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Last active April 15, 2021 00:20
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Find invalid sample metadata in Azure SDK samples' markdowns
param (
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Path', Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[string[]] $Path,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='LiteralPath', Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[string[]] $LiteralPath,
[switch] $AllowParentProducts,
[switch] $PassThru,
[switch] $Force
process {
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Path') {
$LiteralPath = Resolve-Path $Path
foreach ($p in $LiteralPath) {
$file = Get-Item -LiteralPath $p
if (!$Force -and @('.md', '.markdown') -notcontains $file.Extension) {
Write-Verbose "Skipping $($file.FullName): does not appear to be a valid markdown file"
[string[]] $content = $file | Get-Content
if (!$content -or !$content[0].StartsWith('---')) {
Write-Verbose "Skipping $($file.FullName): does not contain frontmatter"
Write-Verbose "Checking $($file.FullName)"
# Reset metadata and create mutable collections.
$products = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
$i = 1
do {
[string] $line = $content[$i++]
if ($line.StartsWith('---')) {
# For each interesting section, set $current to a [list[string]].
if ($line -match '^\s*products:') {
$current = $products
$has_current = $true
elseif ($has_current -and $line -match '^\s*-\s+([\w-]+)') {
elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) {
$current = $null
$has_current = $false
} while ($i -lt $content.Length)
$has_errors = $false
$invalidProducts = @()
foreach ($product in $products) {
if ($productSlugs -notcontains $product) {
$has_errors = $true
$invalidProducts += $product
Write-Error "File '$($file.FullName)' contains invalid product slug: $product" -TargetObject $file `
-Category InvalidData -CategoryTargetName $product -CategoryTargetType string `
-RecommendedAction 'Use only product slugs listed at'
if ($has_errors) {
if ($PassThru) {
$file | Add-Member -PassThru -Type NoteProperty -Name InvalidProducts -Value $invalidProducts `
| Add-Member -PassThru -Type PropertySet -Name SampleMetadata -Value @('InvalidProducts')
$script_has_errors = $true
end {
if ($script_has_errors) {
exit 1
begin {
$productSlugs = @(
if ($AllowParentProducts) {
$productSlugs += @(
Checks sample markdown files' frontmatter for invalid information.
Given a collection of markdown files, their frontmatter - if present - is checked for invalid information, including:
Invalid product slugs, i.e. those not listed in
Specifies the path to an item to search. Wildcards are permitted.
.PARAMETER LiteralPath
Specifies the path to an item to search. Wildcards are not permitted.
.PARAMETER AllowParentProducts
Allow parent product slugs, like "azure" for "azure-key-vault".
By default, any invalid information is written to the $Error stream. Pass -PassThru to also return file items with error information attached.
Ignore file type validation.
Get-ChildItem sdk -Filter *.md -Recurse | Test-SampleMetadata.ps1 -AllowParentProducts
Searches all markdown (*.md) files under an "sdk" subdirectory for invalid frontmatter.
Test-SampleMetadata.ps1 sample\ -PassThru | Select-Object FullName, SampleMetadata
Shows sample metadata parsed and attached to the specified file object.
Get-ChildItem sdk -Filter *.sample -Recurse | Test-SampleMetadata.ps1 -Force
Searches for all .sample files and ignores file type validation within the script, which may lead to extraneous errors.
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