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Last active January 25, 2018 15:48
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$ docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/app dockerizedphp/churn run core/modules/migrate_drupal_ui/src/ core/modules/migrate_drupal/src/ core/modules/migrate/src/
___ _ _ __ __ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____
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( (__ ) _ ( )(__)( ) / ) ((___))___/ ) _ ( )___/
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| File | Times Changed | Complexity | Score |
| core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/id_map/Sql.php | 36 | 66 | 0.667 |
| core/modules/migrate_drupal_ui/src/Form/MigrateUpgradeForm.php | 45 | 42 | 0.6 |
| core/modules/migrate/src/MigrateExecutable.php | 54 | 36 | 0.545 |
| core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/source/SourcePluginBase.php | 36 | 41 | 0.495 |
| core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/source/SqlBase.php | 37 | 39 | 0.484 |
| core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/Migration.php | 30 | 37 | 0.375 |
| core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/destination/EntityContentBase.php | 26 | 28 | 0.225 |
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