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Created July 12, 2011 08:24
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  • Save hdznrrd/1077604 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hdznrrd/1077604 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pounding ubuntu into working with awesome and some gnome features like panel
# pounding ubuntu into working with awesome and some gnome features like panel
gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager awesome
cd ~
rm -f ~/.xsession ~/.xinitrc
echo '#!/bin/sh' > .xinitrc
echo -e "gnome-settings-daemon &\ngnome-panel &\nnm-applet &\npidgin &\ngnome-volume-manager &\nexec awesome" >> .xinitrc
ln -s .xinitrc .xsession
echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nVersion=1.0\nType=Application\nName=Awesome\nComment=The awesome launcher!\nTryExec=awesome\nExec=awesome" > ~/.local/share/applications/awesome.desktop
sudo echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nName=Xsession\nComment=Xsession for awesome\nExec=/etc/X11/Xsession\nX-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gdm" > /usr/share/xsessions/xsession.desktop
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