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Created April 30, 2015 00:12
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Repo Conversions
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]
[int[]] $Changelist,
[ValidateScript({-not ($_.GetEnumerator() | where { $_.Name -isnot [string] -or $_.Value -isnot [string] })})]
[hashtable] $User,
[string] $Root = $PWD
if (-not (test-path -pathtype 'Container' $Root))
write-error "'$Root' is not a valid root directory." -category 'ObjectNotFound'
# Check for and report all missing required commands
foreach ($cmd in 'tf', 'git')
if (-not (get-command $cmd -ea 'SilentlyContinue'))
write-error "Could not find command '$cmd' in `$env:PATH" -category 'ObjectNotFound'
if (-not $?)
if (-not $Changelist)
$message = "Querying for changelists under '$Root'"
$regex = '^(\d+)'
if ($User)
$message = $message + " for $($User.Keys -join ', ')"
$regex = $regex + "\s+($($User.Keys -join '|'))"
write-verbose $message
$Changelist = tf hist /noprompt /sort:ascending /recursive "$Root" | select-string $regex | foreach {
[int] $_.Matches.Groups[1].Captures[0].Value
foreach ($c in $Changelist)
$regex = "^(?<changelist>\d+)\s+(?<username>$($User.Keys -join '|'))\s+(?<date>[\d\/]+)\s+(?<comment>.*)"
write-verbose "Querying information for changelist $c"
$hist = tf hist /noprompt /recursive "/version:C$c" /stopafter:1 "$Root" | select-string $regex | foreach {
new-object PSObject -property @{
'Changelist' = [int]($_.Matches.Captures[0].Groups['changelist'].Value);
'Username' = [string]($_.Matches.Captures[0].Groups['username'].Value);
'Date' = [datetime]($_.Matches.Captures[0].Groups['date'].Value);
'Comment' = [string]($_.Matches.Captures[0].Groups['comment'].Value);
if (-not $hist.Comment)
$hist.Comment = "(No comment provided)"
$username = $hist.Username
$date = $hist.Date.ToString("d")
write-verbose "Checking out changelist $($hist.Changelist) by '$username' on $($date): $($hist.Comment)"
tf get "$Root" "/version:C$c" /overwrite /force /r /noprompt
$date = $hist.Date.ToString("u")
write-verbose "Commiting changes in changelist $c to Git repository"
git add "$Root" -A
git commit -am"$($hist.Comment)" --author "$username <$($User[$username])>" --date "$date"
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