There are two versions, one is for dark letters on a bright background, the other one for bright letters on a dark background.
The bright on dark version looks better, so go for that one if you can :)
Dark letters on a bright background
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Bright letters on a dark background
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I used to generate the ASCII art, but I also spent more than two hours changing the picture until I got some decent results.
A few things I learned along the way:
- Enhance the contrast
- Retrace and widen lines that you want to show up in the ASCII version
- Remove any borders or boring bits on the sides to get the maximum level of detail out of your 80 columns
- Invert the colours to get a version for dark text on a bright background
- Change colours to enhance the contrast even more, when necessary. In my case the flames didn't stand out against the walls, so I painted the bright yellow flames black.
- If you are using picascii: Their algorithm doesn't seem to take the aspect ratio of letters into account, so the generated ASCII art is stretched vertically. Compensate that by scaling down the height of your image. The exact value depends on the used font, but I ended up scaling the height to about 60% of its original value.