git_log_shortlog_options | |
--numbered --summary --email | |
" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist | |
} | |
_git_show () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
case "$cur" in | |
--pretty=*|--format=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_log_pretty_formats $(__git_pretty_aliases) | |
" "" "${cur#*=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--diff-algorithm=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_diff_algorithms" "" "${cur##--diff-algorithm=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--submodule=*) | |
__gitcomp "$__git_diff_submodule_formats" "" "${cur##--submodule=}" | |
return | |
;; | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp "--pretty= --format= --abbrev-commit --no-abbrev-commit | |
--oneline --show-signature --patch | |
--expand-tabs --expand-tabs= --no-expand-tabs | |
$__git_diff_common_options | |
" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist_file | |
} | |
_git_show_branch () | |
{ | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin show-branch | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist | |
} | |
_git_stash () | |
{ | |
local save_opts='--all --keep-index --no-keep-index --quiet --patch --include-untracked' | |
local subcommands='push list show apply clear drop pop create branch' | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands save")" | |
if [ -n "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "-p")" ]; then | |
subcommand="push" | |
fi | |
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp "$save_opts" | |
;; | |
sa*) | |
if [ -z "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$save_opts")" ]; then | |
__gitcomp "save" | |
fi | |
;; | |
*) | |
if [ -z "$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$save_opts")" ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands" | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
else | |
case "$subcommand,$cur" in | |
push,--*) | |
__gitcomp "$save_opts --message" | |
;; | |
save,--*) | |
__gitcomp "$save_opts" | |
;; | |
apply,--*|pop,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--index --quiet" | |
;; | |
drop,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--quiet" | |
;; | |
list,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--name-status --oneline --patch-with-stat" | |
;; | |
show,--*|branch,--*) | |
;; | |
branch,*) | |
if [ $cword -eq 3 ]; then | |
__git_complete_refs | |
else | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git stash list \ | |
| sed -n -e 's/:.*//p')" | |
fi | |
;; | |
show,*|apply,*|drop,*|pop,*) | |
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git stash list \ | |
| sed -n -e 's/:.*//p')" | |
;; | |
*) | |
;; | |
esac | |
fi | |
} | |
_git_submodule () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
local subcommands="add status init deinit update set-branch set-url summary foreach sync absorbgitdirs" | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" | |
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp "--quiet" | |
;; | |
*) | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands" | |
;; | |
esac | |
return | |
fi | |
case "$subcommand,$cur" in | |
add,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--branch --force --name --reference --depth" | |
;; | |
status,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--cached --recursive" | |
;; | |
deinit,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--force --all" | |
;; | |
update,--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
--init --remote --no-fetch | |
--recommend-shallow --no-recommend-shallow | |
--force --rebase --merge --reference --depth --recursive --jobs | |
" | |
;; | |
set-branch,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--default --branch" | |
;; | |
summary,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--cached --files --summary-limit" | |
;; | |
foreach,--*|sync,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--recursive" | |
;; | |
*) | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_svn () | |
{ | |
local subcommands=" | |
init fetch clone rebase dcommit log find-rev | |
set-tree commit-diff info create-ignore propget | |
proplist show-ignore show-externals branch tag blame | |
migrate mkdirs reset gc | |
" | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" | |
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands" | |
else | |
local remote_opts="--username= --config-dir= --no-auth-cache" | |
local fc_opts=" | |
--follow-parent --authors-file= --repack= | |
--no-metadata --use-svm-props --use-svnsync-props | |
--log-window-size= --no-checkout --quiet | |
--repack-flags --use-log-author --localtime | |
--add-author-from | |
--recursive | |
--ignore-paths= --include-paths= $remote_opts | |
" | |
local init_opts=" | |
--template= --shared= --trunk= --tags= | |
--branches= --stdlayout --minimize-url | |
--no-metadata --use-svm-props --use-svnsync-props | |
--rewrite-root= --prefix= $remote_opts | |
" | |
local cmt_opts=" | |
--edit --rmdir --find-copies-harder --copy-similarity= | |
" | |
case "$subcommand,$cur" in | |
fetch,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--revision= --fetch-all $fc_opts" | |
;; | |
clone,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--revision= $fc_opts $init_opts" | |
;; | |
init,--*) | |
__gitcomp "$init_opts" | |
;; | |
dcommit,--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
--merge --strategy= --verbose --dry-run | |
--fetch-all --no-rebase --commit-url | |
--revision --interactive $cmt_opts $fc_opts | |
" | |
;; | |
set-tree,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--stdin $cmt_opts $fc_opts" | |
;; | |
create-ignore,--*|propget,--*|proplist,--*|show-ignore,--*|\ | |
show-externals,--*|mkdirs,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--revision=" | |
;; | |
log,--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
--limit= --revision= --verbose --incremental | |
--oneline --show-commit --non-recursive | |
--authors-file= --color | |
" | |
;; | |
rebase,--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
--merge --verbose --strategy= --local | |
--fetch-all --dry-run $fc_opts | |
" | |
;; | |
commit-diff,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--message= --file= --revision= $cmt_opts" | |
;; | |
info,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--url" | |
;; | |
branch,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--dry-run --message --tag" | |
;; | |
tag,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--dry-run --message" | |
;; | |
blame,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--git-format" | |
;; | |
migrate,--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
--config-dir= --ignore-paths= --minimize | |
--no-auth-cache --username= | |
" | |
;; | |
reset,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--revision= --parent" | |
;; | |
*) | |
;; | |
esac | |
fi | |
} | |
_git_tag () | |
{ | |
local i c=1 f=0 | |
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do | |
i="${words[c]}" | |
case "$i" in | |
-d|--delete|-v|--verify) | |
__gitcomp_direct "$(__git_tags "" "$cur" " ")" | |
return | |
;; | |
-f) | |
f=1 | |
;; | |
esac | |
((c++)) | |
done | |
case "$prev" in | |
-m|-F) | |
;; | |
-*|tag) | |
if [ $f = 1 ]; then | |
__gitcomp_direct "$(__git_tags "" "$cur" " ")" | |
fi | |
;; | |
*) | |
__git_complete_refs | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin tag | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
_git_whatchanged () | |
{ | |
_git_log | |
} | |
_git_worktree () | |
{ | |
local subcommands="add list lock move prune remove unlock" | |
local subcommand="$(__git_find_on_cmdline "$subcommands")" | |
if [ -z "$subcommand" ]; then | |
__gitcomp "$subcommands" | |
else | |
case "$subcommand,$cur" in | |
add,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin worktree_add | |
;; | |
list,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin worktree_list | |
;; | |
lock,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin worktree_lock | |
;; | |
prune,--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin worktree_prune | |
;; | |
remove,--*) | |
__gitcomp "--force" | |
;; | |
*) | |
;; | |
esac | |
fi | |
} | |
__git_complete_common () { | |
local command="$1" | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp_builtin "$command" | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_cmds_with_parseopt_helper= | |
__git_support_parseopt_helper () { | |
test -n "$__git_cmds_with_parseopt_helper" || | |
__git_cmds_with_parseopt_helper="$(__git --list-cmds=parseopt)" | |
case " $__git_cmds_with_parseopt_helper " in | |
