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Created March 7, 2021 10:36
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#ifndef TJSON_H
#define TJSON_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef MINJSON
#define NL
#define NL "\r\n"
namespace tjson {
very poorman json formatter
* {
* {
* a:"aaaa",
* b:"cccc",
* c:1000
* },
* {
* t: [1,2,3,4]
* },
* }
struct JsonField
static std::string toString(const float& ref)
return std::to_string(ref);
static std::string toString(int ref)
return std::to_string(ref);
static std::string toString(const int& ref)
return std::to_string(ref);
static std::string toString(unsigned int ref)
return std::to_string(ref);
static std::string toString(const std::string& ref)
return std::string{"\""+ ref + "\""};
std::string K, V;
std::string full;
template<typename T>
JsonField(std::string&& k, const T& v)
K = std::string{"\"" + k + "\""};
V = JsonField::toString(v);
full = std::string{K + ":" + V};
JsonField(const JsonField& other) { this->K = other.K; this->V = other.V; this->full = other.full;}
JsonField operator=(const JsonField& other) {
this->K = other.K;
this->V = other.V;
this->full = other.full;
return *this;
operator const char*()
return full.c_str();
struct JsonBuilder
std::vector<JsonField> fields;
JsonBuilder& add(const JsonField& f)
return *this;
std::string build()
std::string ret;
size_t i=0;
ret += "{" NL;
for(i=0; i < fields.size()-1; i++)
ret += fields[i].full;
ret += fields[i++].full;
ret += NL"}";
return ret;
struct JsonSerializer
std::string arrname;
std::vector<JsonBuilder> builders;
JsonSerializer() : arrname{"{" NL "\"default\":"}{}
JsonSerializer(const std::string& arr) : arrname{"{\""+arr+"\":"} {}
void add(const JsonBuilder& bld)
std::string serialize()
std::string final;
size_t i;
final += arrname;
final += "[" NL;
for (i=0; i < builders.size()-1; i++)
final += builders[i].build();
final += ",";
final += builders[i++].build();
final += NL "]}";
return final;
} //tjson
#endif // TJSON_H
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