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Last active August 5, 2016 17:37
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Chrome Extension Setup
child_process = require 'child_process'
# Get the Chrome Extension download path.
# A great explanation of how this works can be found here:
chromeExtensionId = 'lpcaedmchfhocbbapmcbpinfpgnhiddi'
downloadUrl = "{chromeExtensionId}%26installsource%3Dondemand%26uc"
# Download your extension through curl.
# You can choose where you want your extension to be. This path will be used later when building your driver.
child_process.exec "curl -L -v -o '/tmp/location/of/extension.crx' '#{downloadUrl}'"
# Load the Chrome extension and convert to base64 format.
# This is specific to how the node-selenium webdriver sets up its capabilities.
# Refer to for more info.
data = fs.readFileSync '/tmp/location/of/extension.crx'
encodedExtension = data.toString 'base64'
capabilities =
browserName: 'chrome'
extensions: [encodedExtension] # This needs to be a base64 String array of our extensions.
# This is the driver you can now use to power all of your tests.
@driver = new webdriver
class Extension
# In this example, we have two iframes. The one built into our extension directly,
# and the one that renders our actual content.
# We would need to jump through two frames to get to our extension code, and we
# can also jump out to interact with the main webpage.
enterInnerFrame: ->
# Enter our extension-provided iframe.
@driver.wait(webdriver.until.elementLocated(css: @selectors.extensionFrame), 5000)
@extensionFrame = @driver.findElement(css: @selectors.extensionFrame)
# Enter the iframe which hosts our actual content.
@contentFrame = @driver.findElement(css: @selectors.contentFrame)
# We can use this to jump back to our parent page. (LinkedIn, AngelList, etc.).
enterRootFrame: ->
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