*" $1 "*) | |
return 0 | |
;; | |
*) | |
return 1 | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__git_complete_command () { | |
local command="$1" | |
local completion_func="_git_${command//-/_}" | |
if ! declare -f $completion_func >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && | |
declare -f _completion_loader >/dev/null 2>/dev/null | |
then | |
_completion_loader "git-$command" | |
fi | |
if declare -f $completion_func >/dev/null 2>/dev/null | |
then | |
$completion_func | |
return 0 | |
elif __git_support_parseopt_helper "$command" | |
then | |
__git_complete_common "$command" | |
return 0 | |
else | |
return 1 | |
fi | |
} | |
__git_main () | |
{ | |
local i c=1 command __git_dir __git_repo_path | |
local __git_C_args C_args_count=0 | |
while [ $c -lt $cword ]; do | |
i="${words[c]}" | |
case "$i" in | |
--git-dir=*) __git_dir="${i#--git-dir=}" ;; | |
--git-dir) ((c++)) ; __git_dir="${words[c]}" ;; | |
--bare) __git_dir="." ;; | |
--help) command="help"; break ;; | |
-c|--work-tree|--namespace) ((c++)) ;; | |
-C) __git_C_args[C_args_count++]=-C | |
((c++)) | |
__git_C_args[C_args_count++]="${words[c]}" | |
;; | |
-*) ;; | |
*) command="$i"; break ;; | |
esac | |
((c++)) | |
done | |
if [ -z "$command" ]; then | |
case "$prev" in | |
--git-dir|-C|--work-tree) | |
# these need a path argument, let's fall back to | |
# Bash filename completion | |
return | |
;; | |
-c) | |
__git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value | |
return | |
;; | |
--namespace) | |
# we don't support completing these options' arguments | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) __gitcomp " | |
--paginate | |
--no-pager | |
--git-dir= | |
--bare | |
--version | |
--exec-path | |
--exec-path= | |
--html-path | |
--man-path | |
--info-path | |
--work-tree= | |
--namespace= | |
--no-replace-objects | |
--help | |
" | |
;; | |
*) | |
then | |
else | |
__gitcomp "$(__git --list-cmds=list-mainporcelain,others,nohelpers,alias,list-complete,config)" | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
return | |
fi | |
__git_complete_command "$command" && return | |
local expansion=$(__git_aliased_command "$command") | |
if [ -n "$expansion" ]; then | |
words[1]=$expansion | |
__git_complete_command "$expansion" | |
fi | |
} | |
__gitk_main () | |
{ | |
__git_has_doubledash && return | |
local __git_repo_path | |
__git_find_repo_path | |
local merge="" | |
if [ -f "$__git_repo_path/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then | |
merge="--merge" | |
fi | |
case "$cur" in | |
--*) | |
__gitcomp " | |
$__git_log_common_options | |
$__git_log_gitk_options | |
$merge | |
" | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
__git_complete_revlist | |
} | |
if [[ -n ${ZSH_VERSION-} ]] && | |
# Don't define these functions when sourced from 'git-completion.zsh', | |
# it has its own implementations. | |
[[ -z ${GIT_SOURCING_ZSH_COMPLETION-} ]]; then | |
echo "WARNING: this script is deprecated, please see git-completion.zsh" 1>&2 | |
autoload -U +X compinit && compinit | |
__gitcomp () | |
{ | |
emulate -L zsh | |
local cur_="${3-$cur}" | |
case "$cur_" in | |
--*=) | |
;; | |
*) | |
local c IFS=$' \t\n' | |
local -a array | |
for c in ${=1}; do | |
c="$c${4-}" | |
case $c in | |
--*=*|*.) ;; | |
*) c="$c " ;; | |
esac | |
array[${#array[@]}+1]="$c" | |
done | |
compset -P '*[=:]' | |
compadd -Q -S '' -p "${2-}" -a -- array && _ret=0 | |
;; | |
esac | |
} | |
__gitcomp_direct () | |
{ | |
emulate -L zsh | |
local IFS=$'\n' | |
compset -P '*[=:]' | |
compadd -Q -- ${=1} && _ret=0 | |
} | |
__gitcomp_nl () | |
{ | |
emulate -L zsh | |
local IFS=$'\n' | |
compset -P '*[=:]' | |
compadd -Q -S "${4- }" -p "${2-}" -- ${=1} && _ret=0 | |
} | |
__gitcomp_file_direct () | |
{ | |
emulate -L zsh | |
local IFS=$'\n' | |
compset -P '*[=:]' | |
compadd -f -- ${=1} && _ret=0 | |
} | |
__gitcomp_file () | |
{ | |
emulate -L zsh | |
local IFS=$'\n' | |
compset -P '*[=:]' | |
compadd -p "${2-}" -f -- ${=1} && _ret=0 | |
} | |
_git () | |
{ | |
local _ret=1 cur cword prev | |
cur=${words[CURRENT]} | |
prev=${words[CURRENT-1]} | |
let cword=CURRENT-1 | |
emulate ksh -c __${service}_main | |
let _ret && _default && _ret=0 | |
return _ret | |
} | |
compdef _git git gitk | |
return | |
