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Last active November 14, 2023 20:07
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Tips and other useful commands for the Azure CLI

Some useful commands for the Azure CLI. Also check out JMESPath specifications for other functions you can use.


Get the principal OID for a given client ID in a tenant:

# add `--output tsv` to get the raw value without quotes
az ad sp show --id $id --query objectId

Get the user OID for a given user in a tenant:

# upn is typically your corporate email address
# add `--output tsv` to get the raw value without quotes:
az ad user show --id $upn --query id


To view information about a single provider namespace like "Microsoft.KeyVault":

az provider show --namespace Microsoft.KeyVault

To view display names of locations of a particular resource provider liked "Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs":

az provider show --namespace Microsoft.KeyVault --query 'sort(resourceTypes[?resourceType==`managedHSMs`].locations[])'

To view resource provider namespaces and their resource types they define:

az provider list --query 'sort_by(@, &namespace)[*].{"namespace": namespace, "resourceTypes": sort(resourceTypes[].resourceType)}'

Provider locations

Combined with PowerShell, you can get the location name required by ARM templates based on the display name shown above:

$hsmLocations = az provider show --namespace Microsoft.KeyVault --query 'sort(resourceTypes[?resourceType==`managedHSMs`].locations[])' | ConvertFrom-Json
$locations = az account list-locations --query 'sort_by(@, &name)[].{name: name, displayName: displayName, geographyGroup: metadata.geographyGroup}' | ConvertFrom-Json | Group-Object displayName -AsHashTable -AsString
$locations[$hsmLocations].name | ConvertTo-Json


To view a list of role definitions matching a partial name e.g., "Key Vault":

az role definition list --query '[?contains(@.roleName, `Key Vault`)] | sort_by(@, &roleName)'
az role definition list --query '[?contains(@.roleName, `Key Vault`)] | [].{roleName: roleName, name: name} | sort_by(@, &roleName)' -o table


To view a list of abbreviated resource information sorted by changedTime:

az resource list --resource-type Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults --query 'sort_by(@, &changedTime)[].{name: name, location: location, changedTime: changedTime, resourceGroup: resourceGroup}'

To view soft-deleted Managed HSMs in the default subscription:

az keyvault list-deleted --resource-type hsm --query '[].{name: name, location: properties.location, deleted: properties.deletionDate}'

To view provisioned Managed HSMs in the default subscription:

az keyvault list --resource-type hsm --query '[].{name: name, resourceGroup: resourceGroup, location: location, created: systemData.createdAt}'

Key Vault

...and Managed HSM.

To purge a soft-delete Key Vault or Managed HSM (the latter still costs money in a deleted state):

az keyvault purge --name $keyVaultName
az keyvault purge --hsm-name $hsmName


To view an abbreviated list of locations:

az account list-locations --query 'sort_by(@, &name)[].{name: name, displayName: displayName, geographyGroup: metadata.geographyGroup}' -o table

To view information for a single location by its displayName returned in provider information:

az account list-locations --query '[?displayName==`West US`] | [0]'

To view the subscription ID and name of subscriptions matching a particular prefix:

az account list --query '[?starts_with(name, `Azure SDK`)] | [].{name: name, id: id} | sort_by(@, &name)'

You can also format the output as a table using either the default columns or your own:

az account list --query 'sort_by(@, &name)' -o table
az account list --query '[].{name: name, id: id} | sort_by(@, &name)' -o tsv | column -ts $'\t'


To list domain suffixes for Key Vault and Managed HSMs across clouds:

az cloud list --query '[].{name:name,keyvaultDns:suffixes.keyvaultDns,mhsmDns:suffixes.mhsmDns}' -o table
az cloud list --query '[].{name:name,suffixes:suffixes.{keyvaultDns:keyvaultDns,mhsmDns:mhsmDns}}'


Combined with PowerShell, you can get schedules for related service pipelines:

[int[]] $ids = az pipelines list --org -p internal --name *cognitivelanguage* --query '[].id' | ConvertFrom-Json
$ids += az pipelines list --org -p internal --name *textanalytics* --query '[].id' | ConvertFrom-Json

$pipelines = @()
foreach ($id in $ids) {
  $pipelines += az pipelines show --org -p internal --id $id --query '{name: name, schedules: triggers[].schedules[].{startHours: startHours, startMinutes: startMinutes}} | {name: name, hours: schedules[0].startHours, minutes: schedules[0].startMinutes}' | ConvertFrom-Json

$pipelines | sort hours, minutes | select name, @{l='time'; e={"{0}:{1}" -f $_.hours, $_.minutes}}
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