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Created August 20, 2013 02:32
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# Conway's Game of Life, in LiveScript
# ====================================
# Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton, published by John H Conway
# in 1970, fulfilling the design principles but greatly simplifying the
# research of von Neumann, into a hypothetical machine that could build
# copies of itself. It is a zero-player game, meaning there is no input, and
# the game will progress on its own with a 'seed', or configuration, to
# begin with.
# As a computer simulation, Life (as it will be herein abbreviated) has had
# phenomenal cultural interest across all different fields; in my usage here,
# I am implementing a familiar objective pattern for Life in different
# languages, and in as idiomatic a structure and style as I can, in that
# language.
# Each cell will have a CellState, defining whether it is alive or dead. The
# default states are added as static attributes of the class.
class CellState
(@_state) ->
@LIVE = new CellState true
@DEAD = new CellState false
# Cells are the general focus of our cellular automata, representing here a
# location where one of the automatons could be living or not (the _state).
# The state is determined each tick by the GameOfLife object itself, based
# on the rules laid out by Conway.
class Cell
@_state = CellState.DEAD
get-state: ~> @_state
set-state: (s) ~> @_state := s
# In order to abstractly identify locations in two-dimensional space while
# storing the Cells in a one-dimensional array, we use a FlatVector. FlatVectors
# have a method, to-id, which will find the iterative position of the cell.
class FlatVector
(@x, @y) ->
# A convenience method for adding two vectors, since we can't overload
# operators in JS/LS.
plus: (v) ~> new FlatVector @x + v.x, @y + v.y
# The key convenience method that makes the FlatVector a FlatVector; by
# finding the area of the rectangle from (0, 0) to (width, y) and then
# adding x, we can determine its position if each row were run together,
# end-to-end.
to-id: (w) ~>
| y < 1 => x
| otherwise => w * (y - 1) + x
# The opposite of to-id; from-id takes an id, width and height and returns
# a new FlatVector that unwinds the formula that assembled our id.
@from-id = (i, w, h) ->
| i > (w - 1) * (h - 1) => false
| otherwise => new FlatVector (i % iw), (floor i / iw) + 1
# Our World is a simple representation of a two-dimensional space, stored
# in a one-dimensional array. The cells are handled here, and we use FlatVectors
# to convert virtual X and Y coordinates into array ids for calls to the cells.
class World
(@width, @height) ->
@_cells = []
@each (v) ->
@_cells[] = new Cell
# A convenience operator for our World, which will iterate over the world in
# a virtual two dimensions.
each: -> (callback, endline-callback) ~>
for y from 0 til @width
for x from 0 til @height
callback new Vector x, y
get-cell-state: (v) ~> @_cells[].get-state!
set-cell-state: (v, s) ~> @_cells[].set-state s
# Returns an array of FlatVectors, each pointing to one of the eight neighboring
# cells to the one provided. This is used for quickly filtering and counting
# neighbors, for the Life rules (below).
get-neighbors: (v) ~>
# Each of these coordinates corresponds with a relative direction in two
# dimensions, in the order:
# NW, N, NE, W, E, SW, S, SE
n = []
each [[-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1]] (k) ->
n.push FlatVector k.0, k.1)
return n
# Returns the number of living neighbors surrounding a given cell at FlatVector
# v, for the purpose of determining a cell's next state.
get-num-living-neighbors: (v) ~>
length filter (n) -> @_cells.get-cell-state == CellState.LIVE, @get-neighbors
# This is where everything begins to come together. Once we have our component
# parts lined up and ready, we can assemble them together in our GameOfLife object.
# GameOfLife holds the World, which holds the Cells, and provides a tick() method,
# which will step the simulation forward one run.
# The rules which Life follows are very simple:
# 1. Any cell with fewer than two neighbors dies, as if caused by underpopulation.
# 2. Any cell with more than three neighbors dies, as if caused by overpopulation.
# 3. Any cell with two or three neighbors lives on to the next generation.
# 4. Any dead cell with exactly 3 living neighbors comes to live in the next generation.
class GameOfLife
(@world) ->
tick: ->
nw = new World @world.width!, @world.height!
@world.each (v) ->
nw.set-cell-state v, switch @world.get-num-living-neighbors v
| 3 => CellState.LIVE
| 2 => @world.get-cell-state v
| _ => CellState.DEAD
@world := nw
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