fi | |
__git_func_wrap () | |
{ | |
local cur words cword prev | |
_get_comp_words_by_ref -n =: cur words cword prev | |
$1 | |
} | |
# Setup completion for certain functions defined above by setting common | |
# variables and workarounds. | |
# This is NOT a public function; use at your own risk. | |
__git_complete () | |
{ | |
local wrapper="__git_wrap${2}" | |
eval "$wrapper () { __git_func_wrap $2 ; }" | |
complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F $wrapper $1 2>/dev/null \ | |
|| complete -o default -o nospace -F $wrapper $1 | |
} | |
# wrapper for backwards compatibility | |
_git () | |
{ | |
__git_wrap__git_main | |
} | |
# wrapper for backwards compatibility | |
_gitk () | |
{ | |
__git_wrap__gitk_main | |
} | |
__git_complete git __git_main | |
__git_complete gitk __gitk_main | |
# The following are necessary only for Cygwin, and only are needed | |
# when the user has tab-completed the executable name and consequently | |
# included the '.exe' suffix. | |
# | |
if [ Cygwin = "$(uname -o 2>/dev/null)" ]; then | |
__git_complete git.exe __git_main | |
fi |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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#!/bin/sh | |
xrandr --newmode "1904x1200_50.00" 156.25 1904 2016 2216 2528 1200 1203 1213 1238 -hsync +vsync | |
xrandr --addmode DisplayPort-0 1904x1200_50.00 |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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plugins=(git emoji-clock emoji aliases docker docker-compose encode64 extract flutter git-auto-fetch laravel pip python vscode xcode zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-ssh) | |
# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. | |
export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh" | |
ZSH_THEME="apple" | |
source $ZSH/ | |
alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc" | |
#Git commands | |
alias gl='git branch | grep -ve " alpha$" | xargs git branch -D' | |
alias gvid="gource -s .06 -1280x720 --auto-skip-seconds .1 --multi-sampling --stop-at-end --key --highlight-users --hide mouse,progress --file-idle-time 0 --max-files 0 --background-colour 000000 --font-size 22 --output-ppm-stream - --output-framerate 30 | avconv -y -r 30 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -b 65536K movie.mp4" | |
#End it all | |
alias nuke='pkill -u $(whoami)' | |
alias fuck='history -c; clear' | |
alias joke='curl -s -H "Accept: text/plain"' | |
alias weather='curl -s -H "Accept: text/plain"' | |
#I just dont care, nano is simple | |
export EDITOR='nano' | |
alias n='nano' | |
alias edit='nano' | |
alias vim='nano' | |
alias vi='nano' | |
#Some web stuff | |
alias watch='watch -d -n 0.1' | |
alias art='php artisan' | |
#Flutter stuff | |
alias arch='arch -x86_64' | |
alias f='flutter' | |
alias fbi='flutter build ios --release --no-tree-shake-icons' | |
alias fba='flutter build appbundle --release --no-tree-shake-icons' | |
#Docker stuff | |
alias d='docker' | |
#alias cms='watch -d -n 0.1 docker ps -a' | |
#alias kac='docker kill $(docker ps -q)' | |
#alias rac='docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)' | |
#alias rai='docker rmi $(docker images -q)' | |
export FLUTTER_ROOT="$HOME/flutter" | |
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/flutter/bin" | |
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.pub-cache/bin" | |
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin" | |
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/MacGPG2" | |
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin" | |
# Herd injected NVM configuration | |
export NVM_DIR="/Users/zachary.claretscott/Library/Application Support/Herd/config/nvm" | |
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm | |
[[ -f "/Applications/" ]] && builtin source "/Applications/" | |
# Herd injected PHP 8.3 configuration. | |
export HERD_PHP_83_INI_SCAN_DIR="/Users/zachary.claretscott/Library/Application Support/Herd/config/php/83/" | |
# Herd injected PHP binary. | |
export PATH="/Users/zachary.claretscott/Library/Application Support/Herd/bin/":$PATH | |
# Herd injected PHP 7.4 configuration. | |
export HERD_PHP_74_INI_SCAN_DIR="/Users/zachary.claretscott/Library/Application Support/Herd/config/php/74/" |
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