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Last active April 4, 2020 22:17
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Ring laws are too weak
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import TryPureScript (DOM, h1, p, text, render)
main :: Eff (dom :: DOM) Unit
main =
render $ fold
[ h1 (text "Ring law example")
, p (text ("Inverses 1: a - a = zero: " <> show (map law1 enumerateZ3)))
, p (text ("Inverses 2: (zero - a) + a = zero: " <> show (map law2 enumerateZ3)))
, p (text ("Compatibility: a - b == a + (zero - b): " <> show (compatLaw <$> enumerateZ3 <*> enumerateZ3)))
-- Integers modulo 3
data Z3 = Zero | One | Two
derive instance eqZ3 :: Eq Z3
-- The Semiring instance is all above board
instance semiringZ3 :: Semiring Z3 where
zero = Zero
add Zero x = x
add x Zero = x
add One One = Two
add One Two = Zero
add Two One = Zero
add Two Two = One
one = One
mul Zero _ = Zero
mul _ Zero = Zero
mul One x = x
mul x One = x
mul Two Two = One
instance ringZ3 :: Ring Z3 where
-- zero minus anything gives you the additive inverse
sub Zero Zero = Zero
sub Zero One = Two
sub Zero Two = One
-- anything minus itself is zero
sub One One = Zero
sub Two Two = Zero
-- now, the laws do not constrain the remaining 4 cases at all!
-- we are free to define any nonsense operation here
sub _ _ = Zero
enumerateZ3 :: Array Z3
enumerateZ3 = [Zero, One, Two]
law1 :: Z3 -> Boolean
law1 a = a - a == zero
law2 :: Z3 -> Boolean
law2 a = (zero - a) + a == zero
compatLaw :: Z3 -> Z3 -> Boolean
compatLaw a b = a - b == a + (zero - b)
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